new poems

Maria2394 said:
State Street Bridge, by Cordelia

i loved this one, and theres also a bridge by that name where I live and its a beautiful old bridge leading into Columbia,SC

Wow....thanks, Maria.

I was wondering why I was suddenly getting so much feedback about this poem.

I should really check the boards more often.

Thanks to all!!

Re: I Fear So Too!

Rybka said:
If it doesn't happen on Saturday then it will triple up on Sunday! (What is the record for number of poems reviewed in one sitting?) - I may get doused, but at least I can't drown! :)
Not too bad itr seems. 20-something poems, half of them dated on the 28:th. Maybe you and Angel can do a joint venture today?

One thing struck me as odd though. Either there's a glitch in the matrix, or Tammy Cant have resumbitted Eve's Decolletage poem as her own with a few minor changes. Any explanation?

I'm off to find me some winter boots, will do the new poultry round later,
Au revoir.

I submitted an edit of that poem and Laurel should be fixing the problem soon.
WickedEve said:
I submitted an edit of that poem and Laurel should be fixing the problem soon.
Oh goody. I didn't think that miss (mrs?) Cant, talented in her own right, would actually rip off anyone's work. But then again, stranger things have happened. Let's just hope that she doesn't get too confused by the feedback.

"Dear Tammy,
I love your decolletage."

Tammy did receive feedback and was kind enough to forward it to me. I'm glad that my poem was, at least, read under Tammy's name if not under mine. :)
Yes, that Tammy is talented. Some pretty good stuff she's offering today.
A day late, but not a penny short...

Here are a few of my favorites from today's new poem posts (and yesterday's, which showed up a day late--but Angeline ain't no shirker :))--

After the Fall by Tammy Cant, who inexplicably fell into Wicked Eve's cleavage (some have all the luck, eh?), but seems to have escaped.


Runnels. Look. Isn't that gorgeous? RazzRajen wrote it. Go read the whole thing.

Not only,
those blue skies but
those ravening nights,
those silent scatterings
of my minds,
like peaches for penguins,
Like the release of my own fires
Burning, leaping, smoldering,
Consume All that lies before


jthserra? I think you need to change your user name to Prometheus. What *can't* you write? A Fall (Vilanelle) is lovely, and I like your Ennui even better, which reads with all the langor and ambiguity of the word itself. :)

Faint greens harden to verdant gloom
a depth and strength, vascular pitch
the colors blossom, autumn blooms

destinie has to share her pick of the day :) with for beauty by 2rivers because it is indeed swoon lovely.

flutes, hand drums and whistlers
follow her skirts
as she moves not
stepping but swanlike
to the wharf and her single
gift of ten fingered adore,
his bow is pert and lingers
her curtsy signals an hour
of gaze, full embrace

I'll let Rybka do his piscene thing with the other poems, but I do want to say two words:
steve porter. Wow! (ok. 3.) :rose:

P.S. Does anyone else here find it fascinating that Linbido's Milk was right over Tammy Cant's Over Coffee? Think it's being served with a little Icingsugar? :D
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Re: A day late, but not a penny short...

Angeline said:
Runnels. Look. Isn't that gorgeous? RazzRajen wrote it. Go read the whole thing.

Not only,
those blue skies but
those ravening nights,
those silent scatterings
of my minds,
like peaches for penguins,
Like the release of my own fires
Burning, leaping, smoldering,
Consume All that lies before
All I'm going to say is that here's a poet who knows how to use fire and burning in a poem. :)

I need to go read jthserra's poem now that you've tempted me with a peek, Ang.
Angeline said:
look razz. eve just called you a disco inferno. sort of. :D
Disco inferno could be the next title for our same title challenge. I'm picturing a blazing discotheque with John Travolta zombies boogying through the flames.
Disco inferno could be the next title for our same title challenge. I'm picturing a blazing discotheque with John Travolta zombies boogying through the flames.

I doubt there is anyone on the planet who hates disco more than me (no offense Razz, you I like alot :)), but you post the challenge and I'll sign up. so will The_Fool; he's dying to write a disco sestina--I just know it. heehee.....oh yeah and darkmaas--he'll sign up. this is his payback for the Lachrimae Challenge.
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Angeline said:
look razz. eve just called you a disco inferno. sort of. :D

Gee guys That blush will need major coverup soon otherwise rudolph may be out of a job.

a burning ghat is more what I would liken it too but that may be too morbid for some.

So disco inferno it is to be then? Someone post and lets have at it.

Thanks WE and Angeline for your kind words and the time you take to review....Yes its hard but we who post appreciate all the ones who review. < at least someone reads our work :p >

New Poems on 11/29/03

Rybka here; filling in for the multi-talented Lauren.Hynde who will return the favor next weekend. I hope I can do justice for her day. :)
My reviews for today and tomorrow may be a little late in the day, and a tad on the acerbic side. So take fair warning. I am fighting a flu that makes it difficult to concentrate on even enjoyable tasks for more than brief periods of time.

There are 17 new submissions for Saturday, and 10 left over from Friday. Angeline has done Friday, and even if she was denied an editor's choice "E" on Thursday for her wonderful Giving Thanks. It has earned its reader's choice "Hot" H. If you have not read this example of what a poem can be,Stop right now. Go read it, and give it the "5" and the feedback it merits. Angeline will surely win at least the monthly contest with this one!

Two from Friday that I would call attention to are on the lake by mojo_cat and for beauty by 2rivers . I mention the former because there has been a lot of interest recently in "prose poems", and I would consider this an example. The second work is a joint effort by two of our regulars. It is interesting, but (IMHO) they have yet to fully blend their styles into a homogenized one.

For today, Saturday the 29th, Tammy Cant starts us off with Dear Julia A nice little piece that may be more complex than the smooth surface. Tammy also shows two others that she wrote, but this one is my favorite. :)

A Girl in a Skirt by amicus is a quaint illustrated poem. I am somewhat concerned by the apparent youthfulness of the image.

Instead of a Danish we get Sweedish (sic) summer love from Icingsugar with July Menage just before Linbedo pours Milk Over Coffee.

Up next is steve porter. He starts with this is the art of love just to warm us up, then jumps up and down on us with both feet with the birth of rock and roll (part 5), my choice of the day. :rose: I have been waiting for one of the "parts" to make an appearance on a day I review. Thank you Lauren for going away! :) If you haven't read this history of American music from the beginning, click on steve porter and catch up. Remember to drop "5s" off along the way. Hey, you wanna see some good prose poetry? Go read this prosetry series!
it takes a world war to integrate our society
(and we still refuse to share our water fountains)
but anyone in america who is interested is free
to take a sip from the now simmering stew
overflowing with a flavor you can savor
its the fifties baby and its a teenage thing
and they step right up and they begin to eat
and they come away with a new common beat
its raw and ready like rhythm and blues
puts a smile on your face and spreads like the news.
I am not a big fan of "erotic" poetry as it usually appears on Literotica. I find it generally hackneyed and boring, full of unneeded explicitly graphic street words. the voice in my ear by cigartradercc, a poet brand new to Literotica, shows us how a subject mined to bedrock can still offer a nugget to a skilled prospector in yet another prose poem.
the voice in my ear, rumbling low like a freight train heading straight through my soul.
the timbre of it like the growl of a lion after the kill, sleep in the high heat, savage and sated. deep round octaves rippling like dark midnight velvet on skin, like a tongue swirling round my ears, sliding down my throat.
words brushing collarbone, nipples, belly; cool blue lightning flicking, teasing with each word you utter.
Our sugary friend now offers Another Pickup Line to his Sweedy. Iceingsugar has written:
excuse me...

Can I borrow
for a while...

Well, you.

Yes, borrow you,
with that
glowing seraph smile.

With your
sparkle-dancer voice
and glacier eyes,
Antarctic green.

Can I borrow
for a while

your ears,

and tell you
what I've seen.

I've seen how...
precious in measures,
you bend space
around your presence,
you bend time
around your voice
and bend my will
around your essence.

Concrete budges,
steel bars snap,
all for you.

Within your sight,
city scapes and biospheres
lean closer,
savoring the light.

Care to change my world forever?
It's so easy, just a hack.

Let me borrow you a minute...

and forget
to give you back.
Finally, jthserra writes a poem describing my day and health at the moment. Well done my friend. :)

The drift of fog, so dense
bridge towers strangely disappear
into a dense, pervading gray

breath is liquid, lungs bubble
as light becomes cotton candy
almost sweet to taste.

Distant horns announce themselves
their sound muffled in mittens
held tight to chilly ears

and pillowed voices, like whispers
float past in bubble bath, the words
slow, opaque orbs float silently away.

A tide of air washes ashore
claiming land in its gentle surge
all it touches surrenders to cloud

darkness glows: an odd halogen yellow
ink fades to diffusion, a rolling wet
morning's gloaming still so far away.

Windshields weep droplets of sky
as wipers chatter, eyes suddenly blink
and the hard chair aches again

a clock on the wall, the second hand
dripping in syrupy banks of time
as minutes slowly fog in surrender.

That does it for today for me, more tomorrow.

As always, please go and read the rest of today's new postings on the New Poems page. I may have
overlooked a poem that you will really like. Remember to vote and send feedback. Our poets need support.

Regards,                 Rybka
Re: New Poems on 11/29/03

Rybka said:
For today, Saturday the 29th, Tammy Cant starts us off with Dear Julia A nice little piece that may be more complex than the smooth surface. Tammy also shows two others that she wrote, but this one is my favorite. :)
Only complex enough to be about wishing the end to someone's suffering.
Thank you, Rybka.
Thank you for the mentions, both from angelic and aquatic connieseurs of today's new offers. It never cease to amaze me that people find my rather mundane compositions worthy of mention alongside other more powerful word wrestlers' elaborate efforts. Boost my ego you do.

Lin says hi too (and thanks for all the yapping about bovine udder juice), and asks me to set the record straight on one thing: She be no Sweedish Sweedy. That's right, folks. I'm mating a bloody foreginer. :)

all the best,
Angeline has done Friday, and even if she was denied an editor's choice "E" on Thursday for her wonderful Giving Thanks. It has earned its reader's choice "Hot" H. If you have not read this example of what a poem can be,Stop right now. Go read it, and give it the "5" and the feedback it merits. Angeline will surely win at least the monthly contest with this one!

Thank you Rybka.
:rose: :rose: :rose:

Lots of inspiration round here lately. :) Ice, are you feeling sheepish? Are ewe?
fish person

"The second work is a joint effort by two of our regulars. It is interesting, but (IMHO) they have yet to fully blend their styles into a homogenized one."

what does this mean?
it is not a work of any person besides me.
Please, i would like to meet the other person involved in my small poem
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Angeline said:
Lots of inspiration round here lately. :) Ice, are you feeling sheepish? Are ewe?
I thought I said 'don't ask'

Sheepish? Naah, it's just in honor of a thread in the currently mutton-obsessed AH. Check it out for a :rolleyes:
Re: fish person

2rivers said:
"The second work is a joint effort by two of our regulars. It is interesting, but (IMHO) they have yet to fully blend their styles into a homogenized one."

what does this mean?
it is not a work of any person besides me.
Please, i would like to meet the other person involved in my small poem
Sorry 2rivers, from some of your previous writing I had drawn the conclusion that you were two of our regular poets working in collaboration. Namely SmithPeter, who likes to write under different names, and maybe Wicked Eve, with whom he has written before (I think). If you are not SP then to be mistaken for him is a compliment. If you are him then this was not one of your best efforts. :p :rose:

Regards, Rybka
New Poems on 11/30/03

There are 25 new submissions on this Sunday, and I bring one "spinner" as always.

For today's Goldie I present, after at least a dozen spins, a poem from June of 2001; Looking by Emmah

I like the way it reads and wonder if Bobby Lavin grew up to be Bobby MaGee?

When I was seven I met Bobby Lavin who said to me,
“Emmy is this all a dream”?
Many years went by and I had to know why
I had to find out
What did he mean?

Looking for the answer I went to a dancer
A lithe leggy lady with little to say
She leapt and she floated, she held air and rode it
And when she descended said,
“This is my way”

I went on seeking from Rumford to Nanking
Learning a little and liking a lot
One called it duty, one cold cash, one beauty
One said, its stew
And we’re all in the pot

In the East Indies I met with some Hindis
Who smiled a sly smile for all of their day
One called all illusion and said, “Its delusion
seeing this life’s conclusion
as the end of this play”.

I’d make me a name in this wild crazy game
If I had a last line like the end of a poem
Until I get to heaven or meet Bobby Lavin
I’ll be on the way
Until I get home
Emmah has only submited two poems to Lit. so you might as well read the second one while you are at it: Hide and Seek
It’s just a game she likes to play
The I you see gets in the way
We’ll only find her when we stop
the search that keeps us looking up
And then we’ll own the secret kept
Why Buddha laughed
And Jesus wept

O.K.., It must be this flu and the pills I am taking. I have read all the new poems posted today and there are gifts from many familiar poets such as Maria2394, steve porter, Iceingsugar, jthserra, RazzRajen, and destinie21, as well as several newer contributors. However nothing today that I have read makes me want to choose it above the rest and praise it. The only exception to this is Pissing On The Rejection Slip by our current star in residence, denis hale.
Such terrible frost
clinging to the unforgiving
astro turf bristles

and I fall back in the fabled
punter's stance

blowing breath puffs
on a stinging
prayer clasp

while yet another
Get Smart pneumatic door
slams shut in my face.

Consolation fortune cookie crusts
flung from the peanut gallery
rain down on my whistling
red tea kettle ears
and they spell out
something like:

"This shows promise,
especially the part where
you pull the Dingleberry Special
sweat sock plug

from your wiggling, puckered ass
and wave it like a greasy fairy
gauntlet glove!"

Suddenly though, I can
so clearly see
a golden evocation

and pouring forth

from my cold obsidian plateau
it arcs and splatters
onto your witches' tit pitons
crosshatched down the
luminous crevasse.

There is of course
a certain awesome satisfaction
in the tympani echo it makes--

cold comfort drops
plinking and plinking in some
pristine puddle right there
at the cervix of the abyss,

the sound
picking up a strange
self-contained momentum
on its boomerang back to me

becoming something
else entirely
than the sentiment
you were in fact
shooting for--

quite different,
I'm certain actually,
from anything
you could ever

As always, please go and read the rest of today's new postings on the New Poems page. I am almost certain that today I have overlooked a poem that you will really like. Remember to vote and send feedback. Our poets need support.

Regards,                 Rybka
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Re: Re: fish person

Rybka said:
Sorry 2rivers, from some of your previous writing I had drawn the conclusion that you were two of our regular poets working in collaboration. Namely SmithPeter, who likes to write under different names, and maybe Wicked Eve, with whom he has written before (I think). If you are not SP then to be mistaken for him is a compliment. If you are him then this was not one of your best efforts. :p :rose:

Regards, Rybka
sp and I have some poems under another name but not 2rivers. And who is 2rivers? lol I think we're all sp on the board. Wicked Eve may just be another one of his names.
Voting a 5 is like me having sex... it just doesn't happen. But it happened today with Emmah's Looking I love it- it moved my soul a bit and touched off a spark. Thank you Emmah.
Edited to apologize... yes- I liked Looking very much... but as I always do before voting, I read all or some of the authors other works first.

But it's

Hide And Seek that moved me to vote a 5

My apologies...
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BooMerengue said:
Voting a 5 is like me having sex... it just doesn't happen. But it happened today with Emmah's Looking I love it- it moved my soul a bit and touched off a spark. Thank you Emmah.
Thankyou, Rybka and Boo for pointing this out. I too found it worthy. This is a wonderful poem Emmah.
Musing not Ranting

I love to select a pick of the day when I do reviews--and it's all subjective anyhow--but sometimes I feel like I'm handing out report cards in this thread, lol, which makes me a leetle umcomfortable.

I was thinking about it today--there's reason to think about it-- and that's very good because the reason comes from there being lots of poetic type talent here of late.

I love Denis' poem--he's a flashy writer; to me his poems glitter, and yes they are brilliant in every sense of the word.

But then I loved that oxalis poem--it's a different kind of wonderful--feels like jazz to me, with beauty in the improvisational tone and the spaces between ideas.

And destinie's poem Too Pretty is so good. So thoughtful and powerful.

Anyway read them also, read them all--like Rybka says, it's one opinion and there's such good poetry here now to suit everyone's taste.

:) :rose:

P.S. I am not smithpeter or Wicked Eve, but I may be darkmaas on occasion. :D
Thanks for the mention Rybkka and Angelinie, also I advise everyone to go through the poems on their own, the writers deserve as much FB as they can get.