New York, New Jersey & California Got Them Blue State Blues As Florida Flourishes

It’s amusing how the left wingers here are not commenting on the substance of this thread, which is about the consequences of reckless spending, excessive taxation, and over-reliance on collecting taxes from a tiny portion of wealthiest taxpayers. Their grievances are about the messenger for drawing attention to the problems progressive policy makers have created.
And another one:‘false’-election-fraud-statements.1581598/
Seems like a lot of posters engage in the behavior regardless of political persuasion.

What maddening is when you Leftists start attack thread with no links.

Classic Grievance Thread: Just the Headlines

And another one:‘false’-election-fraud-statements.1581598/

Not a single one of those is a grievance against the Right.

You tried.

And failed.

It’s amusing how the left wingers here are not commenting on the substance of this thread, which is about the consequences of reckless spending, excessive taxation, and over-reliance on collecting taxes from a tiny portion of wealthiest taxpayers. Their grievances are about the messenger for drawing attention to the problems progressive policy makers have created.
The topic has been discussed in multiple threads. It's not as if the responses will change because it's you posting instead of Reichy or AJ.

Maybe try a COVID post for your next fresh topic. It's been a day or two since we've had another of those.
It’s amusing how the left wingers here are not commenting on the substance of this thread, which is about the consequences of reckless spending, excessive taxation, and over-reliance on collecting taxes from a tiny portion of wealthiest taxpayers. Their grievances are about the messenger for drawing attention to the problems progressive policy makers have created.
It's an opinion piece in the opinion section of the WSJ. It's the same ole same ole call for Reagan trickle down, supply side, voodoo economics. whatever the name of the hour is. We are tired of debunking it, but we did, yet again, just last month in pointing out how the Trump tax cuts to the wealthiest of the wealthy added almost 8 trill to the deficit.
VV? Didja see what I did there?
I snuck in a Hunter Biden joke for ya!
Muah! I gots love for you.
It’s amusing how the left wingers here are not commenting on the substance of this thread, which is about the consequences of reckless spending, excessive taxation, and over-reliance on collecting taxes from a tiny portion of wealthiest taxpayers. Their grievances are about the messenger for drawing attention to the problems progressive policy makers have created.
No, it’s just amazing that you celebrate the attacks on Disney but Disney is the reason Florida is even considered a legitimate state.

Keep celebrating that corporate tax money keeping the state going, and the largest share comes from???

Look, actual content. Who knew.
No, it’s just amazing that you celebrate the attacks on Disney but Disney is the reason Florida is even considered a legitimate state.

Keep celebrating that corporate tax money keeping the state going, and the largest share comes from???

Look, actual content. Who knew.
This thread has nothing to do with Disney. Its about irresponsible progressive fiscal polices at the state level. Understandably, the left wingers and moderator wannabe here don’t want that subject discussed.
This thread has nothing to do with Disney. Its about irresponsible progressive fiscal polices at the state level. Understandably, the left wingers and moderator wannabe here don’t want that subject discussed.
Corporate taxes have nothing to do with Disney? Hmmm so you are saying Florida doesn’t want any of the money that Disney pays in taxes?

Cowboy Ron has been saying they will pair their fair share, but they already are clearly.

And now look who doesn’t want to talk about content-as it doesn’t support your “own the libs” perspective.

State level irresponsible policies, don’t have to go far from Florida to see that. Burn those books!
No, it’s just amazing that you celebrate the attacks on Disney but Disney is the reason Florida is even considered a legitimate state.

Keep celebrating that corporate tax money keeping the state going, and the largest share comes from???

Look, actual content. Who knew.
I strongly disagree with you.
Corporations are people!
Republicans are consistent in trying to restrict Disney's rights as a person to produce anymore woke and inclusive movies.
I don't disagree with you.
Enjoy Florida while it lasts. This could be the last year to get a mortgage or find insurance.
I strongly disagree with you.
Corporations are people!
Republicans are consistent in trying to restrict Disney's rights as a person to produce anymore woke and inclusive movies.
I don't disagree with you.
Freedom of speech is only good if it is the speech those on the right condone.
This thread has nothing to do with Disney. Its about irresponsible progressive fiscal polices at the state level. Understandably, the left wingers and moderator wannabe here don’t want that subject discussed.
Bible Belt red states have had free and clear run of never ending republican leadership for decades. Not one! From Mississippi to the Carolinas has ever established the fiscal responsibility utopia they lie and promise each and every year to their voters. NOT A ONE!
They are welfare queens and takers. If I were to buy into the premise of this article you posted, then folks in Alabama really should be concerned that the Gavin Newsome economic failure that is California is about to crash thus greatly hindering their federal government handout.
Corporate taxes have nothing to do with Disney? Hmmm so you are saying Florida doesn’t want any of the money that Disney pays in taxes?

Cowboy Ron has been saying they will pair their fair share, but they already are clearly.

And now look who doesn’t want to talk about content-as it doesn’t support your “own the libs” perspective.

State level irresponsible policies, don’t have to go far from Florida to see that. Burn those books!
I suggest you try reading the OP. It’s about the differences in fiscal health between states with high taxes and looming deficits (NY, NJ, CA) and a state (FL) with low taxes and a budget surplus. No mention of Disney. I understand why left wingers prefer to avoid discussion on that.
I suggest you try reading the OP. It’s about the differences in fiscal health between states with high taxes and looming deficits (NY, NJ, CA) and a state (FL) with low taxes and a budget surplus. No mention of Disney. I understand why left wingers prefer to avoid discussion on that.
And how does Florida have such a robust economy… the mouse. Guessing you were never shown how to read between the lines in school. You have a Florida education I’m guessing, cut out all the things that a group doesn’t think important.