New York, New Jersey & California Got Them Blue State Blues As Florida Flourishes

Are you saying the state governments of NY, NJ, and CA have lower taxes and are in better fiscal shape than FL?
Especially fun as in these progressive states you are excited to point out the top earners are finally paying their share of tax income.

But again, yes Florida is able to ride that mouse! Oh wait, Ron has turned to antagonizing business over freedom of speech issues. Freedoms only good when you agree with them eh?

Look at all that owning you are doing!
Especially fun as in these progressive states you are excited to point out the top earners are finally paying their share of tax income.

But again, yes Florida is able to ride that mouse! Oh wait, Ron has turned to antagonizing business over freedom of speech issues. Freedoms only good when you agree with them eh?

Look at all that owning you are doing!
Many of them have left those high tax states and are now paying taxes in Florida and other states with better governance. Over-dependence on a proportionately small, concentrated base of taxpayers has consequences. This is illustrated by California’s current swing from a $90 million + surplus to a $37 million + (and still growing) deficit in one year.
Many of them have left those high tax states and are now paying taxes in Florida and other states with better governance. Over-dependence on a proportionately small, concentrated base of taxpayers has consequences. This is illustrated by California’s current swing from a $90 million + surplus to a $37 million + (and still growing) deficit in one year.
And the fact that you dealing in 10s of millions in comparison to the total Cali budget just shows, on the order of scale, how much you don’t get this.

We aren’t talking about such a big distinction for California.

Now on an order of scale, it has more of an impact on Florida since their budget is significantly smaller than California.

But you got this one, own it dude. You go!
Drought and decline of international trade are the bigger issues that will mostly depopulate and defund the west coast states. They will be part of the new rust belt. But they will mostly stay above sea level while Florida disappears.
Many of them have left those high tax states and are now paying taxes in Florida and other states with better governance. Over-dependence on a proportionately small, concentrated base of taxpayers has consequences. This is illustrated by California’s current swing from a $90 million + surplus to a $37 million + (and still growing) deficit in one year.
And when climate change bites? People will want to be in areas where it's cooler, where there's less chance of hurricanes, floods, tornados, drought, wildfires and the likes. Florida is the worst state of all to be when it comes to climate change. But hey, no state income tax there, as if that's better than anything. It also means less state funds for serious problems! They'll expect federal funds then.
Many of them have left those high tax states and are now paying taxes in Florida and other states with better governance. Over-dependence on a proportionately small, concentrated base of taxpayers has consequences. This is illustrated by California’s current swing from a $90 million + surplus to a $37 million + (and still growing) deficit in one year.
Better governance??? Based on what?