New York, New Jersey & California Got Them Blue State Blues As Florida Flourishes

I mean I and others could do this all day, but why? Most of your posts are douchy crap and it's much more fun to call you an ass wipe for making fun of Fetterman. That's the lane I unapologetically occupy.
I suggest you try reading the OP. It’s about the differences in fiscal health between states with high taxes and looming deficits (NY, NJ, CA) and a state (FL) with low taxes and a budget surplus. No mention of Disney. I understand why left wingers prefer to avoid discussion on that.
Let us know when Florida pays back FEMA for Hurricane Ian.
And how does Florida have such a robust economy… the mouse. Guessing you were never shown how to read between the lines in school. You have a Florida education I’m guessing, cut out all the things that a group doesn’t think important.
Nobody said Disney isn’t an important contributor to Florida’s economy as are thousands of other businesses. Disney also contribute to California’s economy. All states rely on a mix of major employers and small businesses. Fiscally responsible states spend tax receipts wisely, keep taxes low, and avoid wild budget deficits fluctuations.
No, it’s just amazing that you celebrate the attacks on Disney but Disney is the reason Florida is even considered a legitimate state.

Keep celebrating that corporate tax money keeping the state going, and the largest share comes from???

Look, actual content. Who knew.
Don’t forget all that federal money to recover from hurricanes. The state couldn’t exist without that.
Nobody said Disney isn’t an important contributor to Florida’s economy as are thousands of other businesses. Disney also contribute to California’s economy. All states rely on a mix of major employers and small businesses. Fiscally responsible states spend tax receipts wisely, keep taxes low, and avoid wild budget deficits fluctuations.
Spend money on books for schools and then spend money to burn them? Seems so responsible. Bravo!
Let us know when Florida pays back FEMA for Hurricane Ian.
NY, NJ, and CA receive federal relief after hurricanes, wild fires, and other natural disasters. All states do. Are you suggesting that the differences between the fiscal health of FL in comparison to NY, NJ, and CA is due primarily to discrepancies in FEMA relief funds?
NY, NJ, and CA receive federal relief after hurricanes, wild fires, and other natural disasters. All states do. Are you suggesting that the differences between the fiscal health of FL in comparison to NY, NJ, and CA is due primarily to discrepancies in FEMA relief funds?

Florida’s budget surplus last year was $21.8 billion, which was a record. FEMA has given Florida $6.9 billion in relief for Ian, which was also a record. Guess which record DeSantis never mentions.

Florida’s budget surplus last year was $21.8 billion, which was a record. FEMA has given Florida $6.9 billion in relief for Ian, which was also a record. Guess which record DeSantis never mentions.
What is your point? That Florida’s record $21.6 billion surplus is due to $6.9 billion FEMA relief for Hurricane Ian?

So I looked up the links you posted.
Do you mind if I try to break it down?

Mind you... I'm not a lawyer. Nor am I a mathematician or even any good at mathmetizin'.

103 million was given to California in 2020.
Newsome’s budget surplus was for the year ending 2022. Because, like I said, I ain’t dat edumacated, I rounded up 97 billion to 100 and lowered 103 million to 100. Googling the intrawebs told me that 100m is 10% of 100 billion. I dunno how that would break down spread out over 2 years. I’ll leave that up to a lawyer to deduce.

those Blue State Blues, meng....I tells ya

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DeSantis should be able, willing and proud to return that FEMA money.
Why? Do residents of other states that receive FEMA relief for fires, floods, and hurricanes return the money? And are you suggesting that Hurricane Ian relief funds explain why NY, NJ, and CA are facing fiscal disasters and FL is not?
To improve his primary chances.
Lol. It certainly would not solve the fiscal blues in NY, NJ, or CA. Doubt it would help the governor in his presidential primary campaign either, even if it was his money to give back.
What is your point? That Florida’s record $21.6 billion surplus is due to $6.9 billion FEMA relief for Hurricane Ian?
Oh look the idiot who doesn't understand budget deficits and surpluses trying to use that information...*chuckles*
Oh look the idiot who doesn't understand budget deficits and surpluses trying to use that information...*chuckles*
He just wants to “own the libs” and gets so confused when his premise doesn’t work.

Just like Jim Jordan tweeting the FBI could be coming after us. Of course they will Jim, when you steal classified information, breaking the law, law enforcement will show up,

Poor confused right wingers who can’t see paste their hatred to realize their argument doesn’t do what they thought it did. I’m sure there is a 12 step program out there for you. First step is to always acknowledge there is a problem- but doubtful the OP will ever get there.
He just wants to “own the libs” and gets so confused when his premise doesn’t work.

Just like Jim Jordan tweeting the FBI could be coming after us. Of course they will Jim, when you steal classified information, breaking the law, law enforcement will show up,

Poor confused right wingers who can’t see paste their hatred to realize their argument doesn’t do what they thought it did. I’m sure there is a 12 step program out there for you. First step is to always acknowledge there is a problem- but doubtful the OP will ever get there.
Are you saying the state governments of NY, NJ, and CA have lower taxes and are in better fiscal shape than FL?
Are you saying the state governments of NY, NJ, and CA have lower taxes and are in better fiscal shape than FL?
Yep, that's all you think about...taxes. High taxes equal bad. Low taxes equal good. That is you in a nut shell.

PS don't use an annual budget to describe the fiscal state of any economy.
He just wants to “own the libs” and gets so confused when his premise doesn’t work.

Just like Jim Jordan tweeting the FBI could be coming after us. Of course they will Jim, when you steal classified information, breaking the law, law enforcement will show up,

Poor confused right wingers who can’t see paste their hatred to realize their argument doesn’t do what they thought it did. I’m sure there is a 12 step program out there for you. First step is to always acknowledge there is a problem- but doubtful the OP will ever get there.
Yes owning the libs is a big part of his life!!
This thread has nothing to do with Disney. Its about irresponsible progressive fiscal polices at the state level. Understandably, the left wingers and moderator wannabe here don’t want that subject discussed.
They almost always deflect from their failed fiscal policies or change the subject, when that doesn’t work it usually reverts back to Orange man bad.
Yep, that's all you think about...taxes. High taxes equal bad. Low taxes equal good. That is you in a nut shell.

PS don't use an annual budget to describe the fiscal state of any economy.
Yes, most taxpayers prefer low taxes to high taxes. State budget deficits reflect the fiscal health of state governments. State governments that run large deficits have to cut spending or raise taxes or both. It’s especially problematic for states that already have taxes.
Yes, most taxpayers prefer low taxes to high taxes. State budget deficits reflect the fiscal health of state governments. State governments that run large deficits have to cut spending or raise taxes or both. It’s especially problematic for states that already have taxes.
What most people prefer, and what is actually beneficial to most people is not always understood by the "people". Think about that carefully, you're one of the "people" who doesn't understand.