Newbie query... Nick and pen name issue


LMAO Helen Waite.
I already met her when I was trying to fix a log in problem here and she's a painfully slow bitch, ain't she though?

Helen Waite. Gotta remember that gal. :D
Ashore again

Just to say I have returned again to dry land after this last three weeks spell of work.

I hope you are all well? I have survived everyone else having colds, or at least so far. :)


Welcome back to dry land.



EK 2003,

I've had many "up-close and personal" meetings with Ms Helen.

Bad times

I am around just having bad times. Father died far away so life is a bit tricky at the moment. I hope to get some pics up soon, maybe of the falls, maybe of here in Scotland.


Sorry to hear that news.

I wish you strength in the days ahead.

Thanks Wills

I took wine last night and wept and feel the better for letting some of the pressure out. We were never that close but all the same... there it is, ones father is ones father and stuff the apos here for once.

You're doing the right thing. Time is the healer.

Get back with us soon.

Shen, I tried sending a PM but your box is full. I merely want to offer my condolences and heartfelt good will. I'm a late orphan but even at my age it is hard not having a parent in the world.

Take care of yourself foremost. Drink and eat well. Fuck well too. Laugh, dance, walk. Stay in touch.

que te vaya bien,

Perdita :rose: :heart: :rose:
Thank you

I have emptied my box and I will try to do as you suggest. I cannot fuck at the momet due to the Atlantic being in the way, and that is for sure a bucket of cold water. However I am getting wonderful support from my love over there and January is not os far away now when we reunite again.
The wehhl of life turns and that is what I must accept. I have worked with enough living creatures to know full well it is so but to accept ones own mortality is hard.



Who has a very fancy new digital camrea now and is desperately trying to work out how it works.......
This is driving me nuts as I cannot find in Digital Image Pro the bytes of the picture hence that rather silly looking image above which ahs lost its impact totally.
Happy New Year

That was the slowest three weeks of my life so far. Yawn.

However the wheel has revolved and it is now in the past and onwards to Canada.

I hope your festivities were fun and happy. I had wind. Not that kind the fierce kind of which I will post a pic when I can get it small enough. New Years day was 80 miles per hour or so. Great fun for one and all.

I haven't got time to read this whole thread right now, so I may be providing an answer that's already appeared, but here goes anyway. Yes it is possible to change your nick. I did it recently for much the same reason as Angus. I thought I'd do it myself, just by registering under a new name and reposting my work, then deleting the old account. It didn't work. In the end the Literotica webmaster had to intervene and complete the switch from my nickname GaryBob2 to my real name. I was informed that it can be done, but it is not encouraged because it requires extra work by the Literotica staff. In my case I think they did it for me because I had asked for my real name when I first registered and didn't get it, plus I already had the change half way done so either way it was going to require some of the webmaster's time to fix my account. So the advice is this: yes, it can be done but I would suggest you contact the webmaster first explaining what you want to do and why. Hope that helps and good luck.