Non Poetry Posts from the Suddenly Thread

Re: Kisses

neonurotic said:
A kiss in the night
from the past
dark and lovely

But not from me

A knee jerk reaction
is unthinking--
she loves me
loves me not

Pain doesn't echo

I'm a man
my cries are silent

My fault, as I
was too arrogant
and very unaware

Not now or again
because I hold on
a little harder

Maybe kisses meant
for me
will remain
for me

I liked the blowjob, really who doesn't like a good blowjob ;), but this one I loved. :rose:

I'm a man
my cries are silent

Quite touching, Neo.
Re: have at it!!

fawnie said:
Treasures Still Waiting
For far too long
minutes felt like hours
days felt like years
life moved by without as much as a tingle..
without a song in my soul.

Then you waltz into my life..
subtle as a gentle breeze
calming my fears
soothing the restlessness of my guarded heart

without any warning
you tear open my core
like a howling tornado

I wasn't looking for you
you weren't looking for me
fate rarely speaks our intentions

To capture the essense of your beautiful soul
with just one word
mezmorizing is all I need say.
I didn't want to look away
or hide from your tender touch
as the hands of your soul trailed over my being

I don't want to deny
the desire still rising
to be the one
that brings you down from your tower
in your dark painful hour

I'll say it again
as my soul surrenders her will
my heart can give
what you're craving the most

The demons that haunt
forever might be
but less is the pain
as the kisses touch down
from my longing soul
to let your heart heal
in the care of another..

For this heart knows too well
the torture you feel
the fear that imprisons
such a beautiful soul
and knows how to love you,baby,enough
in all the right ways
to light up your senses
and make your heart tingle
with knowledge so deep
that despite how things seem
you deserve nothing less
then what you yourself give.
let me know what you think i can do to improve it, ty! xo

Just giving you a *BUMP*! I won't even pretend to be able to try to improve upon it. I'm more of a reader. :D I will say, though, that I adore this phrase:

without any warning
you tear open my core
like a howling tornado

Gawd, I'm annoyingly lovey-dovey this evening aren't I? :rolleyes:
Re: Re: have at it!!

minsue said:
Just giving you a *BUMP*! I won't even pretend to be able to try to improve upon it. I'm more of a reader. :D I will say, though, that I adore this phrase:

without any warning
you tear open my core
like a howling tornado

Gawd, I'm annoyingly lovey-dovey this evening aren't I? :rolleyes:
oh god, does this mean i'm annoying all the time?
or that i should be a bitch more often to be enjoyable company?
Re: Re: Re: have at it!!

fawnie said:
oh god, does this mean i'm annoying all the time?
or that i should be a bitch more often to be enjoyable company?

I don't know you well enough for "more often?!?" jokes, right? :D

(Aaah, I feel better now. Others don't annoy me when they're nice, but damn I get on my nerves!)
Re: Re: Re: Re: have at it!!

minsue said:
I don't know you well enough for "more often?!?" jokes, right? :D

(Aaah, I feel better now. Others don't annoy me when they're nice, but damn I get on my nerves!)
women can be bitches..period..but its not my norm..
well ask me something and you can maybe find out more..hmmm..wanna play truth or dare?? lol
Re: words.......

tarablackwood22 said:
your city is red,
your women in black wraps.
angry man,
hell-fury in the streets.

the land smokes,
where are the butterflies?

air heavy,
a child screams.

tears of mothers.

bodies of men stink in ditches,
kneed wives pine.

the tiny young,
those that remain,
cower in corners
like beaten pets,
wave violent arms
at gray air.

the aftermath,
of tongues
and terrible toys.

what words now
for the dust?

pin your eyes open,
a sinner’s penance.


a rose at the grave of Michael
Hot Blood

Watching you work out your poems on the threads is fascinating, Tara. I love that you share it with us!

Tathagata said:
hidden desires
bubble up
sticky as tar
covered up
with social graces
and restraining aprons

but basking
in midnight solitude
you cover yourself
with sin
abandonment of control
and your body arches
to receive
taboo invasions

panting and shamed
you crawl off to sleep
collared and watched

dreams come
on sharpened heels
that puncture the shell
of normalcy

This makes me yearn.

Maria2394 said:
written in sand

my name and yours
always and forever tucked
neatly to the side , in sand

jagged seashells
edges scratching, etching,
bivalve over mollusk, hard shells shatter
with constant tumble
pull and smash,
hello shore,
you look familiar,
soothing, smoothing
here I am intruding-
inscribing words like we and us
and plural you and often
when you speak for me,
I can mean both of us too

seashore stranded
beneath a gibbous moon

Pretty words! Thanks for letting us look.

Syn :kiss:
Re: Re: Kisses

minsue said:
I liked the blowjob, really who doesn't like a good blowjob ;), but this one I loved. :rose:

I'm a man
my cries are silent

Quite touching, Neo.
:rose: Thank you
Re: Re: Re: words.......

tarablackwood22 said:
:heart: Thank you, Min.
Doing them piece by piece works for me........sometimes! :)

a rose at the grave of Michael
Hot Blood
i wish i could do this better..i always seem to lose the flow if i have to quit and go back to a's easier most times to just start over
i prob have 1000 unfinished poems..maybe i have "issues" lol
i can relate!

Liar said:
early morning poetry
is easy to jot
but can be
just like me
not so easy
to follow the dot
dancing from notion to notion
magic potion - sunscreen lotion
an evaporating plot
poetic blind spot
i mean a little
but jot a lot
an insomniac poet's devotion
i like the way this flows..and understand it's meaning all too well.:kiss: :kiss:
Re: even now (redraft).....

tarablackwood22 said:
that you come to me
even now,
shows we need no trial.

we are past mistletoes,
beyond yardsticks
and clocks.

masters of measure,
tyrants of time.

we fuse again
like lightning, flash
of fury past,
fuck electric.

days bend,
becomes tomorrow.

we wrestle in beds,
in the grass,
hang our heads in weakness
shoulders like pillows,
souls split wide.

we lay as we did.
yet untouched
by the mad march
of moments.

the years have not wrinkled.

death in a Sullivan St. alley
a rose at the grave of Michael
Hot Blood

"souls split wide"

very nice

"mad march of moments"

even better
; )
Re: Re: even now.....

Tathagata said:
but for a touch
if it is her

my lips ressurrect memories
sensory imprints
of kisses beneath
dripping stone archways

a different dress
corseted and powdered
but the eyes hold
the same moonlight smiles

So I watch my past
hypnotic hair
cat crouch hips
ripe apple smile

eyes flash
and that strange feeling will last
for many days

feeling inspired? must be the djinni!! ;)

death in a Sullivan St. alley
a rose at the grave of Michael
Hot Blood
Last edited:
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: even now.....

tarablackwood22 said:
......mine are better! :devil:

good morning Mississippi...or is it Florida?:confused:

death in a Sullivan St. alley
a rose at the grave of Michael
Hot Blood
let me see, i'll be the judge..:devil:
well i'm in mississippi for 2 more days..then minnesota for 4-6 visit my friend with cancer..then we settle in florida..and the 1st thing i get to do is take my kid to disneyworld..then i get to unpack..grrrrr
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: even now.....

fawnie said:
let me see, i'll be the judge..:devil:
well i'm in mississippi for 2 more days..then minnesota for 4-6 visit my friend with cancer..then we settle in florida..and the 1st thing i get to do is take my kid to disneyworld..then i get to unpack..grrrrr
oh and i wouldn't reccomend you visiting mississippi..not everrrr
all thats here is rednecks and dumbass ignorant rednecks:rolleyes: ..i should wait til im moved to say that i