Non Poetry Posts from the Suddenly Thread

echoes_s said:
isn't it though, feels more like the ice age coming here...:rolleyes:

dsl provider on strike, losing posts left, right, and center like crazy, extended delays in posting, forgetting to save before I post so I have no back up, lack of sleep, lack of coffee...sighs

and no sun! :eek:

going back to bed me thinks ;)

morning Tara :rose:

....nighty, night......sleep well, sweet one. :rose:

It will be warmer when you wake. :kiss:

death in a Sullivan St. alley

Hot Blood
Randi Grail said:


A loving but sinfully lewd hug,
for a girl with a wistful mood bug.

No number-dumber machines remain
a threat to the flow, if you trust your brain

to make rhyme out of random, joy out of jitter,
see through all the nuance, carve granite to glitter.


Boy.....if you aren't a wonderful new addition here, then I've never seen one!!!! :rose:

death in a Sullivan St. alley

Hot Blood
Vampiric_Mirage said:
A slightly belated welcome to Literotica Randi Grail! I just discovered your poetry today & honestly, it is amazingly poignant. Great to see another excellent writer join the community! :rose:

Forever a virgin
most words stick in my throat
inspiration fleeting at best
mental masturbation
that only I understand.
Silent to a fault
I remain half hidden in shadows
absorbing the essence of others.
A Holy Grail appears
shimmering on the horizon
inspiration abounds
the world expands
My silence is broken
if only for a heartbeat...

My Stories & Poems

Randi Grail said:


A loving but sinfully lewd hug,
for a girl with a wistful mood bug.

No number-dumber machines remain
a threat to the flow, if you trust your brain

to make rhyme out of random, joy out of jitter,
see through all the nuance, carve granite to glitter.


:heart: :kiss:
Re: Dreams.....

tarablackwood22 said:

dreams dwell everywhere
and always,
in wombs
and deathbeds,
and all those spaces
in between.

they have faces,
the eyes of a child,
the snarl of Satan,
leak red with sanctity
and evil,
the blood of the cross
and the double-cross.

they are harmonic seeds
that sprout with liquid,
propel action
with their harsh demands,
whose realities
may or may not be

they are those joys
that happen in light,
in the tender warmth
of sunbeams,
in the glint
of my lover’s glance,
in the shine
of the smiles and laughter
of my progeny.

they are icy,
midnight demons
who crawl through windows,
strap my limbs
to bedposts,
kiss against protest
and have their way,
lick me clean
and rape me,
then melt
for the sun.

seeds without water
stay seeds.
unsprung, they
are never seen
and never see.

the thirsty wither
without water,
to dust.

my hand
at the pitcher.

death in a Sullivan St. alley

Hot Blood

you put this together from the 10 words things and other sources?
it's fuckin amazing
and that last stanza brings it all home
man you are good chicago!!

Re: Dreams.....

tarablackwood22 said:

dreams dwell everywhere
and always,
in wombs
and deathbeds,
and all those spaces
in between.

they have faces,
the eyes of a child,
the snarl of Satan,
leak red with sanctity
and evil,
the blood of the cross
and the double-cross.

they are harmonic seeds
that sprout with liquid,
propel action
with their harsh demands,
whose realities
may or may not be

they are those joys
that happen in light,
in the tender warmth
of sunbeams,
in the glint
of my lover’s glance,
in the shine
of the smiles and laughter
of my progeny.

they are icy,
midnight demons
who crawl through windows,
strap my limbs
to bedposts,
kiss against protest
and have their way,
lick me clean
and rape me,
then melt
for the sun.

seeds without water
stay seeds.
unsprung, they
are never seen
and never see.

the thirsty wither
without water,
to dust.

my hand
at the pitcher.

death in a Sullivan St. alley

Hot Blood

your really are an amazing writer..this is incredibly shocking..
oh but i need to try this and see what
wow tara..bravo!:kiss:
silence is deafening..grrrr

you all have shown your ability to be honest..somebody comment on the bloody thing before i think it was written with invisible ink..
thanks lol :rolleyes: :D :kiss:
Re: silence is deafening..grrrr

fawnie said:
you all have shown your ability to be honest..somebody comment on the bloody thing before i think it was written with invisible ink..
thanks lol :rolleyes: :D :kiss:

there are some great lines in there
and great stanzas
but all strung together it's just a little disjointed

dont stick to exactly what you wrote
weave in and out
make a few changes here and there so it seems like it was all written at once
see where the next stanza leads and alter the one after to fit it

I know
what a pain in the as

there no time limit you can work on ut forever and keep submitting the upsate and you'll get more advice

and i think the reason no one commented is the time you posted
this isnt exactly a night owls board

:rose: :kiss:
fawnie said:
To seek in vain
what is to be
for fate replies
then she denies
with lies she mystifies,
while hope still tries,
in anguished disillusionment,
she cries, then only sighs.

thanks for the imput..the rest will have to wait til i've had some
i'll just chuck it in with a 1000 others unfinished and maybe change my ways..and finish it:rolleyes:

you're welcome just remember
you can always go back and fix it
Liar said:
one day I will
paint a third eye
on my forehead
and see
if I see
the world
through the eyes
looking back at me

one day I will
to the streets
just to hear
marble and cement
to make a child
and make a grey heart
in a clean suit
and expensive tie noose

one day I will
write a poem
for real

:heart: :heart: This is magical!

the old Peterson place
Liar said:
one day I will
paint a third eye
on my forehead
and see
if I see
the world
through the eyes
looking back at me

one day I will
to the streets
just to hear
marble and cement
to make a child
and make a grey heart
in a clean suit
and expensive tie noose

one day I will
write a poem
for real

I think this one qualifies!

I'll sing with you Liar. la la la la!
Re: Beyond Oceans

fawnie said:

Far beyond sandy beaches
there's a depth that's still waiting
where lovers long
to find themselves swimming.

I would ask you to come with me
and discover the treasures
that await such a journey.

For I can see in your eyes
your soul is still searching
longing for something
that gives meaning to all.

I know you're not ready
to swim quite the distance
but if you take hold of my hand
here in the beginning
we'll stay in the shallows
until you are ready.

Then discover together
the beautiful nature
of being swept up by currents
that carry us further
then any two souls
have ever dare dreamed.

..or is it dared dream??

critiques appreciated..thanks!:kiss:

This is very nice
I like it

and I think in that context it's " dared dream"
Re: Re: Beyond Oceans

Tathagata said:
This is very nice
I like it

and I think in that context it's " dared dream"
ty tath:kiss: :rose:
Re: bye bye zoloft, goodbye

Maria2394 said:
i pushed that bottle of Blue
blue blue, to the back of the cabinet
with vitamin C
its time I found out how it feels
to be me
for better or worse, Im not a rock
not a sad one and withdrawal just might
be kinda fun....


well..i'm trying to think of 1 thing that has even been fun withdrawing from..i'm
i haven't had coffee in 2 days cuz my blonde head packed the coffee pot..:rolleyes: ..i cant even manage to give up coffee..
pills are far worse!..but it's always nice to find out what life is beyond numb..:kiss:
Re: sweet and perverse

Tathagata said:
leather ice cream
frocked and defrocked
she's kneeling by the bed
and later
" Oh God..Oh God..yes fucking god"
filleted and fellated
fallen angel

mom of the year
strapped on and strapped down
begging for release
begging to worship
at the alter of disgrace
and save her soul
by proxy

one more dance
one more kiss
one more twist of the clamp
shes greased and trussed
on prancer
my vixen
my slut

valentines and vaseline
lingering kisses
spike heel obedience
take my heart
take my life
take it all bitch

bed time tea
blindfolded and forced
fall in love
fall on your knees
suck it
so sweet
and perverse

i nearly purrred..oh that says so much..u gotta know that says so much!!
most yummy..i dance so much around here..words play such sweet melodies..erotic or otherwise..:kiss: :kiss:
Re: Re: sweet and perverse

fawnie said:
i nearly purrred..oh that says so much..u gotta know that says so much!!
most yummy..i dance so much around here..words play such sweet melodies..erotic or otherwise..:kiss: :kiss:

well i'm very glad you liked it
and yes
i know it says a few things
; )
Eumenides said:
I'm a pearl white girl
Cloistered in grief
Rubbed the wrong way
Hoping no one finds me
Just to throw me back

Love that first line, actually the whole thing too lol, but that first line is a grabber. :rose: