Okay, guys, here's a thread to air your views on voting

I realize people are commenting without knowing all the facts, but I do know all the facts, and I think you should realize there was more to this than appears on the surface.

As I've said, I won't be contributing anything else here, so this is all very temporary.

I appreciate what you've said. I hope you weren't responsible for the two additional one-bombs I got last night. I suspected you were, because they immediately followed your unhappy departure from last night's discussion.

At any rate, I no longer feel welcome here. Perhaps certain comments and multiple one-bombs shouldn't bother me, but they do. I think the fact I've done some editing for some very good authors who sometimes got a hundred or more fives in a row right out of the chute on a new chapter has something to do with my surprise and negative attitude about the ones.

I think it's best for all concerned that I chalk all this up to experience and move on.

I think there shall never be
a poem scored exactly three.
Not good, not bad, stuck in the medium
No excitement, no bore, just the tedium
of perfect meter and well chosen rhyme
but drones on for too much time,
as the reader's eyes glaze and tear
starting over at the top for fear
of missing the point, knowing well
there must be something to tell.
Would a poet waste paper and pen
with meaningless words and then
leave it for us to read and review
unless in his or heart, they knew,
it was worthy and poetically sound,
knowing fours and fives would be found.
Could words be assembled and had
to read pleasingly neither good nor bad?
Could any poem so mediocre be
to rate no better or worse than a three?
Needs a little editing but100!
reminds me of Joyce Kilmer my tree surgeon
I've decided I'm going to take a break from writing, commenting, and voting, so nobody should assume anything from my lack of activity as to what I think of their poems. I'll still be reading many of them.

Enuff, I just did NPR, I need this space for all the people to thank me for not mentioning them.
I think there shall never be
a poem scored exactly three.
Not good, not bad, stuck in the medium
No excitement, no bore, just the tedium
of perfect meter and well chosen rhyme
but drones on for too much time,
as the reader's eyes glaze and tear
starting over at the top for fear
of missing the point, knowing well
there must be something to tell.
Would a poet waste paper and pen
with meaningless words and then
leave it for us to read and review
unless in his or heart, they knew,
it was worthy and poetically sound,
knowing fours and fives would be found.
Could words be assembled and had
to read pleasingly neither good nor bad?
Could any poem so mediocre be
to rate no better or worse than a three?

Looks like you took your image
and put it to practice. I appreciate both.
Okay, people

I've thought it over, and you've convinced me. I'm changing my way of voting. Fours and threes are in play from now on, maybe even twos once in a while, but I'm still not giving any of you a one.
I've thought it over, and you've convinced me. I'm changing my way of voting. Fours and threes are in play from now on, maybe even twos once in a while, but I'm still not giving any of you a one.

what matters about the voting, theo, is that you are happy that you vote true and fair. we cannot be responsible for how others vote or behave, only how we, ourselves, do.

keep writing :cool:
All Voting is subject to the reviewer bias, I had one reviewer question my facts.. and use of military terms, and it caused them to low ball a story (in my opinion) but it was his opinion and as such ...he has the right to it
what matters about the voting, theo, is that you are happy that you vote true and fair. we cannot be responsible for how others vote or behave, only how we, ourselves, do.

keep writing :cool:

Thank you, chip. I doubt I'll submit anything else here, but I changed my mind about the voting, so I might about that also. I spent several hours today reading and voting on poetry from the 100 top rated poems submitted over the last thirty days, and a lot of it was very, very good. It was a good way to spend some time while waiting for the Super Bowl.
Don't Worry
By Anonymous

At age 20 we worry about what others think of us;
At age 40 we don't care what they think of us;
At age 60 we realize that they haven't been thinking of us at all.
Reality Check
By Elizabeth Van Loan

I feel young and full of pep,
Rushing hither and yon.
Enjoying every passing day
Seldom woebegone.
Until the daily news proclaims:
"Elderly Woman Hit by Car."
And I am halted in my tracks,
My pleasant world ajar.
Forced to face reality -
That "elderly" woman is
younger than me!