One Final Rant

WickedEve said:
I'm just now paying attention to this post. Even though anna and 1201 on there now, I'm wondering why you wouldn't vote at all if anna wasn't added? I think the others names on there are worth a vote.

Oh, Evie... I didn't mean that as sour grapes... I meant it as a statement... sorta like the ol 60's protest thingys. It's in my blood. I've since seen the way it happened, and mended my ways. Sorry- I should have posted something. My bad!
Lauren Hynde said:
I talked to Laurel, and as I had thought, it was just an oversight. She already added Anna, and will add 1201 now. She didn't before because she couldn't find 1201's memberpage and nobody told her it was twelveoone. :devil:

it was twelveoone in the nomination
WickedEve said:
I'm just now paying attention to this post. Even though anna and 1201 on there now, I'm wondering why you wouldn't vote at all if anna wasn't added? I think the others names on there are worth a vote.

Sandspike, smithpeter passed away close to a year ago.

Anna is doing better than Maria and you. Besides, it looks like Lauren is going to win again, so this should put an end to all the ado over it. ;)

I got my two votes, I'm happy, twice as much as I thought I would.
I would like to say this, all of these questions could have; should have been addressed in the nomination process, this would have changed the whole flavour of the election process, as an example, Tara was nominated, yes or no decision should have been made then, if yes, than Tath, would have also nominated her, Angeline would then have had one nomination. PatCarrington was nominated, would he have been, if a second nomination came in? Multiple nominations were made, should have been addressed then, not after. In between, alot of nonsense going on, not being serious. On all lists I saw, the names where spelled even mine. Who was minding the store?

After a day (i.e.) twenty or so votes, anna and I are added. So big deal for me, I may have gotten three votes. I am sure it would have a difference for anna.
IMHO, Tarablackwood22 and annaswirls got screwed in a big way and not in a good way. I got screwed a little but I don't care. I couldn't win a popularity contest on a desert island.

Again, Tara brings this up, mention is made to put her on, nobody checks the list for other omissions, when she mentions anna, whoops another mistake, when anna mentions me whoops, yet another.

Flawed, worse than Florida

For what it is worth, both Tara and anna were primarily responsible for the Interact thread, thereforth, may have had the greatest amount of real influence on any new person trying to be serious about writing.
Lauren Hynde said:
Voting is open until March 31st.
Yes, but can you unvote, if you chose?
Another question, I assume that anyone will not be able to vote unless, they have been here previous to the vote start date?
twelveoone said:
Yes, but can you unvote, if you chose?
Another question, I assume that anyone will not be able to vote unless, they have been here previous to the vote start date?
Anyone can vote. It's the reader's choice awards. They didn't have to be registered to read. :)
curiosity and the cat

Lauren Hynde said:
Voting is open until March 31st.

Just curious: :cathappy: Is that an answer to 1201?

If so, just out of curiosity, what is the significance of this? This is all so interesting! :cathappy:

And out of curiosity, I wonder if the same issues are occuring in any other categories of the contest?

:cathappy: :cathappy: hope my curious cat has 9 lives


ps Eve: I pm'd sandspike about sp on the first day, in case he is not reading this thread anymore, he was sorry and embarassed that he made the mistake-- said he does not keep up with the boards enough to know what is going on :eek:
twelveoone said:
Yes, but can you unvote, if you chose?
Another question, I assume that anyone will not be able to vote unless, they have been here previous to the vote start date?
Lauren Hynde said:
Anyone can vote. It's the reader's choice awards. They didn't have to be registered to read. :)
Huh, I can get on anywhere and vote again as an anonmous reader; watch me now, I might get four votes.

Sorry Lauren, process A had serious flaws; process B is compounded. :nana:
twelveoone said:
you always get to be Moe,
THAT is a funny picture

I got the haircut

and 1201
just because you or anyone isn't nominated
doesn't mean you don't influence people
you can't help but be influenced by everyone here you read, even if it's to say " ahhhh I'll avoid that phrase, that's a nice description" etc etc
accolades mean nothing
It's the person who PM's you or emails you and says " I know exactly how you feel" or' Yes I know what you mean"
That connection is what we strive for.....I believe
twelveoone said:
Yes, but can you unvote, if you chose?
Another question, I assume that anyone will not be able to vote unless, they have been here previous to the vote start date?
unvote? lol Um, yes, I think you can. Just PM Laurel and tell her we now want unvoting. :D
Tathagata said:
I got the haircut

and 1201
just because you or anyone isn't nominated
doesn't mean you don't influence people
you can't help but be influenced by everyone here you read, even if it's to say " ahhhh I'll avoid that phrase, that's a nice description" etc etc
accolades mean nothing
It's the person who PM's you or emails you and says " I know exactly how you feel" or' Yes I know what you mean"
That connection is what we strive for.....I believe
Well, where is that god-damn thank you thread Eve started, with my lists, I been meanin to put up - you where on a couple. I believe both you and jd4george are the only people ever wrote things I would have written, if I had the talent.
I don't quite know what that says :rolleyes:
If I'm ever in Boston, I'll look you up, we'll talk about manly things - you know Babe Ruth.

You should be over HIM by now.
a thank you

annaswirls said:
#1. Your noticing my absense on the list and defending me, Tara means more than any award. And you do deserve to be up there as much or more (IMHO) as anyone else on the list.

#2. It was never made clear to me (until I asked) that the number of nominations decides who gets into the finals. You are right, in any setting, a nomination gets someone in. Sometimes there is the "I second that nomination") kind of thing..... but it should not be called nominations, it should be called preliminary voting, as you have pointed out. This same thing happened last year.

#3. My guess: there were too many people with 2 nominations (annaswirls-2
1201-2, smithpeter-2, liar-2, MyEroticTale-2, Angeline-2 or 1) to include in the final poll, so Laurel must have had additional criteria for cutting down the list, criteria that 1201 and I did not meet and the others did. I feel that I am in the most wonderful of company, btw)

#4. The same thing happens with the category finals, I have no idea how the finalists are selected from the 12 months of nominations. I am sure there is a system (and I am sure Lauren can explain it. :) )

#5. Changing the list (if it were an oversight which it probably wasn't) now would be pointless.

It is all about the writing of course,

but it is also nice to be noticed and recognized for your work, hard work. Not to offend anyone, but those who say that it is not nice to be noticed and appreciated are not being truthful with themselves (or some sort of superhero with infinite confidence :) which I certainly do not have) and are generally the ones that are already being noticed and appreciated.

Having said that, this thread has made me feel noticed and appreciated and I thank everyone who has said such nice things about my writing here and everywhere else.

You made my day :D

:heart: annaswirls

ps Maria, a nomination from someone you do not know might be considered the ultimate compliment :)

Yes Anna, I agree. a nom from anyone is a compliment, and I didnt know that Boo and Catastrophe had also added my name. I am grateful and touched, thanks you guys. :heart: ( and thanks to ezpeter, whoever he may be)

my poems are almost all gone now, if you "miss" something you particularly cared for, PM me and I will send it to you. Otherwise, this whole unsettling biz has done it for me, I agree with Tara, thers not a whole lot to drag me in here anymore. Too many bad feelings and I apologize if I caused any of them. Best of luck to all, love one another, dont fight and bicker, it makes you look so teeny ;)


Maria2394 said:
<snip> my poems are almost all gone now, if you "miss" something you particularly cared for, PM me and I will send it to you.
:rose: :(
twelveoone said:
Huh, I can get on anywhere and vote again as an anonmous reader; watch me now, I might get four votes.

Sorry Lauren, process A had serious flaws; process B is compounded. :nana:
I am a little relieved, certain numbers have been revised downward, no not mine, I still have the two I hoped for (no, I did not vote for myself). It shows a certain amount of policing is done, a bit of faith restored.
One of the problems, not only here, but elsewhere is a development of a fan base, an unrational attachement, driving them to do either unethical or retalitory things.
I suspect this because now and in the past, if I question something or say something
that can be taken as less than laudertory, my numbers go down, and I know for a fact in certain cases it is not the person that I said it to doing it.
Maria2394 said:
Yes Anna, I agree. a nom from anyone is a compliment, and I didnt know that Boo and Catastrophe had also added my name. I am grateful and touched, thanks you guys. :heart: ( and thanks to ezpeter, whoever he may be)

my poems are almost all gone now, if you "miss" something you particularly cared for, PM me and I will send it to you. Otherwise, this whole unsettling biz has done it for me, I agree with Tara, thers not a whole lot to drag me in here anymore. Too many bad feelings and I apologize if I caused any of them. Best of luck to all, love one another, dont fight and bicker, it makes you look so teeny ;)


I'm here for the people, not for the polls. Lists, nominations, contests, polls and awards are just fluff. They don't mean anything. The patrons on the community is what means stuff.

I'd rather see that all of the elements to this place that causes competition, like ratings, toplists and popularity awards were removed from the site than that any of it's members were to leave because of controversy over them. :rose:
Maria2394 said:
Yes Anna, I agree. a nom from anyone is a compliment, and I didnt know that Boo and Catastrophe had also added my name. I am grateful and touched, thanks you guys. :heart: ( and thanks to ezpeter, whoever he may be)

my poems are almost all gone now, if you "miss" something you particularly cared for, PM me and I will send it to you. Otherwise, this whole unsettling biz has done it for me, I agree with Tara, thers not a whole lot to drag me in here anymore. Too many bad feelings and I apologize if I caused any of them. Best of luck to all, love one another, dont fight and bicker, it makes you look so teeny ;)


how about if I get down on my knees?
who will be there to leave the comments on my dense and thick stuff, that causes my mouth to drop open, that perceives what I have hidden, only you and lostandfounder, and he is gone.
who will be there to nominate 1201 (whoops) twelveoone next year at the great ego-feast.

who will be there to support the "Last Man" if he ever shows up again.
Remember what Boo said (first time I ever agreed with her) your stuff "Rocks"
need more stuff that "rocks"; "kicks ass" and all those wonderful non-poetic terms, that tend to accumalate on people with something to say.

I usually only offer one knee, for you two, don't make me offer three.
twelveoone said:
how about if I get down on my knees?
who will be there to leave the comments on my dense and thick stuff, that causes my mouth to drop open, that perceives what I have hidden, only you and lostandfounder, and he is gone.
who will be there to nominate 1201 (whoops) twelveoone next year at the great ego-feast.

who will be there to support the "Last Man" if he ever shows up again.
Remember what Boo said (first time I ever agreed with her) your stuff "Rocks"
need more stuff that "rocks"; "kicks ass" and all those wonderful non-poetic terms, that tend to accumalate on people with something to say.

I usually only offer one knee, for you two, don't make me offer three.

Oh goodness :) I will still be "around" just will not submit my work here anymore. The greatest result of this, the absencse of my most talented and lovely self, will be the absence of my future pulitzer prize winning work from the so called Top List, lol ( im being sarcastic here) now theres plenty more room, at least 6 spots in fact, for the trolls who keep zapping me down and for the people whom certain "in power" want up there...

I agree with you LIar, the competitions here do nasty things to otherwise wonderful people, myself included ( no, I didnt mean I was wonderful). I am NOT doing this because of the competition, I had a delete order in for my work over 2 weeks ago. ITs personal, and I wont put anything else pesonal on here, ( i heard that sigh of relief :D)

Its basically the clique thing. I am not competitive, never have been, I appreciate honesty, not ass kissing, the person who has the most friends here does the best, whoever that may be on any certain day, and with that in mind, I know I will probably never get productive FB from certain folks here. Some that I truly admire.I could care less if people like me, though I present a different face. Sure everyone needs and wants friends, but recently someone told me not to get my hopes up about something that was really important to me... thats what did it for me, if you wanna know the truth.

I will keep my hopes up!! About everything!! That is why I am alive now. I have had so much misery in my short little life and hope is what kept me going, and it will keep me going, ( and I know its the same way for many other people here, hugs)

1201, I spelled out your name on the nom thread, just wanted you to know that...oh yeah, I dont know where I will go, but I promise I will always read your stuff and the works of many other wonderful people here and I will probably annoy many of you with email and PM's. :D

Thanks for your knees, twelveoone, I needed them :rose: