Patting the backs and tooting each others horns

TheRainMan said:
just crawling out of three of the shitiest weeks of my life, and things are brighter . . . going to a wonderful family get together, and also got some very high quality acceptances this week,

from The Kennesaw Review , The Louisville Review , and Poetry Southeast (check out the poetry at this journal ... really good.)

plug away, poets.


Congratulations Pat. :rose:

Of course, everyone here already knew what a Great writer you are ~ ;)

Isn't is awesome to get noted for it and actually " see it " in print.
My wings are off to you. Wishing you well and knowing so much more
is still yet to come ~

*removing brown from nose and zippin' off into the moonlight ~ *

Thank you for the Mannequin Envy kudos, Calli. This issue means a lot to me-- took a risk with a new format for the summer, and I am proud of how it turned out. Some people have so much talent all over the dern place!

I got my edition of Other Poetry today and a cheque for £10

Feels good getting my first cheque from writing
vampiredust said:

I got my edition of Other Poetry today and a cheque for £10

Feels good getting my first cheque from writing
Congratulations! need to change your moniker at MySpace from 'Wordslut' to 'Wordwhore' since you're getting paid now. ;)
neonurotic said:
Congratulations! need to change your moniker at MySpace from 'Wordslut' to 'Wordwhore' since you're getting paid now. ;)

Truer words were never spoken ~


Now, now ... what shall we do to celebrate?
A spanking?
A party?
Wordwhore eh ... auction block time me thinks ~

:catroar: :devil:
vampiredust said:

I got my edition of Other Poetry today and a cheque for £10

Feels good getting my first cheque from writing

Congratulations! And I love how you say FIRST cheque :) Let 'em rain :rose:
vampiredust said:

I got my edition of Other Poetry today and a cheque for £10

Feels good getting my first cheque from writing
Congratulations, Mr. D. That is excellent news. In real print, too. :jealous:
clutching_calliope said:
Nobody told me this poetry stuff was a paying gig....where do I pick up my cheque?

Congratulations, Christian :rose: :rose: :rose:

Justux Rous-- pays ten bucks, I think Oysters and Chocolate does as well. Certainly yours would be well received! Give em your best smut and they give you ten bucks :devil:
JMWW (Baltimore based) is putting out a print anthology-- Patrick's poem will be included as will one of mine :) (Riverbed Monologue)

Also Poetry in Baltimore is putting out a collection, they took the 81st version of my Poet's Razor, which many people here at lit were involved in my neurotic editing. Thanks!

At any rate, I am so sad that I am not there to do the readings!!! Wah!!
Anyone in Baltimore area, you might want to check it out, they are both really good groups of people, good contacts, go to a reading, buy a journal :)
annaswirls said:
JMWW (Baltimore based) is putting out a print anthology-- Patrick's poem will be included as will one of mine :) (Riverbed Monologue)

Also Poetry in Baltimore is putting out a collection, they took the 81st version of my Poet's Razor, which many people here at lit were involved in my neurotic editing. Thanks!

At any rate, I am so sad that I am not there to do the readings!!! Wah!!
Anyone in Baltimore area, you might want to check it out, they are both really good groups of people, good contacts, go to a reading, buy a journal :)
And congrats to vampiredust and Maria and everyone else who has posted something in the past week or two. I can barely keep up with all the poetry news happening. :cathappy:

Chris, Anna and Pat and anyone I missed!


Print is a special feeling, isnt it

Thank you, Eve :heart:
RRRRRumble on!!! and Congrats!!

I admire your ability with the microfiction, it takes a sure talent to tell a story in so few words and make it interesting. And you have done just that!!


Main Street Rag's New Publications


You go, Patrick!

:rose: :rose: :rose:
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Congrats!! Patrick!!

your news gave me cool chills, I am thrilled for you, but never ever doubted that you would be in print so prominantly

I want mine autographed as well
