Patting the backs and tooting each others horns

this is fucking cool, congrats Liar& gorgeous, talented family


If you have yet to check it out please do, but be careful, the sound is addictive...

Congrats! I am always so amazed by your range of talents, and how much you GET IT DONE.

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I abhor self-tooting but I want to toot my photo on the back of the barking dogs 2 poetry journal.
For me, it's cooler than my poems in the book--for some reason. And I'm tooting now, because I'm looking at the book and thinking, "My photo. How cool." honk...

I'd also like to toot my balls for sending a poem to the new yorker. I'll toot again when I receive a rejection letter, which I heard isn't easy to get.
that is a great photo! whoo!!

I have to order my copy of the book so I can hold it in my hands. Why is it having photos published feels cooler? I feel the same way--- it is like writing is work, and photography is still fun.

My kid and I are making a field journal of Texas wildlife. Today the only thing that stayed still long enough were the wildflowers. I dont klnow the names of anything down here yet!

WickedEve said:
I abhor self-tooting but I want to toot my photo on the back of the barking dogs 2 poetry journal.
For me, it's cooler than my poems in the book--for some reason. And I'm tooting now, because I'm looking at the book and thinking, "My photo. How cool." honk...

I'd also like to toot my balls for sending a poem to the new yorker. I'll toot again when I receive a rejection letter, which I heard isn't easy to get.
WickedEve said:
I abhor self-tooting but I want to toot my photo on the back of the barking dogs 2 poetry journal.
For me, it's cooler than my poems in the book--for some reason. And I'm tooting now, because I'm looking at the book and thinking, "My photo. How cool." honk...

I'd also like to toot my balls for sending a poem to the new yorker. I'll toot again when I receive a rejection letter, which I heard isn't easy to get.
That is extremely cool, Ms. E. Congratulations. Good photo.

I've actually been thinking about sending something to The New Yorker. Via the mail, not e-mail, because I want a rejection letter on their letterhead. Or at least their logo on the envelope. Or something.

A New York postmark, even. (Don't tell me their editorial offices are in Pierre, SD. I don't want to believe that. Even that would be cool, though.)

Good luck. :)
WickedEve said:
I abhor self-tooting but I want to toot my photo on the back of the barking dogs 2 poetry journal.
For me, it's cooler than my poems in the book--for some reason. And I'm tooting now, because I'm looking at the book and thinking, "My photo. How cool." honk...

I'd also like to toot my balls for sending a poem to the new yorker. I'll toot again when I receive a rejection letter, which I heard isn't easy to get.


New Yorker rejected me via email. I didn't even rate the letterhead. Bastards.
TheRainMan said:
thanks for linking this up, jenny. :rose: . . . and Tzara and fly and VD and Maria and Ange for the nice words.

and hey all – having a manuscript accepted by a major poetry publisher is something i’m very proud of. i have seen and held books published by Main Street. they are perfect-bound, and professional and first-rate in every way.

i’d appreciate any support you’re inclined to give a fellow Literotica poet. the bookstore link is right above the cover photo.

. . . the size of the first printing is going to be largely determined by the volume of advanced sales. plus, if it sells well, when i send them my next pile of junk, they might actually think it’s worth something. :)

what’s a measly 9 bucks anyway. ;)

thanks, and thanks also for putting up with this short self-promotion. the way poetry and poets are treated nowadays, it’s a wonder any publishers are willing to take any of us on at all . . . and one day, they won’t, if no one buys the books they print.

peace and blessings,

patrick (carrington) :rose:

Congradulations, best of sales.
I miss our little duels.
vampiredust said:
My new chapbook, The Grammarian and Other Poems, is up and ready. Enjoy it here
Hey! Now I'm jealous! ;)

Congratulations, Mr. W. Well done.
vampiredust said:
Got a nice acceptance yesterday from Artistry of Life

Congratulations! It is a nice publication, editor is sweet :rose:

okay now I have to bitch.

I hate submitting work. It is such a pain in the ass. How do you do it? Do you send the same stuff all over? I spend too long trying to wade through my poetry (and I dont have half as much as you do) and I get caught up in editing and organizing and trying to figure out what to send where and today I spent 2 hours, no exaggeration, of focused work, and got out 2 submissions. Is that normal? How long does it take you?

I know I don ot do it often enough, should write it and then send it out right away, but I dont and then everything builds up.... sigh. I asked for a secretary before and never got any applications :)
annaswirls said:
Congratulations! It is a nice publication, editor is sweet :rose:

okay now I have to bitch.

I hate submitting work. It is such a pain in the ass. How do you do it? Do you send the same stuff all over? I spend too long trying to wade through my poetry (and I dont have half as much as you do) and I get caught up in editing and organizing and trying to figure out what to send where and today I spent 2 hours, no exaggeration, of focused work, and got out 2 submissions. Is that normal? How long does it take you?

I know I don ot do it often enough, should write it and then send it out right away, but I dont and then everything builds up.... sigh. I asked for a secretary before and never got any applications :)
I'm with you Anna. Trying to wade through things and decide what I think is good enough to send somewhere and then gathering a set of poems that aren't all over the place stylistically, and then finding a 'zine, writing a cover letter, etc. etc. gets to be just too much mental anguish.

It's why vdust is such a good role model. He shames me into it. :)
Tzara said:
I'm with you Anna. Trying to wade through things and decide what I think is good enough to send somewhere and then gathering a set of poems that aren't all over the place stylistically, and then finding a 'zine, writing a cover letter, etc. etc. gets to be just too much mental anguish.

It's why vdust is such a good role model. He shames me into it. :)
I'm feeling the shame, too! :cathappy:
I swore that this year was going to be my year of the submitting frenzy. Well, the frenzy hasn't happened. I think I've submitted one poem. (to the new yorker... why? I don't know. lol) The rest were published by request. I don't think I could do what the dust does. I couldn't keep it all straight.
annaswirls said:
Congratulations! It is a nice publication, editor is sweet :rose:

okay now I have to bitch.

I hate submitting work. It is such a pain in the ass. How do you do it? Do you send the same stuff all over? I spend too long trying to wade through my poetry (and I dont have half as much as you do) and I get caught up in editing and organizing and trying to figure out what to send where and today I spent 2 hours, no exaggeration, of focused work, and got out 2 submissions. Is that normal? How long does it take you?

I know I don ot do it often enough, should write it and then send it out right away, but I dont and then everything builds up.... sigh. I asked for a secretary before and never got any applications :)

Exactly, the same thing happens to me every freakin' time and I think the same thing, "All that and I only sent out two submissions." :cool:
okay thank goodness I am not alone :) thank y'all for sharing the shame.

maybe we can get Patrick and Christian to get us on some sort of work-out program.

I don't know, like "The Poet Whisperer"
Tzara said:
I'm with you Anna. Trying to wade through things and decide what I think is good enough to send somewhere and then gathering a set of poems that aren't all over the place stylistically, and then finding a 'zine, writing a cover letter, etc. etc. gets to be just too much mental anguish.

It's why vdust is such a good role model. He shames me into it. :)

yeah and then the editor takes something of yours and she says-- hey lets work on this one part and then never gets back to you, what the fuck is up with that girl someone outta outta, oh lord someone outta spank her silly, no she is already silly, someone outta spank her serious and I got just the guy to do it
annaswirls said:
okay thank goodness I am not alone :) thank y'all for sharing the shame.

maybe we can get Patrick and Christian to get us on some sort of work-out program.

I don't know, like "The Poet Whisperer"

I dunno about Christain but I know Patrick would say, "There is no magic trick to it. Just do it." And then he would give us all this look ----> :cool:

Freakin' guy. You'd think he worked for Nike or somethin' .

annaswirls said:
okay thank goodness I am not alone :) thank y'all for sharing the shame.

maybe we can get Patrick and Christian to get us on some sort of work-out program.

I don't know, like "The Poet Whisperer"

there is no magic trick to it. just do it.

congratulations for all the new publishings everyone. :rose:

Chris i love your chapbook (well, i love your poetry so it stands to reason eh ;) ).

and that's a nice lot of new poems out Patrick. (wish that book would hurry up and be delivered!)


keep writing everyone! :)