Patting the backs and tooting each others horns

Tzara said:
"Huge walking vegetables."

God, what a quote. What an inspiration. My huge walking vegetables are eager to go rampantly stalking those more helpless veggies now. Using that metaphor, I might even be able to use the words "xylem" and "phloem", words that since BIOL 102 have been of little or no use.

Ah, metaphor! We live to recycle you, endlessly, though through overuse. :cool:

I have no idea if you are mocking my weirdness or joining in...and oddly I like you too much to care either way. ;)
congrats on the new issue anna and patrick and writers... i've been busy devouring it for breakfast.

Thanks WSO :) :rose:

And congrats to Sean Farragher poetry editor of Frigg :rose: :rose:
and to Patrick who has four poems in their current issue. :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: and what is this I hear about a Pushcart nomination? :heart:

I friggin' love this journal. If you have not checked it out, please do so, is is just gorgeous. I have web-journal envy, a little bit, but mostly just joy at how aweseome it is

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annaswirls said:
Thanks WSO :) :rose:

And congrats to Sean Farragher poetry editor of Frigg :rose: :rose:
and to Patrick who has four poems in their current issue. :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: and what is this I hear about a Pushcart nomination? :heart:

I friggin' love this journal. If you have not checked it out, please do so, is is just gorgeous. I have web-journal envy, a little bit, but mostly just joy at how aweseome it is

If Pat wins a pushcart prize, I will wet myself. (That's how I deal with too much excitement.)
okay I can't help it, this is my baby, I have to celebrate


The good people at The Hiss Quarterly have recognized Mannequin Envy. Makes me wanna dance. Anyone wanna boogie on down?

So many people here are directly and indirectly linked to the site, some from the very first issue, people here let me publish their work when all I had was a name and an idea.... and I want to send out Congratulations and THANKS!!!!

Big Hugs to Patrick who has been responsible for keeping me on task and getting such great poetry!

I want to start to list people here who have had their work in Mannequin Envy, but I know I will miss someone! I will start another post :) because I am giddy.
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clutching_calliope said:

does this mean you wanna dance?

okay I am going to risk it, please add names, I am awful with this kind of thing.... many of these people entered into a contest, some the old fashioned way :)

Okay okay, I know this is no great award, but it IS for the magazine, not for me, and I have to give credit where credit is due, so thank you, and for those who have supported me and Patrick and the zine in ways other than publishing poetry. It all matters.

some litters who are also the envy of mannequins everywhere....

Bogus Brig
sara crewe
guache critic
Tom McDaniel
? thinking of the lit name for the other great writer of jd's time???

of course, smithpeter, etc. who gave permission for me to use a line from one of his poems to use as the title of the place and the initial inspiration, wish I could know what he would think of the place. hmm. hope he would like it.
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annaswirls said:

The good people at The Hiss Quarterly have recognized Mannequin Envy. Makes me wanna dance . . .

. . . Big Hugs to Patrick who has been responsible for keeping me on task and getting such great poetry!


big hugs back, for allowing me to be a part of your wonderful venture.

you are the one, jennifer, who is the heart and soul of Mannequin Envy.

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annaswirls said:

The good people at The Hiss Quarterly have recognized Mannequin Envy. Makes me wanna dance. Anyone wanna boogie on down?

So many people here are directly and indirectly linked to the site, some from the very first issue, people here let me publish their work when all I had was a name and an idea.... and I want to send out Congratulations and THANKS!!!!

Big Hugs to Patrick who has been responsible for keeping me on task and getting such great poetry!

I want to start to list people here who have had their work in Mannequin Envy, but I know I will miss someone! I will start another post :) because I am giddy.
Congratulations, Jenn. Well deserved recognition. :rose:
That is totally cool!!

And very well-deserved!! Congrats J. & P.! (and to your third editor too. Didnt want to name him here in case he objected) :)
Goodness I missed Bogus Brig :heart: :heart: :heart: (a featured poet/artist this summer)
Clutching_Calliope :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: (repeat appearences-- I think it was because I was responding to her post, it was like she was there :rolleyes: )

Y'all are awesome, dont hate me because I am an airhead (you can hate me because I am beautiful, though, if you want)
Sara Crewe said:
And very well-deserved!! Congrats J. & P.! (and to your third editor too. Didnt want to name him here in case he objected) :)

Thanks Sara :)
Alex Nodopaka.
He is not the protesting kind. :kiss:


So glad to see your Zine getting such well-deserved recognition.

You go, girl! :)

To Patrick, as well:

Awesome work in the latest FRiGG.
Really enjoyed reading those poems!

annaswirls said:

The good people at The Hiss Quarterly have recognized Mannequin Envy. Makes me wanna dance. Anyone wanna boogie on down?

So many people here are directly and indirectly linked to the site, some from the very first issue, people here let me publish their work when all I had was a name and an idea.... and I want to send out Congratulations and THANKS!!!!

Big Hugs to Patrick who has been responsible for keeping me on task and getting such great poetry!

I want to start to list people here who have had their work in Mannequin Envy, but I know I will miss someone! I will start another post :) because I am giddy.

I just saw this Jen and want to offer my heartfelt congrats. You've put an enormous amount of work into the site and it shows. It's classy and comprehensive--competitive with the best online poetry journals, imo. I'm proud to be a very small part of it.

And that Carrington guy has been a real boon to the site as well. You make us all proud.

Angeline said:
I just saw this Jen and want to offer my heartfelt congrats. You've put an enormous amount of work into the site and it shows. It's classy and comprehensive--competitive with the best online poetry journals, imo. I'm proud to be a very small part of it.

And that Carrington guy has been a real boon to the site as well. You make us all proud.


thank you, Ange. :heart:
another small hornblast of shameless self-promotion --

advanced sale and discount on my upcoming collection ends November 10th.

i deeply appreciate the support this community has already given me. if anyone who is interested has not placed an order, here is the link again:

Rise, Fall and Acceptance

thanks from the bottom of me,

patrick (carrington) :rose:
Velvet Avalanche : a collection of erotic poetry (from Erosha )

Okay I got my copy in the mail the other day, here is my take on the collection: a lot of really good poetry, the cover art is so so, pixelated ick but Alex Nodopaka's inner cover art is awesome as is Cheryl A. Townsend's. Overall, honestly, in my little bitty opinion, not worth 25 bucks. Please don't tell them I said that. Support small presses.

If you have 25 bucks to spend on an anthology, wait a couple of months, buy one of Mannequin Envy's anthology (in the planning stages) and save the extra for coffee and a scone, maybe some fresh flowers or craft supplies.

I found WickedEve and VampireDust in here (anyone else from lit? I feel like I am missing someone) along with many of my favorite internet poets! Something strange happened to my bio, all it says was "work was in Erosha"


missed opportunity for free advertising for Mannequin Envy A bunch of writers who have been in Mannequin Envy are in there, it really is a nice collection!

Derek Adams
Essa Élan Aja
Ron Androla
Arlene Ang
Daniel Arsyn
Wayne Atherton
Mary Bast
Andrew Binks
Tom Blessing
Ace Boggess
Kristy Bowen
Brian Burch
Michael R. Burch
Lori Carriere
DB Cox
MTC Cronin
Andrew Demcak
Donna Sanderson Dixon
Amanda Earl
Deidre Elizabeth
Misty Elliott
Kyle Ferguson
Barbara Fletcher
Heidi Garnett
Stanley Gemmell
Elizabeth P. Glixman
John Grey
Nancy Haiduck
Dana Harrison-Tidwell
Mark Hartenbach
Bernard Henrie
Nancy Henry
Donna Michele Hill
Kit Kennedy
Alexis Kienlen
Sean Kilpatrick
Craig Kirchner
Tatiana Krievim
Oswald LeWinter
Lyn Lifshin
Prasenjit Maiti
Cathy McArthur
Michelle McGrane
Lisa Megraw
Didi Menendez
Ruth Mischler
Nathaniel G. Moore
Bryan Murphy
PJ Nights
Alex Nodopaka
Amanda Papenfus
Christina Pater
Julio Peralta-Paulino
Kenneth Pobo
Adrian Potter
Rhys Rasheeda
Gregory H. Rayborn
Nanette Rayman Rivera
Zack Rogow
Mark Sampson
Lawrence Schimel
Dan Sicoli
Krystal Smith
Meg Smith
Bart Solarczyk
David Steinberg
Richard Tayson
Susan Tellman
Cheryl A. Townsend
Sam Vaknin
Jennifer VanBuren
Anca Vlasopolos
Christian Ward
Kirby Wright
Lila Zais
Lisa Zaran
annaswirls said:
Velvet Avalanche : a collection of erotic poetry (from Erosha )

Okay I got my copy in the mail the other day, here is my take on the collection: a lot of really good poetry, the cover art is so so, pixelated ick but Alex Nodopaka's inner cover art is awesome as is Cheryl A. Townsend's. Overall, honestly, in my little bitty opinion, not worth 25 bucks. Please don't tell them I said that. Support small presses.

If you have 25 bucks to spend on an anthology, wait a couple of months, buy one of Mannequin Envy's anthology (in the planning stages) and save the extra for coffee and a scone, maybe some fresh flowers or craft supplies.

I found WickedEve and VampireDust in here (anyone else from lit? I feel like I am missing someone) along with many of my favorite internet poets! Something strange happened to my bio, all it says was "work was in Erosha"


missed opportunity for free advertising for Mannequin Envy A bunch of writers who have been in Mannequin Envy are in there, it really is a nice collection!
I got my free copy and bought 2 at $18 each. $18 is too much. :eek:
Um, did the guy who made the site, also do the cover art?