polite submissives!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Creating a God

Shadowsdream said:
Yes it is what I am saying and I also find it disrespectful...as it can create a feeling in a Dominant that they must strive for perfection 24/7 which is beyond even the scope of the Pope! Making such a statement about Your Dominant can also make others look down on them if the others think the Dominant believes it themselves.
It is an insiduos dishonesty.

It is also scary as well. What happens to the submissive who has lifted their Dominant to impossible heights only to find out They are human? Devastation and the seed of doubt being planted is my guess.
Re: Creating a God

s'lara said:
This thread made me think of something. How dangerous is it to deify the Dominant? They are by no means perfect and reality shows that from day to day. But i do know submissive's who think their Dominant is infallible. Is that kind of ... not sure how to put it ... steadfast loyalty dangerous?

Would like to know how O/others feel about it.

Mistress will readily admit She is not perfect, but She will also readily remind She is always right. ;)
i don't really have anything new to add, everyone's pretty much covered the dangers of viewing someone as the standard for perfection. (or being viewed as such).

it's just nuts, is all.
Re: Re: Creating a God

lark sparrow said:
Mistress will readily admit She is not perfect, but She will also readily remind She is always right. ;)

I like your Mistress very much!
Re: Re: Creating a God

lark sparrow said:
Mistress will readily admit She is not perfect, but She will also readily remind She is always right. ;)

laughs ... i love it. That would make a good tagline too.
Re: Re: Creating a God

lark sparrow said:
Mistress will readily admit She is not perfect, but She will also readily remind She is always right. ;)

I'm right there :D