President Biden Interview Tonight: Redemption???

Guys guys guys (and hon. guys too), please follow the script. The Party says it's time for Biden to're deviating from the party line and we all know what happens to those who deviate from the party line. Please get back on script before they come for you....I'd miss you if they took you away.

Anyhow, just to help. You should exude reluctant agreement that it's perhaps time Joe went. He's done a great job, but he's obviously past his best and it's time to pass the torch. You are tortured by this, but this cannot go on, Joe is turning into a distraction in the struggle against Trumpian Totalitarian Dictatorship, and it is The Struggle and The Cause that is All Important. Consequently, it's time to move on from this Distraction. Joe must make The Decision for The Good of the Party and step down, opening the path for the Illustrious Goddess of the People, Kamala Harris, to step into The Breach and respond to The Call of the People.

One trusts that with this guidance, you can find the Party Line and toe it. Just remember, The Party Never Forgets, and those who do not Toe the Party Line will be forever remembered, and the The Camps open....well, Enemy of the People Time. So for your own sakes, please go with the script..... reluctantly, it's time for Joe to step down, for The Good of The Party and The People.
Chloe, obviously, you've confused the candidates' names in your post. With so much emphasis on Joe Biden, you mistakenly inserted his name in your call for Trump's cast of villians to toe the line and not waiver or even think about jumping ship. Joe is not leaving to appease some misguided 'leaders of the party' over the will of the voters.

Joe said, emphatically, 'I'm not leaving.' Full stop. It is not the 'party' that speaks; it is the resounding number of voices in the arena that will speak, and so far, they are chanting 'four more years' and 'we're riding with Biden.'

Yes, all those guys in the Trumpian Totalitarian Dictatorship called for Trump to step down when they ran against him, but we know they didn't mean it. It was all bravado, unless he did step down from running, and they were selected as the nominee. Sure, just fantasy, I know, but there is that expression: Hope springs eternal. Trump said he never forgets anything! [That has nothing to do with an elephant's memory by the way; you know, that party pet symbol? He forgot he stole classified documents thinking he declassified them, raped a woman and forgot he didn't know who she was. Not his type and mistook her picture for his wife's photo. etc.] Look how fast they fell back in line with their tails between their legs, sniveling and groveling. Even the lady giant killer–Nicky What's-her-name, and her missing husband came crawling back [The brave military soldier in Africa defending democracy Trump bad-mouthed.] It is a wonder Trump didn't call out the puppy killer Christy Noeme to take them out. But, that just shows he will, in some cases, be a benign dictator after all.

Chloe, bring out some coffee and let's sit and take a breath over your mistaken viewpoint.

Joe is going to win in the end. Our nation cannot and will not let a convicted felon represent us as a symbol of what 200-plus years of shining brilliance for the huddled masses that has inspired hope around the world. Who in their right mind would say to the children of the future, "Go ahead, my son, my daughter, it's okay to cheat your opposition out of a rightful leadership election, rape a few if you want, be a bad businessman that lies and cheats if you feel like it. Destroy the justice system upon which we have held to a high standard. Hell, son/daughter, it's okay to go out and shoot someone on Fifth Avenue–just remember to cite the law that gave Donald Trump the absolute freedom to do so as your backup. It will hold up in court. Go for it! Get a new T-shirt and tennis shoes from The Donald and wear that into court. It's bulletproof warfare and will put the fear of Trump into the jury that might even consider a verdict against you.

Hey, Chloe, hello again. And you're wrong again. But that's okay.
Well, that Presser eventually had a 7:30 start time - two hours after it was originally scheduled. Everything going according to plan for, you know, the most important moment of Biden’s presidency. Big Boy evidently couldn't keep a schedule to participate in what was being called a make or break press conference. Apparently they juiced Biden too heavily for his 5.30pm start. Which put him in such a state the doctors had to give him something to counteract whatever they gave him earlier.
Then they had stabilize him so he didn't keel over.
What's in your coffee? LSD?
ll74 said:

Add to that the fact VP as President Harris could then run for presidency in 2028, to continue the democrats' policies to best effect, seems solid thinking.

question: if she assumes the presidency during a second Biden term, and she can run in 2028, does that also make her eligible to run in 2032?
Yes, a Vice President who assumes the presidency is eligible to run for two more terms, but this is subject to certain conditions outlined in the U.S. Constitution. According to the 22nd Amendment:
  • If a Vice President (or any other successor) serves more than two years of a term to which someone else was elected President, they can only be elected to one additional term.
  • If they serve two years or less of a term to which someone else was elected President, they can be elected to two full terms on their own.
So, the maximum time one can serve as president is 10 years.

If Biden decides that in two-years and a day he wants to retire, Harris could finish his term and run for two additional elections.

People should take comfort in that aspect of having a winner beat Trump, work as a team builder with Congress on reforms and adding some accountability rules for the Supreme Court. He could ease out of the Oval Office and know he had fulfilled his civic duty to deny a dictator the ability to run our country.
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What if Joe Biden is actually dead, and what we are seeing is just an advanced replica of him controlled by operatives in the White House. Maybe that's why he seems so buggy. Technology and AI are getting way better these days but this has to be some kind of an advanced prototype that's glitching and being debugged on the fly.

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It's the lighting, Chloe, why are you confused - one is daytime; the other is nighttime. Simple. Not AI or silly whimsical thoughts. Get back on some serious topics, please. Or go write a WIWAW article. They are due shortly. :nana:
Biden cannot remove a justice.
Where's the idjit screaming about Gitmo being refurbished? He'd be screaming, 'Deploy a Seal Team and move three SC justices off the continent for an unknown staycation!' Git 'er dun, good buddy! :nana: It's already been ruled on by the SC that Biden has that authority. LOL
What if Joe Biden is actually dead, and what we are seeing is just an advanced replica of him controlled by operatives in the White House. Maybe that's why he seems so buggy. Technology and AI are getting way better these days but this has to be some kind of an advanced prototype that's glitching and being debugged on the fly.

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Yes, conspiracy nuts are wacko.
Yes, conspiracy nuts are wacko.
People who see conspiracy nuts everywhere are wacko. LOL. This is the trouble with the left. The lack of any sense of humor is a major genetic flaw. Probably goes with the Intolerance gene, and the I Want to Tell Everyone Else What To Do and Think gene, and the Inability to Accept Opposing Views gene.
People who see conspiracy nuts everywhere are wacko. LOL. This is the trouble with the left. The lack of any sense of humor is a major genetic flaw. Probably goes with the Intolerance gene, and the I Want to Tell Everyone Else What To Do and Think gene, and the Inability to Accept Opposing Views gene.

Oh come on. You weren’t making a joke. You are neck deep in conspiracy lunacy.
Oh come on. You weren’t making a joke. You are neck deep in conspiracy lunacy.
I'm not a Democrat. I don't subscribe to all the CNN and MSNBC conspiracy lunacy. The whole Hunter's Laptop is a Russian Plant conspiracy. The Steele Dossier conspiracy. The "Trump is a Nazi" conspiracy. The "Project 2025" conspiracy. No, I'm not neck deep in any of that conspiracy nonsense that the left invents.
I'm not a Democrat. I don't subscribe to all the CNN and MSNBC conspiracy lunacy. The whole Hunter's Laptop is a Russian Plant conspiracy. The Steele Dossier conspiracy. The "Trump is a Nazi" conspiracy. The "Project 2025" conspiracy. No, I'm not neck deep in any of that conspiracy nonsense that the left invents.
The real conspiracy lunacy comes from your side: that there was massive voter fraud that put Biden in the White House and that trump actually won. That’s the lunatic conspiracy bullshit that y’all are still buying and believing.

Oh, and project 2025 is a conspiracy? I’d like to actually hear your views on that.
The real conspiracy lunacy comes from your side: that there was massive voter fraud that put Biden in the White House and that trump actually won. That’s the lunatic conspiracy bullshit that y’all are still buying and believing.

Oh, and project 2025 is a conspiracy? I’d like to actually hear your views on that.
LOL. Anyone that denies voter fraud took place is a conspiracy nut.
......Joe is not leaving to appease some misguided 'leaders of the party' over the will of the voters.

Joe said, emphatically, 'I'm not leaving.' Full stop. It is not the 'party' that speaks; it is the resounding number of voices in the arena that will speak, and so far, they are chanting 'four more years' and 'we're riding with Biden.'
LOL, he did, and that makes this whole thing even better. Personally, I WANT Biden to stay the candidate. I want to see all the Democrat infighting and Biden dragging candidates down with him all over the country. I WANT to see the DNC dissolve into chaos and rioting, and for Chicongo to go up in flames as the Islamic left cut loose and the DNC internal conflicts spill into the open. I WANT the DNC to go full tranny-and-pedo-support, and for women to realize the Dems hate them and for Jews to realize the Dems don't want them anywhere except in the camps.

So yes please, stay with Biden. I want to see him beaten like a drum, going down in flames and humiliation, and taking candidates down with him across the board. I want him to be still be aware enough to realize how badly he's been beaten. And I want to hear hos concession speech. LOL. And what's even better, if Biden DOES go, Harris is the likely successor, and she polls even worse than Biden. And if Harris ISN'T the pick, it's open civil war inside The Party, and that's almost as rewarding as Biden staying in.

So I pray every day that Biden doesn't leave, because this is going to be SOOOOOOO good to watch. As will Washington DC going up in flames in the Trump inauguration insurrection. Burn that cesspool to the ground, with my blessings. LOL.
It did to an insignificant extent. It was being done by Republicans, though, not Democrats.
It was never really investigated properly, and where it has been, it was proven correct. The real problem we have is that a lot of our state electoral systems are open to abuse, deliberately so in many cases, and we really NEED to reform the electoral system to eliminate all these accusations and counter-accusations of fraud. It's a disgrace that this has not been fixed, and that our elections are NOT believed to be fraud-free by so many people.

To be regarded as valid, electoral systems and results need to be clear, regarded as above board by every side, completely auditable, publicly verifiable, with clean electoral rolls that are maintained and are also easily auditable and up to date.

You can say that of very few State electoral systems in the USA. And our counts....they're a disgrace. Look at France, the UK, Canada....largely paper-based systems, with results available the next morning, no debates about the results, no arguments about voter eligibility, publicly monitored, results both auditable and verifiable. No political disputes about systemic fraud, no accusations of voting machines being faulty, etc etc etc. Our elections are a disgrace from start to finish. That there is this debate and these accusations, and that so many people believe them, is indicative of a major problem that needs to be resolved, and in a non-political bipartisan way.

Unfortunately, we do not have that except in a few States. Democrats for example, are rejecting legislation regarding voter ID, while some GOP legislators are going to the opposite extreme. And the stupid thing is, it's EASY to fix. Just copy the frigging Canadian system. No issues there at all, and it's straightforward and transparent.
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It was never really investigated properly, and where it has been, it was proven correct.
No, they weren't proven correct. And you know it. You are sitting on a pile of lies. You are carrying water for a congenital liar, conman, rapist, piss poor businessman, racist, felon, and coup plotter. Still waiting for the Texas LG to pay up on his bet with the Pennsylannia LG on one of these instances.
The real conspiracy lunacy comes from your side: that there was massive voter fraud that put Biden in the White House and that trump actually won. That’s the lunatic conspiracy bullshit that y’all are still buying and believing.

Oh, and project 2025 is a conspiracy? I’d like to actually hear your views on that.
I mean, remember Comet Pizza?
No, they weren't proven correct. And you know it. You are sitting on a pile of lies. You are carrying water for a congenital liar, conman, rapist, piss poor businessman, racist, felon, and coup plotter. Still waiting for the Texas LG to pay up on his bet with the Pennsylannia LG on one of these instances.
LOL. I added to that post, Keith, and yes, there are instances where specific cases were proven incorrect. Doesn't alter the fact that statistically, there was major systemic fraud that has never been investigated, and some HAVE been proven correct. But the real issue is that we have an electoral system that is wide open to these accusations, and that so many people believe these accusations reduces trust in our system and in the results. As we have seen time and time again, and as we will no doubt see again in November because none of the underlying issues have been resolved. And THAT is deliberate. And THAT is an indication in itself that systemic fraud exists.
Nearly all of the voter fraud has been on the Republican side, Chloe. That's just a fact. And the biggest frauder on elections is Donald J. Trump. That also is a fact. You are supporting a conman, racist, rapist, business failure and fraud, congenital liar, lunatic, corrupt, coup plotter.
LOL. And Podesta is still a pedophile
Trump rather. Remember his smilingly saying his good friend Epstein, mysteriously dying in prison under the Trump administration control, liked them young. That's what will come out of the Epstein files as they scroll out--Trump liked them young right alongside his good friend, Epstein.
LOL. Anyone that denies voter fraud took place is a conspiracy nut.
Not the widespread fraud that your side clings to

It did to an insignificant extent. It was being done by Republicans, though, not Democrats.
^^^ This

It was never really investigated properly, and where it has been, it was proven correct. The real problem we have is that a lot of our state electoral systems are open to abuse, deliberately so in many cases, and we really NEED to reform the electoral system to eliminate all these accusations and counter-accusations of fraud. It's a disgrace that this has not been fixed, and that our elections are NOT believed to be fraud-free by so many people.

To be regarded as valid, electoral systems and results need to be clear, regarded as above board by every side, completely auditable, publicly verifiable, with clean electoral rolls that are maintained and are also easily auditable and up to date.

You can say that of very few State electoral systems in the USA. And our counts....they're a disgrace. Look at France, the UK, Canada....largely paper-based systems, with results available the next morning, no debates about the results, no arguments about voter eligibility, publicly monitored, results both auditable and verifiable. No political disputes about systemic fraud, no accusations of voting machines being faulty, etc etc etc. Our elections are a disgrace from start to finish. That there is this debate and these accusations, and that so many people believe them, is indicative of a major problem that needs to be resolved, and in a non-political bipartisan way.

Unfortunately, we do not have that except in a few States. Democrats for example, are rejecting legislation regarding voter ID, while some GOP legislators are going to the opposite extreme. And the stupid thing is, it's EASY to fix. Just copy the frigging Canadian system. No issues there at all, and it's straightforward and transparent.
Ok, you have disqualified yourself as a person to take seriously. Well done.

I guess you’re four square behind your side “fixing” a voter fraud problem that doesn’t exist.

You never did explain why you think project 2025 was a left wing conspiracy.
LOL. I added to that post, Keith, and yes, there are instances where specific cases were proven incorrect. Doesn't alter the fact that statistically, there was major systemic fraud that has never been investigated, and some HAVE been proven correct. But the real issue is that we have an electoral system that is wide open to these accusations, and that so many people believe these accusations reduces trust in our system and in the results. As we have seen time and time again, and as we will no doubt see again in November because none of the underlying issues have been resolved. And THAT is deliberate. And THAT is an indication in itself that systemic fraud exists.
Accusations yes, from your side. Actual meaningful voter fraud, no.
I'm not a Democrat. I don't subscribe to all the CNN and MSNBC conspiracy lunacy. The whole Hunter's Laptop is a Russian Plant conspiracy. The Steele Dossier conspiracy. The "Trump is a Nazi" conspiracy. The "Project 2025" conspiracy. No, I'm not neck deep in any of that conspiracy nonsense that the left invents.
How about the democrat cabal conspiracy that has them raising children for blood sacrifices, the conspiracy that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump by bamboo ballot rigging from China, Italian satellites changing voting machine numbers, Georgia fraud by two ballot counters now living in fear of their lives, hey even the Rudy Nutjob that was once the pride of New York City!

Project 2025 is not a conspiracy. It is out in the open, published documents and all. Most of it is in Trump's platform for the Republican Presidential Task Force plans. I got an invitation in the mail from Trump to join forces two days ago. That letter is real, and so are the guiding forces that wrote the 2025 plans, many of them former Trump team leaders. That is public info. Truth. Take some time to read a little about 2025. You can find a synopsis if you like; it's a fat document–over 900 pages.

Sugar, you are neck deep; you just don't seem to know it. When you make claims that the 'left' invents things, you are up to your neck in conspiracy theories.