President Biden’s Debate Prep.

Only with his base.

This garbage doesn't sell outside that.

This is just a small sample. There's literally so much of this now that it would take hours and hours to view. Trump spews insane unhinged crap and glitches every single day multiple times a day.

You want to amp up Biden's debate performance to deflect from Trump's insanity.
I watched the debate on CNN. I heard John King, Van Jones, and Erin Burnett after it ended. I don’t think they are Trump loyalists. I saw the NYT editorial. I don’t think NYT is a Trump house organ. You don’t live under a rock. You’re seeing the same headlines I’m seeing.
are we confident he would have absorbed the preparation and delivered a better performance? I don't see any reason to believe he would have.

The way President Biden presented / performed THE VERY NEXT DAY suggests that , yes, we can have some confidence that President Biden can do better with different prep.




You can disagree all you want with the article.

There wasn’t a single thing in that article that I found to be lacking - in logic or objectively observable truth.

Overloading President Biden with minutia sent that debate off the rails from then beginning to the end. The line: “You don’t bring a white-paper to a knife fight” said it all.


The corrupt orange traitor "looked” better because it was all fact free bloviating on one or two themes. Basically, the K.I.S.S. principle. And not only did the corrupt orange traitor “Keep it simple stupid”, but that orange POS didn’t answer maaaaaany question and LIED the rest of the time.


Ironically, the part of the debate where the corrupt orange traitor DID do exceptionally poorly, was when that racist orange POS expanded too much on the dream of Project 2025 and an authoritarian America.


I watched the debate on CNN. I heard John King, Van Jones, and Erin Burnett after it ended. I don’t think they are Trump loyalists. I saw the NYT editorial. I don’t think NYT is a Trump house organ. You don’t live under a rock. You’re seeing the same headlines I’m seeing.


And I have been seeing and continue to see Trump be Glitch Central every single day. Trump was amped up on enough stimulants to keep him from going off about Hannibal Lecter :nana: and the very next day he was back to his usual insanity.

The next day Biden was spitting fire.

How do you rationalize supporting someone who wants to dismantle the constitution?

Could he though???

What BabyBoobs misses, is the fact that many undecided voters DID continue watching after that first “fifteen minutes”, and they apparently didn’t like the corrupt orange traitor’s "answers" - LIES and RACIST ("Black jobs"), AUTHORITARIAN (wouldn’t accept losing the election, etc) SCREEDS or the corrupt orange traitor’s NON-answers.


👉 BabyBoobs 🤣


Side note:

The fact that BabyBoobs isn’t calling for the corrupt orange traitor to drop out of the race, after ALL those LIES and those RACIST and AUTHORITARIAN SCREEDS in the debate, tells us ALL we need to know about BabyBoobs.

BabyBoobs is a racist, anti-American POS.

Full stop .

The problem you have is that I’m not on the ballot. The performance Thursday night has reduced you to blaming Biden’s debate prep, arguing about which candidate played faster and looser with the truth, and arguing about which candidate is king of the ally cats.
The fact that BabyBoobs isn’t calling for the corrupt orange traitor to drop out of the race, after ALL those LIES and those RACIST and AUTHORITARIAN SCREEDS in the debate, tells us ALL we need to know about BabyBoobs.

BabyBoobs is a racist, anti-American POS.

I'm not going to get involved in name-calling. By extension of your logic, every single person who watched the debate and doesn't want Trump to drop out is a racist, anti-American POS. I think that's extreme, and unhelpful. I don't think that way.

I'm not calling for anyone to drop out of the race. I'm not a member of either party and don't have strategic advice to give. As a citizen and a voter I'm concerned about the lies of Donald Trump and about the apparent mental decline of our president. One can--and in my opinion one should--be concerned about both. These are the least impressive candidates for president in our country's history. And they're both worse this time around than the last time.
The way President Biden presented / performed THE VERY NEXT DAY suggests that , yes, we can have some confidence that President Biden can do better with different prep.
Dude doesnt show up on the day he needs to show up and the answer is....he needed 8 days instead of 7.

Lol ...he deserves ridicule for fucking up. He does not deserve to be defended.

If this is literally a fight for democracy....fucking act like it.
I'm not going to get involved in name-calling. By extension of your logic, every single person who watched the debate and doesn't want Trump to drop out is a racist, anti-American POS. I think that's extreme, and unhelpful. I don't think that way.

I'm not calling for anyone to drop out of the race. I'm not a member of either party and don't have strategic advice to give. As a citizen and a voter I'm concerned about the lies of Donald Trump and about the apparent mental decline of our president. One can--and in my opinion one should--be concerned about both. These are the least impressive candidates for president in our country's history. And they're both worse this time around than the last time.

I was posting for effect in response to BabyBoobs, who is a proven sociopathic liar and gaslighter here on the PB. (Not that I don’t believe what I posted to be 100% true).

And, sorry, but anyone who voted / votes for the racist, corrupt orange traitor is culpable for that orange POS’s actions as "president".

Full stop.

People knew enough about the racist, misogynistic, rapey, corrupt orange traitor in 2016 to reject that orange POS, and they know a lot more NOW.

They didn’t reject the racist, misogynistic, rapey, corrupt orange traitor THEN, and they don’t NOW.

They own it.

Full stop.

Last edited:
The problem you have is that I’m not on the ballot. The performance Thursday night has reduced you to blaming Biden’s debate prep, arguing about which candidate played faster and looser with the truth, and arguing about which candidate is king of the ally cats.


The problem BabyBoobs has, is that BabyBoobs’ racist, corrupt orange lord and savior / master IS on the ballot, and COULDN’T “just coast through the rest of the debate” after “the first 15 minutes” as evidenced by the reaction to some of the racist, corrupt orange traitor’s racist, authoritarian comments LATER in the debate.



Hope that ^ helps.


👉 BabyBoobs 🤣

Dude doesnt show up on the day he needs to show up and the answer is....he needed 8 days instead of 7.

Lol ...he deserves ridicule for fucking up. He does not deserve to be defended.

If this is literally a fight for democracy....fucking act like it.

Exactly. It IS a fight for democracy. Don't blame the "handlers" of the guy with 50 years of experience in national politics.

Problem is, I'm not sure dumping Biden is a workable strategy, and it doesn't look like he's going to go willingly. So we're stuck with Biden v. Trump, probably. God help us all.
Exactly. It IS a fight for democracy. Don't blame the "handlers" of the guy with 50 years of experience in national politics.

Problem is, I'm not sure dumping Biden is a workable strategy, and it doesn't look like he's going to go willingly. So we're stuck with Biden v. Trump, probably. God help us all.
Either this is an existential threat to democracy or it isn't

Pick the lane
The inevitable sports analogies are being floated. The president and some of his supporters are floating a theme that the usually smart, sharp witted debater just had an off night and that like a great athlete, he’ll get off the mat and return to form. The problem with that is Joe Biden never was the Patrick Mahomes or Tom Brady of American politics. His chronic lying, gaffes, and derailed his earlier presidential campaigns and his 2020 nomination was the result of a primary stalemate.

A better sports analogy was posted on X by data geek Nate Silver. It’s half time and Team Biden is behind by a touchdown. Will a full half left to play, the deficit is by no means an insurmountable challenge, but the starting quarterback is playing with a concussion.
The inevitable sports analogies are being floated. The president and some of his supporters are floating a theme that the usually smart, sharp witted debater just had an off night and that like a great athlete, he’ll get off the mat and return to form. The problem with that is Joe Biden never was the Patrick Mahomes or Tom Brady of American politics. His chronic lying, gaffes, and derailed his earlier presidential campaigns and his 2020 nomination was the result of a primary stalemate.

A better sports analogy was posted on X by data geek Nate Silver. It’s half time and Team Biden is behind by a touchdown. Will a full half left to play, the deficit is by no means an insurmountable challenge, but the starting quarterback is playing with a concussion.
Which gets back to the best statement made re. the debate, "Robert Hur was the winner."

The next day Biden was spitting fire.

How do you rationalize supporting someone who wants to dismantle the constitution?
Yes, Biden was spitting something but it was into a teleprompter in front of a sympathetic audience. Neither candidate can or will dismantle the constitution.
Yes, Biden was spitting something but it was into a teleprompter in front of a sympathetic audience. Neither candidate can or will dismantle the constitution.

Yeah just like SCOTUS will respect precedent. GTFO with that bullshit dismissal.

Why do you support someone who will dismantle the constitution?
Yeah just like SCOTUS will respect precedent. GTFO with that bullshit dismissal.

Why do you support someone who will dismantle the constitution?

And some people wonder why I refer to BabyBoobs as a lying, gaslighting POS.



If the corrupt orange traitor DOESN’T scrap the constitution, then even if that orange POS wins this November, the prospect of successful prosecutions is still very real. Does anyone believe the corrupt orange traitor is about to let that happen???


👉 BabyBoobs 🤣

Yeah just like SCOTUS will respect precedent. GTFO with that bullshit dismissal.

Why do you support someone who will dismantle the constitution?
I don’t want SCOTUS to uphold flawed precedent. When mistakes are made, the court should acknowledge and correct them. They did that with Dobbs and more recently by reversing Chevron deference. The executive branch cannot dismantle the Constitution.
I don’t want SCOTUS to uphold flawed precedent. When mistakes are made, the court should acknowledge and correct them. They did that with Dobbs and more recently by reversing Chevron deference. The executive branch cannot dismantle the Constitution.

Yes we know. You have no problem with people like Heritage Foundation - sponsor of Project 2025 - remaking the constitution to suit an ideology.

Your dismissal of the reality of what will be done if Trump wins is not an excuse. But then it's not as if you don't want them to remake the constitution. Undoing what you consider wrong.

That makes you an unAmerican traitor. (n)
Don't blame the "handlers" of the guy

Blame. Them. All.

Not just “the guy”.

And the prep people SHOULD be fired.

That was their one job / responsibility, while President Biden has maaaaaany jobs and responsibilities. (Which he has been doing remarkably well for the past 3 1/2 years and counting.)

I would be much more comfortable replacing the debate prep team, rather than replacing President Biden (after ONE bad DEBATE), at this stage of the campaign.

Let’s see what happens.


Yes we know. You have no problem with people like Heritage Foundation - sponsor of Project 2025 - remaking the constitution to suit an ideology.

Your dismissal of the reality of what will be done if Trump wins is not an excuse. But then it's not as if you don't want them to remake the constitution. Undoing what you consider wrong.

That makes you an unAmerican traitor. (n)
How rich of you to express faux support for democracy while supporting a president who approved $1.2 trillion in debt (including $600 billion + in student loan forgiveness) via executive action and in defiance of judicial ruling.
How rich of you to express faux support for democracy while supporting a president who approved $1.2 trillion in debt (including $600 billion + in student loan forgiveness) via executive action and in defiance of judicial ruling.


Since President Biden DID win BOTH the electoral college AND the popular vote while campaigning on forgiving student loan debt accrued under abnormal conditions and oftentimes due to fraud, there was NOT anything approaching an attack on “democracy” in that executive action and others like it.

The fact that there is a radical right wing controlled SCOTUS and an obstructionist radical right wing cabal in congress makes President Biden’s executive actions even MORE acceptable AND in line with TRUE democracy.

Hope that ^ helps.


👉 BabyBoobs 🤣

Sorry gang, but it was more than a “glitch” or “bad day.” The fallout is real and big. Just in from CNN:

A CBS News/YouGov poll out Sunday morning found only 55% of registered Democratic voters saying Biden should continue running,with 45% saying he should step aside.
A debate watch party in Los Angeles on Thursday night happened to feature Harris’ husband Doug Emhoff, Pritzker, Whitmer and Beshear. There were other high-profile attendees – by a few answers in, Rob Reiner was screaming about losing and Jane Fonda had tears in her eyes, according to people in the room.

Democrats fear replacement scenarios as much as keeping Biden​
Last time the ‘rump supporters could claim that Trump had handlers who would keep him between the rails. His daughter would soften his policies.

Well? Many of those handlers got into or were shielded from legal troubles. He will pardon all of those who stood by him and put them back into power. He already did it.

Then there are those who tuned on him and are trying to warn us. Now? The right ignores them. What do they know?

And his daughter ??

His wife??

Why the fuck do so many follow him? They like the power and he is using “Replacement Theory” as his core beam to support all his beams. Is there a second core belief? His genius?? Trump certainly believes in it.
Sorry gang, but it was more than a “glitch” or “bad day.” The fallout is real and big. Just in from CNN:

A CBS News/YouGov poll out Sunday morning found only 55% of registered Democratic voters saying Biden should continue running,with 45% saying he should step aside.
A debate watch party in Los Angeles on Thursday night happened to feature Harris’ husband Doug Emhoff, Pritzker, Whitmer and Beshear. There were other high-profile attendees – by a few answers in, Rob Reiner was screaming about losing and Jane Fonda had tears in her eyes, according to people in the room.

Democrats fear replacement scenarios as much as keeping Biden​


Bed-wetters say lots of things:

Take BabyBoobs for example…


👉 BabyBoobs 🤣

How rich of you to express faux support for democracy while supporting a president who approved $1.2 trillion in debt (including $600 billion + in student loan forgiveness) via executive action and in defiance of judicial ruling.

Spare me your poutrage. $8T in debt for tax cuts the majority of which went to stock buy backs.

You don't get to act like you care about the budget when you believe in the dumbfuckery that is trickle down.

You're so wrapped up in your programming to hate democrats you'll tear down the country. To try to "save" it. Again, spare me.

For years you motherfuckers called us unpatriotic and here we are with the shoe on the other foot. You're going to vote for a traitor. Good job.