President Biden Interview Tonight: Redemption???

LOL. I added to that post, Keith, and yes, there are instances where specific cases were proven incorrect. Doesn't alter the fact that statistically, there was major systemic fraud that has never been investigated, and some HAVE been proven correct. But the real issue is that we have an electoral system that is wide open to these accusations, and that so many people believe these accusations reduces trust in our system and in the results. As we have seen time and time again, and as we will no doubt see again in November because none of the underlying issues have been resolved. And THAT is deliberate. And THAT is an indication in itself that systemic fraud exists.
This is false. What we have are individuals like Trump, Rudy, and such nuts, that make exclamatory statements without foundation. Lie, blatantly, about such claims and have enough gullible believers that subscribe to their claims without demanding proof.

Every court claim and newscast by Trump and Rudy regarding the virulent election fraud was shown to be false. Every state, e.g. Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania, etc, have repeatedly audited their findings with the same conclusions: no substantial errors that would have affected the outcomes of their election results.

You make wild claims, like Trump, without foundation, even when substantive evidence and re-counts show otherwise. You beat a relentless drum, hoping that might make a difference; that is damn close to the idea of a conspiracy nut. Yes, there is a need to improve voting. Yes, voter registrations need to be updated, but there has been no study or proof that those needs have contributed to massive voter fraud by anyone. To the contrary, the evidence supports the idea that our elections are fair, untampered with, and not controlled by Trumpian conspiracy beliefs.

If you make a claim as such, then provide the proof, a source, a study, or data analysis that shows this–not personal rants. Trump has no legitimacy in making such claims. He lies.

When is that going to sink in? When he loses the next election? Hopefully, you get it at that point.
This is false. What we have are individuals like Trump, Rudy, and such nuts, that make exclamatory statements without foundation. Lie, blatantly, about such claims and have enough gullible believers that subscribe to their claims without demanding proof.

Every court claim and newscast by Trump and Rudy regarding the virulent election fraud was shown to be false. Every state, e.g. Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania, etc, have repeatedly audited their findings with the same conclusions: no substantial errors that would have affected the outcomes of their election results.

You make wild claims, like Trump, without foundation, even when substantive evidence and re-counts show otherwise. You beat a relentless drum, hoping that might make a difference; that is damn close to the idea of a conspiracy nut. Yes, there is a need to improve voting. Yes, voter registrations need to be updated, but there has been no study or proof that those needs have contributed to massive voter fraud by anyone. To the contrary, the evidence supports the idea that our elections are fair, untampered with, and not controlled by Trumpian conspiracy beliefs.

If you make a claim as such, then provide the proof, a source, a study, or data analysis that shows this–not personal rants. Trump has no legitimacy in making such claims. He lies.

When is that going to sink in? When he loses the next election? Hopefully, you get it at that point.
Regardless, we will disagree. I won't waste my time or yours on reiterating everything. We all know both sides of this. I will not convince you. You will not convince me. Or many millions of others. And THAT is the real issue. We will never believe you. You will never believe us. Ever.

And without the trust in the electoral system and the accuracy of both the electoral system and the recording and counting of votes, at some side or the other refuses to accept or believe in the results to the point where violence becomes an alternative. We saw that in 2016 when violent Democrat insurrectionists rioted in Washington DC and elsewhere, in a self-proclaimed "Resistance" movement aimed at overturning the legitimately elected President. We also saw it in 2020 when peaceful Republican protestors were murdered by police and then jailed as political prisoners for protesting an obviously fraudulent vote count

So. What's the solution, buddy?

It's NOT gunning protestors down. It's not burning down Washington DC, although that might be no bad thing.

Nope. You fix the system, such that it is open, auditable, verifiable and accurate. Canada has it. The UK has it - nobody even questioned the Labor victory. France has it. Not even Le Pen even once questioned the accuracy of the results.

And yet, somehow, our elections are a complete mess. EVERY time. Counts dragging on for weeks. Voter rolls that have not been cleaned or purged in years. Voter ID? Hah! Verifying legal status of Voters when they enrol? In some States that has been deliberately done away with or processes put in place which ignore the requirement. The only real solution is a complete overhaul of the electoral system and electoral rolls, state by state. And for this, GOP States are as much to blame as Demonrat States.
You don’t think so?
She didn't. Introducing legislation without knowing it will pass is only done for political capital

Then you are more naive than you even know.

A fair court that isn’t setting the ground work for 2025…. Whatever needs to be adjusted to help with that..

Currently, since the President can do anything official… Joe has options.
Good luck with that.


Yeah, she nailed it:

White privilege small dick energy from "some" Democrats (mostly white "men") coupled with a corporate media influence campaign is fucking unacceptable - and it needs to stop.

I would be very interested to hear what "some people" on the PB who have exhibited white privilege small dick energy and amplified the corporate media narrative have to say about the points made in this video. (The point about uncomfortable white males was spot on, imho.)


And without the trust in the electoral system and the accuracy of both the electoral system and the recording and counting of votes, at some side or the other refuses to accept or believe in the results to the point where violence becomes an alternative. We saw that in 2016 when violent Democrat insurrectionists rioted in Washington DC and elsewhere, in a self-proclaimed "Resistance" movement aimed at overturning the legitimately elected President. We also saw it in 2020 when peaceful Republican protestors were murdered by police and then jailed as political prisoners for protesting an obviously fraudulent vote count


Bad Karma visits those who invite it,


👉 Chloe “Chicongo” Tzang 🤣


Yeah, she nailed it:

White privilege small dick energy from "some" Democrats (mostly white "men") coupled with a corporate media influence campaign is fucking unacceptable - and it needs to stop.

I would be very interested to hear what "some people" on the PB who have exhibited white privilege small dick energy and amplified the corporate media narrative have to say about the points made in this video. (The point about uncomfortable white males was spot on, imho.)


Monday's interview I'm sure will be fine.

Or Thursday

Or Saturday

I'm sure you're very confident that Debate Joe won't return for an encore.
Regardless, we will disagree. I won't waste my time or yours on reiterating everything. We all know both sides of this. I will not convince you. You will not convince me. Or many millions of others. And THAT is the real issue. We will never believe you. You will never believe us. Ever.

And without the trust in the electoral system and the accuracy of both the electoral system and the recording and counting of votes, at some side or the other refuses to accept or believe in the results to the point where violence becomes an alternative. We saw that in 2016 when violent Democrat insurrectionists rioted in Washington DC and elsewhere, in a self-proclaimed "Resistance" movement aimed at overturning the legitimately elected President. We also saw it in 2020 when peaceful Republican protestors were murdered by police and then jailed as political prisoners for protesting an obviously fraudulent vote count

So. What's the solution, buddy?

It's NOT gunning protestors down. It's not burning down Washington DC, although that might be no bad thing.

Nope. You fix the system, such that it is open, auditable, verifiable and accurate. Canada has it. The UK has it - nobody even questioned the Labor victory. France has it. Not even Le Pen even once questioned the accuracy of the results.

And yet, somehow, our elections are a complete mess. EVERY time. Counts dragging on for weeks. Voter rolls that have not been cleaned or purged in years. Voter ID? Hah! Verifying legal status of Voters when they enrol? In some States that has been deliberately done away with or processes put in place which ignore the requirement. The only real solution is a complete overhaul of the electoral system and electoral rolls, state by state. And for this, GOP States are as much to blame as Demonrat States.
Fixing a perceived flaw is impossible when evidence that it hasn't been violated to the extent that it caused failure to the system.

The stuff you wrote about peaceful resistance - that's bull. You are right we are not going to agree given your mindset. We can only suffer your bentness like Trump and hope that the flames die down after the next free and fair election. I won't be out in the streets with an AR-15 watching people drop off ballots, or storming a Federal building because a lunatic ranted, 'We're going to march down to the Capitol..." knowing some of them were armed, dressed in riot gear, and bent on violence. People died that day. You're claim it was a peaceful protest is, again, lunacy.

ONE bad DEBATE performance vs 3 1/2 years of results, vs COUNTLESS public appearances where President Biden performed exceptionally well overall, and vs world leaders who were in NATO meetings with President Biden vouching for his competency and his ability to continue to lead the United States and the free world.


ONE bad DEBATE performance vs 3 1/2 years of results, vs COUNTLESS public appearances where President Biden performed exceptionally well overall, and vs world leaders who were in NATO meetings with President Biden vouching for his competency and his ability to continue to lead the United States and the free world.

How do decided voters decide who to vote for?

Seems like they'd easily see what you mention and not be undecided.

I mean hell.....45's record is easy to see ...should be a no brainer.

I wonder if 46 could win without them.

I'm sure he could. ...he did before....right?......right?

"Some people" have something yellow running down their leg - and down their spine.


"Some people" have something yellow running down their leg - and down their spine.

Yes, I can see how expressing opinions is troubling for you when it's not in agreement with you. Maybe see a doctor
No voter fraud at all! Lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao! Id hate like hell to be ANYONE who certified 2020! 🤪😂🤣 WWG1WGA. NOTHING CAN STOP WHATS COMING! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
And without the trust in the electoral system and the accuracy of both the electoral system and the recording and counting of votes, at some side or the other refuses to accept or believe in the results to the point where violence becomes an alternative.
Well, there have been shenanigans and dirty political tricks going on forever, but until trump came along with his BIG LIE trust in the voting system and voting integrity was pretty damn high.

We saw that in 2016 when violent Democrat insurrectionists rioted in Washington DC and elsewhere, in a self-proclaimed "Resistance" movement aimed at overturning the legitimately elected President. We also saw it in 2020 when peaceful Republican protestors were murdered by police and then jailed as political prisoners for protesting an obviously fraudulent vote count
LOL, ok, if there was ANY question of your allegiance there’s none now. You are a fully committed kool aid drinker.

Nope. You fix the system, such that it is open, auditable, verifiable and accurate. Canada has it. The UK has it - nobody even questioned the Labor victory. France has it. Not even Le Pen even once questioned the accuracy of the results.

And yet, somehow, our elections are a complete mess. EVERY time. Counts dragging on for weeks. Voter rolls that have not been cleaned or purged in years. Voter ID? Hah! Verifying legal status of Voters when they enrol? In some States that has been deliberately done away with or processes put in place which ignore the requirement. The only real solution is a complete overhaul of the electoral system and electoral rolls, state by state. And for this, GOP States are as much to blame as Demonrat States.
It was actually working pretty good until trump, without any evidence whatsoever, told you it wasn’t. The current distrust about election and voting integrity falls squarely at trump’s feet, and his lemming base bought it, and the scared republicans went along with it out of fear of threats to themselves and family and they didn’t want to be “Cheneyed.”

I suppose you think 2000 Mules is a righteous documentary.
No voter fraud at all! Lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao! Id hate like hell to be ANYONE who certified 2020! 🤪😂🤣 WWG1WGA. NOTHING CAN STOP WHATS COMING! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Nobody has said there was no voter fraud.
She didn't. Introducing legislation without knowing it will pass is only done for political capital

Good luck with that.
As opposed to the posts of your Nazi friend.. all for the laughs. But keep supporting him.
how long before someone says "the trump assassination attempt was to keep us all talking about Joe Biden's dementia"?