President Biden Interview Tonight: Redemption???

Biden could get his critics back on board by telling them that under no circumstances will he let DJT back in the White House. SCOTUS has given him that power.
Bringing the conspiracy peddlers to officially give testimony to Congress is vastly different that submitting articles of impeachment for the corrupt Court members. There is 100 times more evidence than the prior sham impeachment trial, the juxtaposition of the two will land on voters with brains. Since brains don’t exist with those who wear red hats, and in babyboobs case his red armband…we can hope that it will resonate with all others.
AOC didn't bring up articles of impeachment to actually get them passed. No way in hell.

You can believe in impeaching them for whatever reason you want, but she only introduced the articles for votes.

So what Joe has lost a step. It’s bigger than Joe.
I don't believe anyone in SCOTUS deserves impeachment nor do I agree with expanding the court
AOC didn't bring up articles of impeachment to actually get them passed. No way in hell.

You can believe in impeaching them for whatever reason you want, but she only introduced the articles for votes.

I don't believe anyone in SCOTUS deserves impeachment nor do I agree with expanding the court
No need to impeach. Biden just needs to use some Official Acts.
with just 4 months to the election, changing leadership now is simply the recipe for chaos, a logistical nightmare:

  • the mess of a new candidate to be determined upon and 'elected' by the dem minority—risking the blow-back wrath by ignoring the resounding will of the millions
  • the nightmare of sorting out the finances so that nominee can begin proper campaigning
  • getting the voters on election-day to actually turn out for the new candidate where many might prefer either President Biden to remain or a different candidate from the group—division of overall support for a single dem candidate that currently belongs (mainly) to President Biden

it'd be a complete shit-show and one the republicans can't wait to see.

The corporate media, online pundits, and the chaos junkies who live to blather about polls and fantasy politics want to see a complete shit show as well.


Biden +2 Percentage Points Against Trump, Despite Concerns about Biden’s Mental Fitness​

  • Among voters who have an unfavorable impression of both candidates, four percentage points separate Trump (47%) and Biden (43%). Trump was previously +7 percentage points over Biden among voters who dislike both Biden and Trump.

    Honesty Trumps Age​

    Americans are overwhelmingly more concerned about a president who plays fast and loose with the facts than someone who is too old to serve. Nearly seven in ten Americans (68%) think it is more concerning if a president does not tell the truth. Nearly one in three (32%) think it is more concerning if someone is too old to serve. Democrats (85%), independents (66%), and a slim majority of Republicans (51%) agree that dishonesty is of greater concern over advanced age.

In every poll I have looked at, honesty trumps age.
AOC didn't bring up articles of impeachment to actually get them passed. No way in hell.
You don’t think so?
You can believe in impeaching them for whatever reason you want, but she only introduced the articles for votes.

I don't believe anyone in SCOTUS deserves impeachment nor do I agree with expanding the court
Then you are more naive than you even know.

A fair court that isn’t setting the ground work for 2025…. Whatever needs to be adjusted to help with that..

Currently, since the President can do anything official… Joe has options.

How low is the bar dropping for what will pass as a suitable Democrat candidate to win this most important of elections?

This beaut’ above, for example, seems to suggest we should be impressed and reassured that Biden can function for an hour AND show a grasp of his subject ?

I mean, jeez, talk about being damned by faint praise. Imagine if all JFK could offer was an hours functioning here and there ? Lincoln didn’t a monument for having ‘a grasp” of politics.

Balanced as you are, you’ve edited out the bit about him rambling, plus the bit where he called Zelensky by Putins name, the bit where he said Trump was his vice President, the bit where he said he’d been consulting the commander in chief, the bit where he lied about not supporting the Afghan occupation and the bit where he complained about crossing 15 time zones when he hadn’t fucking crossed any.
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How low is the bar dropping for what will pass as a competent Democrat candidate to win this most important of elections?

This beaut’ above, for example, seems to suggest we should be impressed that the guy can function for an hour AND show a grasp of his subject ?

I mean, jeez, talk about being damned by faint praise.

Balanced as you are, you’ve edited out the bit about him rambling, the bit where he called Zelensky by Putins name, the bit where he said Trump was his vice President and the bit where he complained about crossing 15 time zones when he hadn’t fucking crossed any.


Democrats have conceded that President Biden is old, (so is Trump) isn’t the most eloquent speaker, (neither is Trump) mixes up names occasionally, (so does Trump) and that he had ONE exceptionally bad DEBATE (so did Trump).

What have the MAGAts conceded about the rapey, racist, demented, corrupt orange traitor / convict.


Yeah…I thought so.


Democrats have conceded that President Biden is old, (so is Trump) isn’t the most eloquent speaker, (neither is Trump) mixes up names occasionally, (so does Trump) and that he had ONE exceptionally bad DEBATE (so did Trump).

What have the MAGAts conceded about the rapey, racist, demented, corrupt orange traitor / convict.


Yeah…I thought so.


What on earth do you care what MAGAs do ? They’re going to vote Trump, and that’s that.

It’s about time you considered what independents are going to do, and they aren’t buying “one bad debate” no matter how much you trot it out.
Balanced as you are, you’ve edited out the bit about him rambling, plus the bit where he called Zelensky by Putins name, the bit where he said Trump was his vice President, the bit .,
Different speeches !!
You’re just wading in with talking points

The polls say different

Let’s see what happens when everyone knows all the shit in Manifesto 2025

Independents won’t vote in the Reich
What on earth do you care what MAGAs do ? They’re going to vote Trump, and that’s that.

It’s about time you considered what independents are going to do, and they aren’t buying “one bad debate” no matter how much you trot it out.


The Democrats who are continuing to support President Biden ARE considering how Independents will vote. Those Democrats are demonstrating their values of rationality and loyalty to Independent voters by NOT overreacting and NOT throwing a GOOD man and president under the bus after ONE bad DEBATE performance and a few gaffes.

Do the Democrats who are acting like a bunch of bed-wetters and backstabbers after ONE bad DEBATE performance and a few gaffes make the Democratic Party more appealing to Independent voters???


