President Biden’s Debate Prep.

Another article that supports my contentions:


Some people get what really happened leading up to that debate.



"My only request was make sure he's rested before the debate, but he was exhausted. He was unwell," said one person who said they appealed to Biden's top aides in the days before, to no avail. "What a bad decision to send him out looking sick and exhausted."

Others were even more pointed. "It is my belief that he was over-coached, over-practiced. And I believe [senior aide] Anita Dunn... put him in a venue that was conducive for Trump and not for him,” said John Morgan, a Florida-based attorney and major Biden fundraiser.

Biden didn't get to where he is by dispensing with people when the make a mistake. Nor by making the same mistake twice.

Exhaustion does make sense. And if the debate angle going in was off... then yeah. Especially with a stutter. A crash landing.

Also makes more sense why after the debate he wasn't having issues and why the next day he was back to spitting fire.

Since President Biden DID win BOTH the electoral college AND the popular vote while campaigning on forgiving student loan debt accrued under abnormal conditions and oftentimes due to fraud, there was NOT anything approaching an attack on “democracy” in that executive action and others like it.

The fact that there is a radical right wing controlled SCOTUS and an obstructionist radical right wing cabal in congress makes President Biden’s executive actions even MORE acceptable AND in line with TRUE democracy.

Hope that ^ helps.


👉 BabyBoobs 🤣

So, when your guy decides that the court is right wing he doesn’t have to abide by SCOTUS rulings because he thinks he is above the law and the ends justifies the means. THAT is the breakdown of law and order and THAT is an existential threat to democracy. You and your ilk are the true threats to democracy.
So, when your guy decides that the court is right wing he doesn’t have to abide by SCOTUS rulings because he thinks he is above the law and the ends justifies the means. THAT is the breakdown of law and order and THAT is an existential threat to democracy. You and your ilk are the true threats to democracy.

Nah that's Trump, traitor. And you guys. Ends justifies the means is your MO.
Biden didn't get to where he is by dispensing with people when the make a mistake. Nor by making the same mistake twice.

Exhaustion does make sense. And if the debate angle going in was off... then yeah. Especially with a stutter. A crash landing.

Also makes more sense why after the debate he wasn't having issues and why the next day he was back to spitting fire.


Part of my calls for firings is my own anger and frustration. (See also: My plays at conspiracy theories.)

And it’s what I would do, not what I expect a guy as loyal, religious and forgiving as President Biden will do.



Side note:

IF that debate team stays intact and tries to run back that same debate prep / strategy for the next debate, town hall, or one-on-one interview, I will be apoplectic. (Just a heads up.)


Part of my calls for firings is my own anger and frustration. (See also: My plays at conspiracy theories.)

And it’s what I would do, not what I expect a guy as loyal, religious and forgiving as President Biden will do.



Side note:

IF that debate team stays intact and tries to run back that same debate prep / strategy for the next debate, town hall, or one-on-one interview, I will be apoplectic. (Just a heads up.)


Honestly I am wondering if Trump will actually do the second debate. Unless there is some contractual obligation holding him to it. But then it's not like he hasn't been sued before. Heh.

I highly doubt the same game plan would be in order. I don't think Biden will ever allow himself to look like that again.
So, when your guy decides that the court is right wing he doesn’t have to abide by SCOTUS rulings because he thinks he is above the law and the ends justifies the means. THAT is the breakdown of law and order and THAT is an existential threat to democracy. You and your ilk are the true threats to democracy.


President Biden DID abide by the SCOTUS ruling: President Biden’s major student debt relief plan did NOT go into effect.


Hope that ^ helps.


👉 ineedhelp1 🤣

Honestly I am wondering if Trump will actually do the second debate. Unless there is some contractual obligation holding him to it. But then it's not like he hasn't been sued before. Heh.

I highly doubt the same game plan would be in order. I don't think Biden will ever allow himself to look like that again.

Ducking a rematch is frowned upon in the hyper-"macho" MAGA-verse.

Ducking a rematch against President Biden after "winning" the first debate when President Biden was clearly not close to 100% would mark the racist, corrupt orange traitor as “the ultimate coward”.

I’d be fine with the racist, corrupt orange traitor dodging a second debate like that orange POS dodged nearly every question at the first debate: The yellow stain would go nicely with the orange stain.


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So ineedhelp1 is determined to demonstrate that they’re a traitor AND an imbecile.


One more time for traitors and imbeciles:

President Biden abided by the SCOTUS ruling, and the major student loan debt relief plan wasn’t implemented,


Hope that ^ helps. (I doubt it will.)


👉 ineedhelp1 🤣


So ineedhelp1 is determined to demonstrate that they’re a traitor AND an imbecile.


One more time for traitors and imbeciles:

President Biden abided by the SCOTUS ruling, and the major student loan debt relief plan wasn’t implemented,


Hope that ^ helps. (I doubt it will.)


👉 ineedhelp1 🤣

He just does shit.

Not before he implemented his plan. He knew he didn’t have the authority to eliminate student debt but went ahead anyway. It wasn’t till it went before SCOTUS did he end his buying votes sham. His new attempt is once again slapped down by federal courts.

But this wasn’t in the spirit of offering a safety net to borrowers who were struggling. It was a back door way of providing loan cancellation. The thought was that existing legislation allowed for modification of repayment programs to be more—even preposterously more—generous despite the court’s original ruling that forgiveness, through more explicit means, wasn’t within the president’s legal authority.

Earlier this week, two separate courts put up roadblocks that may stop him from succeeding in his latest crusade to forgive student debt without Congressional approval.

Two cases, brought to the courts by two coalitions of state attorneys general, argued that the White House overstepped their authority in creating and beginning to implement the SAVE Plan. Both state courts granted injunctions that will temporarily pause some pieces of the plan. Most notably, the Missouri court halted any further loan forgiveness from taking place under the expanded generosity created by SAVE, and the ruling in Kansas will halt the cuts to monthly payments that were scheduled to begin on the first of July.

The court decisions were the first step in a legal process that may ultimately end up at the Supreme Court. The nation’s highest court might once more decide the fate of Biden’s legally dubious efforts to cancel student debt at the expense of taxpayers.
Not before he implemented his plan. He knew he didn’t have the authority to eliminate student debt but went ahead anyway. It wasn’t till it went before SCOTUS did he end his buying votes sham. His new attempt is once again slapped down by federal courts.

But this wasn’t in the spirit of offering a safety net to borrowers who were struggling. It was a back door way of providing loan cancellation. The thought was that existing legislation allowed for modification of repayment programs to be more—even preposterously more—generous despite the court’s original ruling that forgiveness, through more explicit means, wasn’t within the president’s legal authority.

Earlier this week, two separate courts put up roadblocks that may stop him from succeeding in his latest crusade to forgive student debt without Congressional approval.

Two cases, brought to the courts by two coalitions of state attorneys general, argued that the White House overstepped their authority in creating and beginning to implement the SAVE Plan. Both state courts granted injunctions that will temporarily pause some pieces of the plan. Most notably, the Missouri court halted any further loan forgiveness from taking place under the expanded generosity created by SAVE, and the ruling in Kansas will halt the cuts to monthly payments that were scheduled to begin on the first of July.

The court decisions were the first step in a legal process that may ultimately end up at the Supreme Court. The nation’s highest court might once more decide the fate of Biden’s legally dubious efforts to cancel student debt at the expense of taxpayers.


Apology accepted.

(Or the closest thing to an apology an imbecilic traitor is ever going to muster.)


👉 ineedhelp1 🤣

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There is some comfort for me in the mixed poll
results; few viewers changed their minds.
The fundraising supports your comfort.
many people his age, might have trouble recalling specific details, one must stick to a single viewpoint. However, I don't think that's necessary.
It was for Trump. He could only spew talking points. The same taking points ad nauseam.
Ducking a rematch is frowned upon in the hyper-"macho" MAGA-verse.

Ducking a rematch against President Biden after "winning" the first debate when President Biden was clearly not close to 100% would mark the racist, corrupt orange traitor as “the ultimate coward”.

I’d be fine with the racist, corrupt orange traitor dodging a second debate like that orange POS dodged nearly every question at the first debate: The yellow stain would go nicely with the orange stain.



Whether there's a rematch or not will depend on a lot of things.

Biden's overall general fitness will be deciding. If he continues to decline physically/mentally, the debate be cancelled.

Trump can play politics and show the "mercy" card.

Biden can bow out of the race.

None of those things are cowardly.