President Biden Interview Tonight: Redemption???

So, traitor is it that difficult to answer these questions.

You seem to have trouble with it.
Just like you to litter the lit forum with bullshit. Easy to take things out of context and change the meaning of a comment.

“You’re not going to be a dictator, are you?’ I said: ‘No, no, no, other than day one. We’re closing the border, and we’re drilling, drilling, drilling. After that, I’m not a dictator.’”
Just like you to litter the lit forum with bullshit. Easy to take things out of context and change the meaning of a comment.

“You’re not going to be a dictator, are you?’ I said: ‘No, no, no, other than day one. We’re closing the border, and we’re drilling, drilling, drilling. After that, I’m not a dictator.’”
Traitor. Lol. Only because I’ve not said that to you in the last few days.
Just like you to litter the lit forum with bullshit. Easy to take things out of context and change the meaning of a comment.

“You’re not going to be a dictator, are you?’ I said: ‘No, no, no, other than day one. We’re closing the border, and we’re drilling, drilling, drilling. After that, I’m not a dictator.’”
So that's how you justify voting for a president who says he wants to be a dictator at all. You haven't answered any of the questions. You are still a traitor. And you are selling out your country because you think you should hate Democrats.
Joe Biden's effort to redeem himself from his debate debacle hasn't been going well. His interview on ABC was a train wreck. The response was just brutal, with even ABC host Jon Karl saying it failed to reassure anyone and it just added fuel to the fire. Sadly, Biden seems to be in complete denial as to his incompetence, but one does expect this. Senile old folks with dementia normally don't grasp that they're ill, and it's up to their caregivers to take the appropriate action. In this case, Jill Biden is either in complete denial, or she just wants to hang on in there for the perks for another few months. And the kickbacks of course.

Biden's denialism disturbed even more people as he refused to accept the dire position he's in, and refusing to accept what anyone is saying if they aren't supporting him staying in the race. One House Democrat has come out and said outright that Biden is completely "insulated from reality" and pollster Nate Silver is saying that they should be working on a plan to transition to Kamala Harris in the next 30-60 days. That denialism has been a feature of Biden's for a very long time. It's worse with his cognitive decline, but it's part of his whole makeup and it's impacted the decisions he's made in the office. We saw it after the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, where he refused to admit that any mistakes were made. He lied about getting Americans out and then left hundreds behind, along with thousands of allies. And now in the debate, he even denied the deaths of the 13 service members who were killed because of his poor planning.

He is a truly twisted and broken human being.

Instead of listening to anyone with sense telling him to step aside, he appears to be relying on a "very tight inner circle" in the words of George Stephanopoulos. According to Martha Raddatz, administration officials are telling her that that very tight inner circle is telling Biden that he can win, that he needs to keep going.
"This includes his wife, Jill, who they said is lashing out at those who want him to get out of the race," she said.

Looks like the media is throwing Biden under the bus at this point. Oh, and they didn't refer to her as "Dr. Biden" either, that appears to have gone out the window. It seems that Madame Iron Fist doesn't want to give up the seat of power no matter how much it embarrasses the man she claims to love or how much it endangers the nation. If she wanted the position for attention, she's certainly got that now, but it's all negative. So that's ironic, she's going to go down in history as a horrible human being. Without media protection they've had for the last 4 years, they're just thrust more into the light as the deficient, craven characters they truly are and it's an ugly look. And it says something that ever after all this, they think they can take people in again, enough to vote for Biden. He's not the only one who's living in denial.
Joe Biden's effort to redeem himself from his debate debacle hasn't been going well. His interview on ABC was a train wreck. The response was just brutal, with even ABC host Jon Karl saying it failed to reassure anyone and it just added fuel to the fire. Sadly, Biden seems to be in complete denial as to his incompetence, but one does expect this. Senile old folks with dementia normally don't grasp that they're ill, and it's up to their caregivers to take the appropriate action. In this case, Jill Biden is either in complete denial, or she just wants to hang on in there for the perks for another few months. And the kickbacks of course.

Biden's denialism disturbed even more people as he refused to accept the dire position he's in, and refusing to accept what anyone is saying if they aren't supporting him staying in the race. One House Democrat has come out and said outright that Biden is completely "insulated from reality" and pollster Nate Silver is saying that they should be working on a plan to transition to Kamala Harris in the next 30-60 days. That denialism has been a feature of Biden's for a very long time. It's worse with his cognitive decline, but it's part of his whole makeup and it's impacted the decisions he's made in the office. We saw it after the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, where he refused to admit that any mistakes were made. He lied about getting Americans out and then left hundreds behind, along with thousands of allies. And now in the debate, he even denied the deaths of the 13 service members who were killed because of his poor planning.

He is a truly twisted and broken human being.

Instead of listening to anyone with sense telling him to step aside, he appears to be relying on a "very tight inner circle" in the words of George Stephanopoulos. According to Martha Raddatz, administration officials are telling her that that very tight inner circle is telling Biden that he can win, that he needs to keep going.
"This includes his wife, Jill, who they said is lashing out at those who want him to get out of the race," she said.

Looks like the media is throwing Biden under the bus at this point. Oh, and they didn't refer to her as "Dr. Biden" either, that appears to have gone out the window. It seems that Madame Iron Fist doesn't want to give up the seat of power no matter how much it embarrasses the man she claims to love or how much it endangers the nation. If she wanted the position for attention, she's certainly got that now, but it's all negative. So that's ironic, she's going to go down in history as a horrible human being. Without media protection they've had for the last 4 years, they're just thrust more into the light as the deficient, craven characters they truly are and it's an ugly look. And it says something that ever after all this, they think they can take people in again, enough to vote for Biden. He's not the only one who's living in denial.
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You support someone who says they want, as president, to be a dictator. Yeah, day one. ANY day is not an acceptable day for dictatorship in America.

You support someone who wants to suspend articles of the constitution he doesn't agree with.

You support someone who literally can't string a single sentence together.

You support someone who is actively working on putting Project 2025 into place.

You support someone who says they want, as president, to be a dictator. Yeah, day one. ANY day is not an acceptable day for dictatorship in America.

You support someone who wants to suspend articles of the constitution he doesn't agree with.

You support someone who literally can't string a single sentence together.

You support someone who is actively working on putting Project 2025 into place.


Now really, why should I STFU? That seems very dictatorial and totalitarian to me. You're openly being the very thing you criticize. Something I always find amusing. Until you resort to violence of course.

As for suspending the Constitution? No-one can do that, altho Biden has been doing his best to just ignore it, and ignore SCOTUS rulings, denying the rule of law.

As for Project 2025, that's a plan put out by the Heritage Foundation to reshape the federal government and consolidate executive power, NOT Trump's policy, and he's already said he has nothing to do with the Heritage Foundation. This is a non-story.

What reallt scares the hell out the American people, Adrina, is the prospect of a cognitively-vacant and incapable Joe Biden remaining in the White House, not to mention his word-salad-queen vice president, Kamala Harris taking over the controls. She's even more cognitively-vacant than Biden in some ways.
Why is the pundit class so desperate to push Biden out of the race?

Although the Biden administration seems to have run extremely well for three and a half years, with a strong cabinet, few scandals and little turnover, a thriving economy and some major legislative accomplishments, the narrative the punditocracy has created suggested we should ignore this record and decide on the basis of the ninety-minute debate and reference to newly surfaced swarms of anonymous sources that Biden is incompetent. Quite a lot of them have been running magical-realism fantasy-football scenarios in which is fun and easy to swap in your favorite substitute candidate. The reality is that it is hard and quite likely to be a terrible mess. Nevertheless this pretense is supposed to mean that telling a presidential candidate in mid-campaign to get lost is fine.
Because after ignoring the obvious decline in Biden’s mental condition for four years, they’re confronted with what happened on 6/27. Millions of voters saw it. They cannot unsee it. The gaslighting isn’t working anymore. They’re afraid their guy will lose in November. They want him replaced before it’s too late.

You didn’t read the article.

Three and a half years of success vs 90 minutes of debate with an opponent spewing lies and bizarre fantasies.
You didn’t read the article.

Three and a half years of success vs 90 minutes of debate with an opponent spewing lies and bizarre fantasies.
LOL. Depends how you define success. Record inflation? Destroying small businesses by legislating minimum wages to drive them out of business? Buying a house out of reach of most Americans? Millions of illegals flooding uncontrollably across the borders? Putin invading Ukraine? Iran on the verge of going nuclear? Hamas massacring Israeli women and children? Fucking up withdrawing from Afghanistan?

Nah, three and half years of fuckups and failures. Time for the adults to step back in and clean house.

Starting with deporting 50,000,000 illegals.
Now really, why should I STFU? That seems very dictatorial and totalitarian to me. You're openly being the very thing you criticize. Something I always find amusing. Until you resort to violence of course.

As for suspending the Constitution? No-one can do that, altho Biden has been doing his best to just ignore it, and ignore SCOTUS rulings, denying the rule of law.

As for Project 2025, that's a plan put out by the Heritage Foundation to reshape the federal government and consolidate executive power, NOT Trump's policy, and he's already said he has nothing to do with the Heritage Foundation. This is a non-story.

What reallt scares the hell out the American people, Adrina, is the prospect of a cognitively-vacant and incapable Joe Biden remaining in the White House, not to mention his word-salad-queen vice president, Kamala Harris taking over the controls. She's even more cognitively-vacant than Biden in some ways.

Honestly being American and anti-violence is hilarious. Our entire civilization is based on the concept that if people fuck around they should find out.

A Presidents can and have suspended/ignored the Constitution. Not only is that not unique to Biden he wouldn't even rank highly in this century as far as "fuck that." That is how our system functions in reality.

Trump says he had nothing to do with project 2025. Meanwhile the Heritage Foundation stated, years ago that he agreed with somewhere between 2/3s and 3/4ths of the policies on it. He could outright deny it. Its not like he hasn't both said that he's states rights on abortion and that there must be a punishment for the woman on an abortion. Its not like he claimed he would achieve peace in the Middle East and then moved the Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. I mean every president half ass promises to bring peace to the reason and at best pretend to give a shit. Trump actively made it worse. Moving the embassy isn't an "oops, didn't really think THIS would anger some folk" that was an open slap in the face and a declaration that no inention of a two state solution existed.

There is no reason to believe the AMerican people are scared of Biden in the White House in any numbers real numbers that didn't exist last month. What is obvious is that the media, supposedly liberal (though anybody who pays attention knows they are not liberal) are having a great time tearing him down for ratings.

I haven't seen anything to suggest Kamala is taking over. I don't see how you really slot her in but I could be wrong.
I wonder how many millions of dollars the government spent on buttery males.

MILLIONS spent on butterymales AND the "FORM 1023!!!" snipe-hunt which only succeeded in PROVING that there WAS a RUSSIAN disinformation operation going on, and only resulted in ONE arrest: The arrest of a RUSSIAN operative.

Honestly being American and anti-violence is hilarious. Our entire civilization is based on the concept that if people fuck around they should find out.
Oh, I agree, and don't get me wrong, I am in no way anti-violence. Carthago delenda est works as well now as it did then.

Nope, it's just Adrina with her little STFU comment. Honestly, what does she wanna do? Shut up everyone whose opinion she disagrees with? How does she intend to do that? Unless she means it, there's no point in saying it, and if she says it, its with the intent to force other people to comply. I have absolutely no issues with Adrina spouting off whatever nonsense she wants to. But as soon as she tries to force others to STFU she's way out of line. Pointless comment from someone who's obviously out there on the fascist spectrum somewhere. Now when she and her friends actually try to apply that violence, rather than just spouting off nonsensically, that's where the helicopter rides start.....because that's where that sort of viewpoint always goes. Hence the 1st and 2nd Amendments.

A Presidents can and have suspended/ignored the Constitution. Not only is that not unique to Biden he wouldn't even rank highly in this century as far as "fuck that." That is how our system functions in reality.

Yeah, doesn't make it any the righter tho. What it does she is we need a rather more rigorous ability to enforce the Constitution that's independent of El Presidente.

Trump says he had nothing to do with project 2025. Meanwhile the Heritage Foundation stated, years ago that he agreed with somewhere between 2/3s and 3/4ths of the policies on it. He could outright deny it. Its not like he hasn't both said that he's states rights on abortion and that there must be a punishment for the woman on an abortion. Its not like he claimed he would achieve peace in the Middle East and then moved the Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. I mean every president half ass promises to bring peace to the reason and at best pretend to give a shit. Trump actively made it worse. Moving the embassy isn't an "oops, didn't really think THIS would anger some folk" that was an open slap in the face and a declaration that no inention of a two state solution existed.

Maybe. Personally, I agree with a lot of whats in Project 2025, but its still nothing to do with Trump. The Heritage Foundation can advocate whatever they like and say what they like but to say it's Trump policy is a blatant lie. It's not.

As for States rights, that's entirely in line with the Constitution. The Federal Govt is far too intrusive and needs to be scaled back and downsized and downright closed down when it comes to many Depts and Agencies.

Middle East? No wars there while Trump was President, despite the mess that Obama and Hillary created and then left behind.

There is no reason to believe the AMerican people are scared of Biden in the White House in any numbers real numbers that didn't exist last month. What is obvious is that the media, supposedly liberal (though anybody who pays attention knows they are not liberal) are having a great time tearing him down for ratings.

I haven't seen anything to suggest Kamala is taking over. I don't see how you really slot her in but I could be wrong.

Nah, the media don't WANT to tear Biden down. The debate forced their hand by showing how much they'd lied and covered up for Biden. They'd still be happily covering up if he hadn't done that debate and made it plain to everyone how fucked up and far gone he is. But that debate made it so obvious, and he's so far down in the polls that the Dems are getting desperate.

As for Kamala, she's the next in line and Nate Silver, the polling guru if ever there was one, is saying 30-60 days for Kamala to step up and Biden to have his ass kicked out and moved to the old folks home. He's only going to humiliate himself further by hanging on, and Jill looks worse by the day.
LOL. Depends how you define success. Record inflation?

Trump’s spending and mishandling of Covid , corporate greedflation, and Putin’s war of aggression is most responsible for inflation.

Destroying small businesses by legislating minimum wages to drive them out of business?

Small businesses that can’t pay a living wage to their employees SHOULD be out of business.

Buying a house out of reach of most Americans?

See: “republican” policies on affordable housing, ETC,

Millions of illegals flooding uncontrollably across the borders?

A lie on its face. And Trump just sabotaged the most sweeping BIPARTISAN immigration reform and border security bill in decades.
President Biden gave congress a chance to act, and then he acted with his border shutdown EO. Also: REPUBLICANS ADVERTISING that the borders were "open" (a LIE) when President Biden was elected is criminal. Human traffickers used REPUBLICAN comments about "open" borders to entice desperate people to make the dangerous journey to the U.S. (America DOES need immigrants and HAS benefited from their labors, BTW.)

Putin invading Ukraine?

To hurt President Biden and help Trump.

Iran on the verge of going nuclear?

Not really true - and the progress Iran HAS made is largely due to Trump abandoning the JCPOA

Hamas massacring Israeli women and children?

Trump’s fault for assasinating Soleimani, moving the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, and excluding the Palestinians from the Abraham Accords negotiations, etc.

Fucking up withdrawing from Afghanistan?

The withdrawal from Afghanistan was an unprecedented success under the circumstances. The circumstances being: TRUMP’S promised timeline for withdrawal; TRUMP’S ordered release of FIVE THOUSAND hardened TALIBAN FIGHTERS from Afghan prisons BEFORE the withdrawal, and TRUMP’S OWN FAILURE to execute a withdrawal during HIS administration.

Nah, three and half years of fuckups and failures. Time for the adults to step back in and clean house.

President Biden has had one of the most successful Presidencies in U.S. history by any metric, when judging by the things under his control.

Starting with deporting 50,000,000 illegals.

Please tell us how that would ACTUALLY work. We’re "interested"


👉 Chloe "Chicongo" Tzang 🤣

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