President Biden Interview Tonight: Redemption???

Trump’s spending and mishandling of Covid , corporate greedflation, and Putin’s war of aggression is most responsible for inflation.

Small businesses that can’t pay a living wage to their employees SHOULD be out of business.

See: “republican” policies on affordable housing, ETC,

A lie on its face. And Trump just sabotaged the most sweeping BIPARTISAN immigration reform and border security bill in decades.
President Biden gave congress a chance to act, and then he acted with his border shutdown EO. Also: REPUBLICANS ADVERTISING that the borders were "open" (a LIE) when President Biden was elected is criminal. Human traffickers used REPUBLICAN comments about "open" borders to entice desperate people to make the dangerous journey to the U.S. (America DOES need immigrants and HAS benefited from their labors, BTW.)

To hurt President Biden and help Trump.

Not really true - and the progress Iran HAS made is largely due to Trump abandoning the JCPOA

Trump’s fault for assasinating Soleimani, moving the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, and excluding the Palestinians from the Abraham Accords negotiations, etc.

The withdrawal from Afghanistan was an unprecedented success under the circumstances. The circumstances being: TRUMP’S promised timeline for withdrawal; TRUMP’S ordered release of FIVE THOUSAND hardened TALIBAN FIGHTERS from Afghan prisons BEFORE the withdrawal, and TRUMP’S OWN FAILURE to execute a withdrawal during HIS administration.

President Biden has had one of the most successful Presidencies in U.S. history by any metric, when judging by the things under his control.

Please tell us how that would ACTUALLY work. We’re "interested"


👉 Chloe "Chicongo" Tzang 🤣


rotflmao. Jeez dude, we live on different planets. Seriously? I'm not even gonna respond to this - it's hard to type and laugh, my display has coffee all over it but at least I got a good nasal flush. LOL
rotflmao. Jeez dude, we live on different planets. Seriously? I'm not even gonna respond to this - it's hard to type and laugh, my display has coffee all over it but at least I got a good nasal flush. LOL


Do ignorant racists always laugh when they get schooled???


👉 Chloe “Chicongo” Tzang 🤣

rotflmao. Jeez dude, we live on different planets. Seriously? I'm not even gonna respond to this - it's hard to type and laugh, my display has coffee all over it but at least I got a good nasal flush. LOL
Ah yes, the tried and true There You Go Again trick: sit back and let the other side tell the truth, and then bat your eyes and say aw golly gee, folks, we can't be that bad!

I cannot deny the Republicans have gotten a lot of mileage out of that one, admittedly.
Ah yes, the tried and true There You Go Again trick: sit back and let the other side tell the truth, and then bat your eyes and say aw golly gee, folks, we can't be that bad!

I cannot deny the Republicans have gotten a lot of mileage out of that one, admittedly.

They got so much mileage out of that deflection that there’s no tread on it anymore.

They got so much mileage out of that deflection that there’s no tread on it anymore.

I sure hope you're right...and I'm cautiously optimistic that you are. I mean, there is no plausible deniability when it comes to Trump's track record!

Do ignorant racists always laugh when they get schooled???


👉 Chloe “Chicongo” Tzang 🤣

You call that schooled? Lazaran, Lazaran, Lazaran, you can do better than that, surely? That was just the usual deluded woke left nonsense that's been repeated ad infinitum and honestly, it's not even worth responding to. If you're that deluded that you actually believe that, there's no recovery possible. There's a point where you can't recover from TDS, so it's basic triage, you don't waste your time, and you're in the Black, baby. Nonsalvageable.

rotflmao. He actually did. In the debate. I didn't notice when I was watching, but he did!!!! It's classic Trump at his best.

"I said close the border," Trump said. "With the safest border in history. In that final couple of months of my presidency, we had, according to Border Patrol, who is great, and by the way, who endorsed me for president, but I won't say that, but they endorsed me for president."
"Brandon, just speak to him," he then said.

rotflmao. He actually did. In the debate. I didn't notice when I was watching, but he did!!!! It's classic Trump at his best.

"I said close the border," Trump said. "With the safest border in history. In that final couple of months of my presidency, we had, according to Border Patrol, who is great, and by the way, who endorsed me for president, but I won't say that, but they endorsed me for president."
"Brandon, just speak to him," he then said.

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I guess I could ask if you even realize how poorly this reflects on Trump and on anyone who supports him, but then the cruelty is the point with you guys.
I guess I could ask if you even realize how poorly this reflects on Trump and on anyone who supports him, but then the cruelty is the point with you guys.
Oh, Biden deserves every ounce of humiliation and cruelty that's going to be heaped on him and I hope he suffers.
Oh, Biden deserves every ounce of humiliation and cruelty that's going to be heaped on him and I hope he suffers.
What's wrong? Sick and tired of having affordable health care that can't be taken away if you get too sick? Or in the (highly unlikely) event that you really are a woman, you just can't stand having someone fight for your right to make your own decisions? Or is it that you wish he'd get out of the way and let Putin take over Ukraine?
I guess I could ask if you even realize how poorly this reflects on Trump and on anyone who supports him, but then the cruelty is the point with you guys.

Cruelty, lacking a shred of righteous anger.

That ^ is why the J6 insurrection FAILED. There was ZERO legal or moral justification for it. J6 was a violent, destructive tantrum at best, that tragically resulted in loss of life and numerous injuries.

I suspect the MAGAts will see how it’s done if and when they try to implement “Project 2025”.

There WILL be righteous anger and all the justification in the world behind the opposition to a fascist regime and the implementation of its fascist doctrines.

And that opposition WILL touch those cowardly closet fascists who live in remote parts of the country, without a single shot being fired in their direction.

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Cruelty, lacking a shred of righteous anger.

That ^ is why the J6 insurrection FAILED. There was ZERO legal or moral justification for it. J6 was a violent, destructive, tantrum at best that tragically resulted in loss of life and numerous injuries.

I suspect the MAGAts will see how it’s done if and when they try to implement “Project 2025”.

There WILL be righteous anger and all the justification in the world behind the opposition to a fascist regime and the implementation of its fascist doctrines.

And that opposition WILL touch those cowardly closet fascists who live in remote parts of the country, without a single shot being fired in their direction.


LOL. Insurrection my ass. As for "see how it's done," please, go right ahead. Spark it off.
LOL. Insurrection my ass. As for "see how it's done," please, go right ahead. Spark it off.


“Spark it off” is a perfect way of putting it - though Chloe “Chicongo” Tzang is probably too dumb to understand why.


👉 Chloe “Chicongo” Tzang 🤣


“Spark it off” is a perfect way of putting it - though Chloe “Chicongo” Tzang is probably too dumb to understand why.


👉 Chloe “Chicongo” Tzang 🤣

MUCH better! Have at it. I have to fold my cards and get some sleep. Normal programming will resume in my absence.
He could have done better, performance wasnt impressive and i hope that doesnt affect his chances of winning.
Looks like 21 August is the cutoff if the Dems want to bump Biden off as their nominated candidate. Given he already has all the delegates, they're committed and he'd win on the first ballot because the rules say they can't change, if he doesn't withdraw, Dems are screwed, and Jill sure doesn't want him to withdraw. The first day of the Convention is on August 19, and the first cutoff are around Aug 22-23. No pressure here. LOL

The article gives a state by state breakdown of cutoff dates by which candidates have to be in so they can be on the ballot. Mid to late August for most.
This entire episode saddens me.

It reminds me of one of those nature shows where the lions attack and the water buffalo is doing his best to keep them off. You know he's a goner no matter what he does but the camera just keeps rolling as the entire thing slow rolls to its inevitable conclusion.

Joe isn't up for the job anymore and those behind the curtain need to be told to just stop abusing him in front of our eyes.
Salivating over the thrill of the hunt as wildlife dines alfresco and tying that to Joe Biden? Where is your mind, Arphy? BTW wipe the drool, it's running down your chin. 🤡 C2H2O
Looks like 21 August is the cutoff if the Dems want to bump Biden off as their nominated candidate. Given he already has all the delegates, they're committed and he'd win on the first ballot because the rules say they can't change, if he doesn't withdraw, Dems are screwed, and Jill sure doesn't want him to withdraw. The first day of the Convention is on August 19, and the first cutoff are around Aug 22-23. No pressure here. LOL

The article gives a state by state breakdown of cutoff dates by which candidates have to be in so they can be on the ballot. Mid to late August for most.
Biden won the Democratic primary. As much as Republicans want Trump to face a weaker candidate in November, it’s still going to be Biden/Harris on the ballot.
Biden won the Democratic primary. As much as Republicans want Trump to face a weaker candidate in November, it’s still going to be Biden/Harris on the ballot.
It will be Biden/Harris if they don't twist Biden's arm hard enough to force him out. ANd if he hacks out, and it's an open Convention, and Harris is NOT the nominee, the infighting is going to be something to see. Dems have painted themselves into a corner here.

On the other hand, you can see the preparations to cheat again in Wisconsin and Michigan going ahead full steam. Betcha we will see a couple of states where the #'s of votes waaaay exceed the #'s of voters on the rolls.
It will be Biden/Harris if they don't twist Biden's arm hard enough to force him out. ANd if he hacks out, and it's an open Convention, and Harris is NOT the nominee, the infighting is going to be something to see. Dems have painted themselves into a corner here.

On the other hand, you can see the preparations to cheat again in Wisconsin and Michigan going ahead full steam. Betcha we will see a couple of states where the #'s of votes waaaay exceed the #'s of voters on the rolls.
Thank you for making my point. That's exactly why Biden isn't going to back out. Biden quitting would hand the election to Trump.