President Biden Interview Tonight: Redemption???

Thank you for making my point. That's exactly why Biden isn't going to back out. Biden quitting would hand the election to Trump.

It would. And Biden staying also hands the election to Trump too. Dem's are damned if they do and damned if they don't, and it's actually quite delightful to admire the way they have shortsightedly painted themselves into a corner here. The only real question here is, will Biden struggle on, or will he fold. My money is on Jill digging in and the Dems doing as you're doing and falling in line behind Biden. I could be wrong of course, who knows. Not me. LOL.
Biden won the Democratic primary. As much as Republicans want Trump to face a weaker candidate in November, it’s still going to be Biden/Harris on the ballot.

I would like to emphasize your use of “Biden/ Harris”, because people really should look at them as a team.

They both bring important qualities to the ticket that supplement and compliment each other.

Quite a formidable combo really.




That was “nasty”.

The best kind of “nasty”

And it appeared like she did it in one take.

Hole - E - Fuck!!!

👍 👏. 🏆. 🇺🇸

Her observation about President Biden being exhausted, because he WAS actually doing the job of President, etc, brings me to another observation:

People always point out how the presidency barely seemed to affect the corrupt orange traitor, which leads any logical thinking individual to conclude that the corrupt orange traitor WAS NOT actually doing the job of President - lots of golfing and "executive time", though.


So, basically:: A do nothing "president" (well, except for tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations) for the first two years, and then rubber stamping Federalist Society judges, stacking the SCOTUS, bungling the Covid response, plotting an insurrection, and, of course, more golfing and "executive time" for the last two years.



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The Biden pile-on has been a real mask-off moment for a lot of hacks in the media and the Democratic establishment. They thought they had the power to override the voters and install whatever candidate they wanted.

Well, they had a fun week of fucking around, and now they’re finding out where the real power lies in America. We’re strong and they’re weak and now that they’ve shown us what’s behind the mask, we’re not ever going to forget. We’re never going to take them seriously ever again.
I would like to emphasize your use of “Biden/ Harris”, because people really should look at them as a team.

They both bring important qualities to the ticket that supplement and compliment each other.

Quite a formidable combo really.


People forget Harris was a prosecutor before she was a senator. I can’t wait to see her go medieval on whatever schlub Trump picks as his running mate.
People forget Harris was a prosecutor before she was a senator. I can’t wait to see her go medieval on whatever schlub Trump picks as his running mate.

Kamala was my favorite Senator to watch when it came to important hearings:

She would dissect the people testifying like a surgeon - and do it with a smile. A smiling assassin. And her voice only added to the effect: Her syrupy sarcasm was filled with venom - and her penetrating stare-downs of witnesses looked like they could kill. And then there was always that smile.


Her debate against Pence was a master class - even though she must have been distracted by that fly on Mike’s head. (The metaphor is too easy.)


I WOULD suggest, if she does eventually become President, that she tone down her Kill Bill assassin vibe: The President isn’t the hatchet man / woman - that is what the Vice-President is for. For right now, however, Kamala is right where she belongs, and is perfectly equipped for the mission.


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I would like to emphasize your use of “Biden/ Harris”, because people really should look at them as a team.

They both bring important qualities to the ticket that supplement and compliment each other.

Quite a formidable combo really.


this *nods*
For right now, however, Kamala is right where she belongs, and is perfectly equipped for the mission.


and so much this ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Ana has a reputation for being straightforward. And she's not a liar.

I still see her as an enemy of my enemy, rather than a true friend.

ALMOST in the same class as Alyssa Farah Griffin and George Conway, etc. (Ana has less of a Christo-fascist vibe.)

And she still hasn’t switched party affiliation, so…


I’ll still give her props for telling it straight about Trump, the MAGAts, the media, and bed-wetting Democrats in these difficult and perilous times.(The same goes for the others mentioned.)


Are you fools still fucking about in your circular firing squad, pretending this election will be decided by people who see it like you do ?

It’s not going to reflect well on the party if Trump gets the keys to the WH again on account of running a candidate who’s already - publicly - lost the confidence of many on his own side on a fundamental issue of capability.

Despite the crisis in the Dem camp you expect undecided’s to get aboard with Joe, as his own team are looking for parachutes and emergency exits ?

The campaign is one more poor performance on Bidens part away from total meltdown.

I seriously doubt some of you are half as confident as you pretend about JBs chances of avoiding another episode like the first debate.
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Are you fools still fucking about in your circular firing squad, pretending this election will be decided by people who see it like you do ?

It’s not going to reflect well on the party if Trump gets the keys to the WH again on account of running a candidate who’s already - publicly - lost the confidence of many on his own side on a fundamental issue of capability.

Despite the crisis in the Dem camp you expect undecided’s to get aboard with Joe, as his own team are looking for parachutes ?

The campaign is one more poor performance on Bidens part away from total meltdown.

I seriously doubt some of you are half as confident as you pretend about Biden’s chances of avoiding another episode like the first debate.

Funny how it's the conservatives who are both urging Biden to drop out yet threatening to sue if he does.
The campaign is one more poor performance on Bidens part away from total meltdown.

America is doing very well. 6,200,000 more people employed now than pre-COVID. Low unemployment. Inflation continues to fall and is down to 2.6% over the last 12 months. Crime has declined dramatically. We’re apprehending and deporting far more illegal immigrants at the border now than during Trump’s administration.

Real Americans celebrate our nation’s success.
America is doing very well. 6,200,000 more people employed now than pre-COVID. Low unemployment. Inflation continues to fall and is down to 2.6% over the last 12 months. Crime has declined dramatically. We’re apprehending and deporting far more illegal immigrants at the border now than during Trump’s administration.

Real Americans celebrate our nation’s success.

And do real Americans recognise cognitive decline ?

It’s not what Biden has done that’s in question, nor whether he’s a stand up guy. It’s his ongoing capability.