Pretty please, play with me.

Heterograph rhymes

Judo, you are right. Mea culpa! :eek:

I had a more expansive explanation of the"A heterograph" rhymes when I was calling them homonyms. I guess I chopped it too much when I changed to heterograph, thanks to you. :)

I thought restricting everyone to the heterograph of A (line one) itself would be too limiting [I think it is hard enough as it is.], but go ahead and try it if you wish. - I meant to say that the rhymes for lines 4 and 5 should rhyme with a heterograph of A, the first line in the stanza.

I hope that helps to make it a little clearer and a little easier. Once more I apologize. :rose:

Regards, Rybka
A row about "row" and "now"

"row" and "now" do not rhyme (they are not A's).
"row" as in a fight, and "now" do rhyme. :)

Regards, Rybka
Re: O.K. Gang, Try This!

Wow, hard challenge Rybka.

So I'm assuming this will be a collection of stanzas with the common theme making them hang together, rather than them necessarily flowing logically through story etc continuity?

the D
So I'm assuming this will be a collection of stanzas with the common theme making them hang together, rather than them necessarily flowing logically through story etc continuity?

I will settle for vignettes [your first option], but your latter would be great. :)

Regards, Rybka

This exercise is futile
And makes the mind too docile
To clearly express one's true self
Like the egyptian crocodile
Underwater grinning with a smile
We deplete our mind of creative wealth
We sit idly waiting for the anelope to drink and drain its health

Okay Rybka..what else did you read about and want us to try...haha..Im going back to really live ...have a great day. Incidently Rybka..met some crazy Russian girls this week...hotties.....We are going to NY with them..have a good week all

Blarney out
Blarneystoned wrote:
This exercise is futile
And makes the mind too docile
To clearly express one's true self
Like the egyptian crocodile
Underwater grinning with a smile
We deplete our mind of creative wealth
We sit idly waiting for the anelope to drink and drain its health

If you wish to play with us and submit a stanza please feel free to do so. Everyone is welcome. [By the way, it should be "antelope", or maybe on this board "analope". :D

By the way, where can some of your serious writing be seen? Literotica does not list you as a contributing author.

Re Russian Girls: Have a great time. - Bring plenty of money! :)

Regards, Rybka
Rybka said:
Blarneystoned wrote:

If you wish to play with us and submit a stanza please feel free to do so. Everyone is welcome. [By the way, it should be "antelope", or maybe on this board "analope". :D

By the way, where can some of your serious writing be seen? Literotica does not list you as a contributing author.

Re Russian Girls: Have a great time. - Bring plenty of money! :)

Regards, Rybka
"analope" tee hee
I'll try to submit a stanza, but first I'd rather see how someone else approaches this. ;)
Re: O.K. Gang, Try This!

to inspire us all re the heteronym stuff, here's a great poem with that, and other nym's, as theme. For the whole piece, see here

English is tough stuff!

Dearest creature in creation,
study English pronunciation.
I will teach you in my verse
sounds like corpse, corps, horse, and worse.
I will keep you, Suzy, busy,
make your head and heart grow dizzy.
Tear in eye, your dress will tear,
so shall I! Oh hear my prayer.
When you correctly say croquet.
rounded, wounded, grieve and sleeve,
scenic, Arabic, pacific,
science, conscience, scientific,
tour, but our, and succour, four,
gas and alas and Arkansas.

etc etc etc :)


the D
Re: O.K. Gang, Try This!

Severed Time In A Row

Several times in a row
and I'm not even sure now
that it ever happened
my lover seemed just to flow
and movement began to slow
like time itself was penned,
a bottle of ketchup on end.

Dispute's outcome was a tear.
Instant, with infinite care.
One look held all at bay -
shifted and filled me with fear.
I knew then what I would hear.
Eternity to say:
You know that I just can not stay.
Good DR4KE

Welcome aboard! See. It can be done! :)

Regards, Rybka

Instead of hitting spell check on my word time I will just hit Rybka...haha....

Regarding money..actually they were a cheap date...I dont think they have their visas yet..haha....Tell me why all Europeans chain smoke ?? haha
I'm not sure that mine really follows what was intended, but I tried.

Severed Time In A Row

Several times in a row
and I'm not even sure now
that it ever happened
my lover seemed just to flow
and movement began to slow
like time itself was penned,
a bottle of ketchup on end.

Dispute's outcome was a tear.
Instant, with infinite care.
One look held all at bay -
shifted and filled me with fear.
I knew then what I would hear.
Eternity to say:
You know that I just can not stay.

How can we be done?
Was I talking on the phone?
If I paid you some more dough,
Could you caress my lower zone?
How could you have a big one and I have none?
Déjà vu! Listen mister, hook up the plough
Because I want to be through!
I'm going away for the weekend, but I really want to write a stanza for this. Please hold it open until I get back.

Have fun everyone! :kiss:


The poem will be kept open until everyone who wishes has contributed to it.


Since people seem to be having difficulty with the rhyme scheme of the current project, here is a partial list of words that are spelled the same, but when pronounced differently have different meanings:

abuse (noun; verb)
agape (a love feast; wide open)
bass ("BASE": a low, deep sound; "BASS": a fish)
bow (to bend the upper body; a ribbon decoration)
bowed (bent; used a bow)
buffet (selecting your own food; a hard knock or strike)
bustier (having larger breasts; a kind of push up bra)
close (near; to shut) closer (nearer; one who shuts)
coax (coaxial cable; to persuade)
console (furniture; give sympathy)
coop (a crate or hen house; a cooperative society)
crooked (dishonest; bent in a curve)
denier (one who denies; a French coin, or unit of silk fineness)
descent (genealogical origin; to remove the smell)
desert (wasteland; to abandon)
despot (to remove spots; a tyrant)
does (female deer; performs or acts)
dove (plunged; a pigeon)
entrance (a way in; to enchant)
expose (to show or bare; a revealing story or article)
fillet (a narrow strip of fabric; a filet)
flourish (similar to flour; to thrive or prosper)
flower (a blossom; something that flows)
gill (GILL: how fish breathe; JILL: 1/4 of a pint)
glower (GLO-ER: something that glows; GLOW-ER: a scowl)
gout ("GOWT": a disease; "GOTE": an artificial water channel; "GOO" - taste)
herb ("ERB": a spice; "HERB": a man's name)
hinder (to thwart or delay; the back part of a ship)
invalid (a sick person; not good or correct)
job (a task; a patient guy in the Bible)
lead (to guide; a heavy metal)
leading (in the front; lead used to secure stained glass) limber (agile; the guy who cuts the
live (verb; alive)
lower (to look sullen; less high)
luger (a kind of pistol; someone who rides a luge)
lunged (having a lung; made a sudden movement)
lunger (a tuberulosis patient; one who makes a sudden movement)
minute (sixty seconds; tiny)
mole (a sauce; a near-sighted rodent)
moped (was grumpy; a motorized bicycle)
mow (to cut down; a heap or pile of hay)
number (more numb; a quantity)
overage (too old; an excessive amount)
palled (behaved like friends; lost color)
palsy (friendly; a trembling disorder)
pasty ("PAH-STY": a pie; "PAY-STY": tasting like paste)
polish (from Poland; to smooth or make shiny)
present (already sent; to introduce; a gift)
primer (a beginner's reader; a treatment applied before painting)
pussy (full of pus; a cat)
put (place; hit a short distance)
rachel ("RACHEL": a name; "RAH-SHEL": a tannish face powder)
ragged (worn out; teased)
refuse (to deny, or to fuse again; garbage or waste)
read (present and past tense)
resent (sent again; to hold a grudge)
reserve (serve again; to hold back)
reside (side again; to dwell)
resign (sign again; relinquish a position)
resolve (solve again; to vow or clear up)
resort (sort again; holiday spot)
resume (to start again; a summary, particularly of one's work experience)
row (an argument; to propel a boat)
severer (one who severs; more severe)
sewer (one who sews; a waste pipe)
shower (one who shows; a downpour of rain)
singer (one who sings; one who singes)
skied (used skis; hit a ball into the sky)
slaver (a dealer in slaves; to let saliva run from the mouth)
slouch ("SLOWCH": to slump; "SLOOCH": a pipe by which an engine gets water )
slough (to shed; a muddy area)
sow (a female pig; to plant seeds)
stingy (stinging; miserly)
supply (to provide; in a supple fashion)
swinger ("SWINGER": one who swings; "SWINJER": one who swinges)
tarry (to linger; covered in tar)
tear (to rip; cry juice)
thou (you; a thousand)
tier (something that ties; a layer)
ton ("TUN": 2000 pounds; "TONE": the prevailing fashion or mode)
toots (honks (as a horn); a familar address, short for "tootsey")
tower (something that tows; a tall building)
underage (too young; a shortfall)
wicked (evil; having or acting like a wick)
wind (the thing that has answers blowin' in it; to coil up)
windy (gusty; winding)
wound (damage; wrap around)

Hope this may help a little. :)
Regards, Rybka
Judo's stanza reworked to format

How can we be done?
Was I talking on the phone?
If I paid you some more dough,
Could you caress my lower zone?
How could you have a big one and I have none?
Déjà vu! Listen mister, hook up the plough
Because I want to be through!

Jujitsu (Judo with a fishy flip)

How can time take such abuse
is it not tired of ill use
When It's as thick as dough
and it all seems to just ooze
while your memories all fuse
déjà vu - yes I know
but I still hate to see my life go.

Regards, Rybka
Poem as to date

Severed Time In A Row

Several times in a row
and I'm not even sure now
that it ever happened
my lover seemed just to flow
and movement began to slow
like time itself was penned
a bottle of ketchup on end.

Dispute's outcome was a tear
instant with infinite care
one look held all at bay
shifted and filled me with fear.
I knew then what I would hear.
eternity to say
you know that I just cannot stay.

Jujitsu (Judo with a fishy flip)

How can time take such abuse
is it not tired of ill use
When It's as thick as dough
and it all seems to just ooze
while your memories all fuse
déjà vu - yes I know
but I still hate to see my life go.
O.K. Gang, Try This!

I'm just bringing this forward so it doesn't get completely lost. Who alse is going to contribute?
Here is a repeat of the structure:

The theme is the perception of time slowing down under certain conditions, i.e. going "into the zone" in sports. I have had it happen several times when I was angry, and once during sex [Which was the greatest that I have ever had, the climax lasted forever.]. This one can be both erotic and/or non-erotic as you see fit.

The rhyme scheme is:

[A list of homographic heterophones is posted earlier in this thread.]


poem to date:

Severed Time In A Row

Several times in a row
and I'm not even sure now
that it ever happened
my lover seemed just to flow
and movement began to slow
like time itself was penned
a bottle of ketchup on end.

Dispute's outcome was a tear
instant with infinite care
one look held all at bay
shifted and filled me with fear.
I knew then what I would hear.
eternity to say
you know that I just cannot stay.

Jujitsu (Judo with a fishy flip)

How can time take such abuse
is it not tired of ill use
When It's as thick as dough
and it all seems to just ooze
while your memories all fuse
déjà vu - yes I know
but I still hate to see my life go.

Regards, Rybka
Severed Time In A Row

Several times in a row
and I'm not even sure now
that it ever happened
my lover seemed just to flow
and movement began to slow
like time itself was penned
a bottle of ketchup on end.

Dispute's outcome was a tear
instant with infinite care
one look held all at bay
shifted and filled me with fear.
I knew then what I would hear.
eternity to say
you know that I just cannot stay.

Jujitsu (Judo with a fishy flip)
How can time take such abuse
is it not tired of ill use
When It's as thick as dough
and it all seems to just ooze
while your memories all fuse
déjà vu - yes I know
but I still hate to see my life go.

When time bleeds in an open wound
to still moments I am marooned:
my face pressed to the glass,
my tears, which died in the ground,
amidst the fury without sound--
Your absence unsurpassed,
I watch my world as it falls past.
Poem As It Now Stands

Here is where we stand at present. Further stanzas are solicited. None of these stanzas are in a final edited form. Comments and suggestions are requested.

Severed Time In A Row

Several times in a row
and I'm not even sure now
that it ever happened
my lover seemed just to flow
and movement began to slow
like time itself was penned -
a bottle of ketchup on end.

Dispute's outcome was a tear
instant, with infinite care
one look held all at bay
shifted and filled me with fear
I knew then what I would hear
eternity to say -
you know that I just can not stay.

Jujitsu (Judo with a fishy flip)
How can time take such abuse
is it not tired of ill use
When It's as thick as dough
and it all seems to just ooze
while your memories all fuse
déjà vu - yes I know
but I still hate to see my life go.

Time bleeds in an open wound
in still moments I'm marooned
hopes held hard till the last
my tears which died in the ground
amidst fury without sound -
your absence unsurpassed
I watch my world as it falls past.

Regards, Rybka
Re: Poem As It Now Stands

Rybka said:
Time bleeds in an open wound
in still moments I'm marooned
hopes held hard till the last
my tears which died in the ground
amidst fury without sound -
your absence unsurpassed
I watch my world as it falls past.

Regards, Rybka
Amidst's listed as only one syllable in several dictionaries, but if you want to cut down a syllable, i'd prefer changing it to midst or simply in -- I'm really set about "the fury" ;)
How's this?

Time bleeds in an open wound
in still moments I'm marooned
hopes held hard till the last
my tears which died in the ground
midst the fury without sound -
your absence unsurpassed
I watch my world as it falls past.

Amidst's listed as only one syllable in several dictionaries, but if you want to cut down a syllable, i'd prefer changing it to midst or simply in -- I'm really set about "the fury"

I'll change it almost anyway you want, but you need to get a new dictionary! Maybe an English one instead of Portuguese. :D
Both my Webster's list it as a.midst, a colloquial form of 'amid' [a.mid]. - I really don't know you would say it as a single syllable.

Regards, Rybka