Question about changes

NemoAlia said:
I, for one, support an integrated forum rather than a divided one. I like being exposed to things that I wouldn't consider myself invested in. Things like, for example, BDSM poetry or issues of homosexuality and BDSM. If we subdivide our forum, we run the risk of creating little exclusive groups that spin ever-inward. I would prefer to keep our current diverse community and just to make sure that we're labeling our threads helpfully. Thread labels should be all that we really need in order to navigate this forum.

I agree wholeheartedly with everything you said, NemoAlia.

To be honest, I think that if the needs of the people who post here changes, then the forum will naturally evolve to suit those needs. Eventually, the needs of our forum will change, and the forum will change with it. What you suggest , OO is enforced change to stimulate progress, where none is necessary.

There's an old saying in my business.

"Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine."

Like many others, I do not see the value that you think you are bringing to this forum.
If I could change one thing: More women! Wait.. no... more *easy* women! Yeah... hehe.

Re: Changes....

Hecate said:
I wished the board were still the little island of clichee happiness it was before early summer this year. I found it more inspiering and worth reading, and subsequently felt more drawn to respond. (possibly because new people would go through the effort of searching for stuff before asking the same question over and over again just because the thread is no longer on page 1)

I think it would be cool if people would check out the library before starting new threads. I wish the library were updated more often. Is there any way we could help with that NemoAlia?
Re: Re: Question about changes

WriterDom said:
OutsideObserver to be drawn and quartered, and what is left over to be keel hauled and sent back to cymtalk in a McDonalds bag.

Or more pics of bondage bunny.

edited to add that wasn't a threat, just a wish.

Hear, hear! I definitely want to see more pics of Bondage bunny! That woman is a hot tomato! :)

Dont' agree with you about the other idea: I like the OO persona of an observer somehow ouside all this hustle and bustle and I'm enjoying these threads because they make me think.

What else? I'm not sure. I really liked the idea of dividing forum talk into talk related to bdsm and talk related to the forum, so people who didn't like one or the other wouldn't be in each other's faces.

I'd _like_ to say that some more rules around here would be good, like not allowing people to criticize others' kinks, but I honestly don't know if they _would_ be good or not. They might inhibit free speech too much or they might cause other unexpected results, like that example rule I mentioned causing an infestation of this forum by cross-dressers, balloon fetishists, girls in nurse uniform enthusiasts, plushie sexers, and all sorts of other sexual variations to which no genuine bdsm connection ("I pop balloons therefore I am a rubber sadist" is not a genuine connection, IMO) can be made.

OutsideObserver said:
A "forum of integrity"? That is like saying lawyers are trustworthy. Sorry for the joke and no disrespect to the lawyers in the forum. I think the concept of integrity in an online forum is laughable.

Be well.


I do too, and it's not necessarily a hostile thing to say, either, it's just a statement of bald, ugly truth. :(

I do think you ought to give disrespect to the lawyers, however. The worst that goes on in a discussion group like this is totally small-time compared to what they do.

Re: Changes....

Hecate said:
I wished the board were still the little island of clichee happiness it was before early summer this year.

I wonder how much this board has grown in population since then? Sometimes discussion groups change character completely when they reach a certain size. They become too big to be friendly, unless you carve out little niches in them, little sub-kingdoms in which a certain type of attitude is encouraged and fostered.

My feeling on this is that this place will grow or shrink on it's own will. There is not "controling" it. Along the way we will have our share of malcontents, trouble-makers, and just all around hosebags. But we will also have some very popular, knowledgeable people along the way too. You can't just take the good without the bad. I think it will be obvious when changes are needed or required, that's kinda how all communities go.


PBW "My #1 Change: from now on, I would like a BJ when I enter the forum."