Reverse lunch

Re: it's all about context

bridgetkeeney said:
experienced this up close and personal last night as my 5 year old threw up all over me... twice.

How nice for you, dear. Thank you ever so much for sharing.
Octavian said:
Have you got a title yet for this story?
If not may I suggest,
Retch for the Sky
55 Days in Puking

Hur, hur.

Thank you, O. I think this is the most ... tasteless thread since I introduced the one about the four foot BM.
Thank you, O. I think this is the most...tasteless thread since I introduced the one about the four foot BM. MG

Gee, sorry I missed that one!
MG - is this the same story that had the trailer park girl in the pickup truck? I can't wait to read it!!

Svenskaflicka said:
Please don't encourage her, it will only get worse!

Dear Svenska,
How can you say such a thing? My postings are always paragons of delicacy and good taste.
MathGirl said:

Dear BB,
You certainly seem to cause controversy wherever you go.

That was hardly my intention. I was simply responding to something Karmadog said. Perhaps I need lots of "lol"s or smileys on my messages now?
Toxic Waste...

praying at(or preying on) the porciline temple
pass me the barf bag please
hugga chugging chitlings, and three day old beers
diarreaha in reverse
swimming blind in a world of stomach fluid
scarfing tattered fried corn dogs backwards
and so forth, and so on

As Aways
I Am the
Dirt Man
I think an indication of context would be useful.

(BTW I'm trying to bump up my postings so I can qualify for an av. so please ignore anyfink wot seems irrelevant - mebbee it is!)
I used to do subaqua diving ... throwing up in the boat (well, not literally, usually over the side) was common ... we called it feeding the fishes.

returning consumables
using the stomach lift
registering the stomach's vote on lunch
lunch: the sequel!
lunch a la terminator (I will be back!)
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MathGirl said:
Hur, hur.

Thank you, O. I think this is the most ... tasteless thread since I introduced the one about the four foot BM.

Uh huh, but the thing I'm almost afraid of asking is what's next?

Great Quote

Originally posted by Jfinn
Allow the President to invade a neighboring nation, whenever he shall deem it necessary to repel an invasion, and you allow him to do so, whenever he may choose to say he deems it necessary for such a purpose -- and you allow him to make war at pleasure. If today, he should choose to say he thinks it necessary to invade Canada, to prevent the British from invading us, how could you stop him? You may say to him, 'I see no probability of the British invading us' but he will say to you, 'Be silent; I see it, if you don't.'" - Abraham Lincoln

What a great quote - is it accurate?
Re: Unfair!

MathGirl said:
Dear Svenska,
How can you say such a thing? My postings are always paragons of delicacy and good taste.

Vomits and turds are by nature NOT associated with "delicacy and good taste".
Re: Re: Unfair!

Svenskaflicka said:
Vomits and turds are by nature NOT associated with "delicacy and good taste".

Oh, well, if you want to get picky. Remember, Svenska, not all of us live in Sweden.
Horking, although I've seen that most often used to WRT cats bringing up hairballs.
Peristalsis (wave-like contractions) can be voluntary as well as autonomic. Those people (A skinny ginger Scottish bloke springs to mind) who swallow things then bring them back (including live goldfish) reverse the peristalsis of the aesophagus to do this, and cows too when chewing the cud.

In my experience throwing up involves no peristalsis whatsoever, just a mighty contraction of the gut creating a forceful flow of contents through a wide open aesophagus. Hence the term 'projectile vomiting'. This is the reason your ribs ache and your stomach feels like you've been doing sit-ups all night/morning.


I believe chunder is an aussie term.
Huring physiology

gauchecritic said:
I believe chunder is an aussie term.

Well, it certainly is charming.

A generalized contraction of smooth and voluntary musculature. Stomach walls, intercostals, diaphragm, abdominal rectus, etc. An action not unlike singing, which results in the characteristic melodious sounds of speaking to Ralph.
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Examining the toilet?

The Earl

PS. Yes I remember the...unfortunate thread of what a man had to eat to produce 4 ft a day :D.
Here's one or two

Praising buick
After drinks appetizers in the big white serving bowl
Fountain of food
He was doing the post dinner food inspection
The wide eyed food throw
Heaving chow

Are the only ones I can think of that haven't already been covered.

Gabriel_Lee said:
I think an indication of context would be useful.

(BTW I'm trying to bump up my postings so I can qualify for an av. so please ignore anyfink wot seems irrelevant - mebbee it is!)

Hello Gabriel_Lee nice to meet you, and don't worry nothing's out of context or irrelevant in any thread MG decides to start, they usually degenerate into no-mans-land after a while bless her.
(MG will now flame me wickedly, but hey I like a bit of pain)

Hope to see you in an Avathingie one day soon.

Re: Re: Re: Unfair!

MathGirl said:
Oh, well, if you want to get picky. Remember, Svenska, not all of us live in Sweden.

But I like you anyway.

La crème de la crème
Gabriel_Lee said:
I used to do subaqua diving ... throwing up in (well, not literally, usually over the side) was common ... we called it feeding the fishes.

Take it from one who knows. You *can* throw up underwater. 30 feet underwater... Good thing I stayed calm or I hear it could have been a sad day for me.


"painting your shoes"
"bringing your lunch up for another look"
You *can* throw up underwater. 30 feet underwater...

Jesus Lord. I don't even want to think about it. did you survive? What did you do?
Pressure situation

SlickTony said:
Jesus Lord. I don't even want to think about it. did you survive? What did you do?

I agree, STony. There would be quite a few psi of water pressure at that depth. It would take a well developed vomitory apparatus to overcome the ambient pressure and produce enough positive pressure for a good hurl. I, for one, am impressed.

Anyone know some good humorous vomiting stories? My Dad watched a man on a fishing trip upchuck a full set of dentures into the Pacific Ocean.

I thought that the "Mr Creosote" scent in Monty Phthon's "Meaning of Life" was one of the funniest things ever filmed. I am a bit strange, though.
