Reverse lunch

In an outrageous French accent

zhust whan more mint. They are whaffer thin.

Gauche :))
Re: In an outrageous French accent

gauchecritic said:
zhust whan more mint. They are whaffer thin.

Gauche :))

Fuck off I'm stuffed, Oh go then shove it in..............................
Mr C

"Oh, shit! Here comes Mr Creosote!"

"I'll have the lot."


"Oh, dear. I'm having a rather heavy period."

Nope, I guess there aren't any Mr Creosote fans around here.

"Allo sur ow are you"


"Ohh ave you been ill"

"Better get a bucket I'm gunna be sick"

Heavy period, is that anything like a bold full stop.


I bet you would be a fun date. :eek:

(Are you busy this Friday night??? ;) )

Pookie :rose:

ps. You people are just plain sick. Now where did I put my spit can? :confused:

Pookie_grrl said:

I bet you would be a fun date. :eek:

(Are you busy this Friday night??? ;) )

Pookie :rose:

ps. You people are just plain sick. Now where did I put my spit can? :confused:

SlickTony said:
Jesus Lord. I don't even want to think about it. did you survive? What did you do?

I was scuba diving my first time. I do get seasick on boats, but I was told once I got in the water and under the water, the movement wouldn't seem so extreme, and I wouldn't feel it.
It was, and I did. I did what I was supposed to do - thank God they covered in in my PADI class. I got sick *through* my regulator, pushed the button on the regulator to clear it, and breathed again. Then got sick again, pushed the button again, and breathed normally.

Then I got out of the water as soon as I could, and laid in the boat.
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Vomit Trivia

Originally posted by SlickTony
Jesus Lord. I don't even want to think about it. did you survive? What did you do?

I can clearly remember my dive instructor assuring me that you could upchuck into your regulator and survive. Said it would be a good idea to clear it afterwards, though.
Fortunately, I am not prone to seasickness. OTOH, I haven't been diving before. I would like to learn sometime before I shuffle off. My husband used to be certified. One of the weirdest things that ever happened to me was that shortly after our wedding, my dad took him aside and asked him never to get me involved in SCUBA diving. I was amazed. I was 28 years old! Sheesh. It is not whatever promise he gave, or seemed to give, that has kept me from learning how to dive, but economics. It's an expensive pursuit.
Hurling at 2 atmospheres

Luckily I don't get seasick either on or in the water, but I think being at 30 feet, or roughly double the surface pressure would HELP you get a good hurl going. Kind of like squeezing the toothpaste out of the tube! In my intro dive class the instructor used it as a good reason to watch your alcohol consumption the night before you are diving. I say, some risks you just have to live with.
I didn't see "Urk" in your list.

I think that "heave" is the best choice. It's not too gross, it describes what's going on perfectly. You can "dry heave" or you can do many other wetter things. That's mho.

Gd Grf!

Good grief, I never expected this thread to generate so much ... umm... enthusiasm. You never know what's going to appeal to the perv... ladies and gentlemen on here.
Good Grief!

Originally posted by MathGirl
Good grief, I never expected this thread to generate so much ... umm... enthusiasm. You never know what's going to appeal to the perv... ladies and gentlemen on here.

Oh, I don't know - perhaps you just inspire us to new levels of pervers... er...enthusiasm.
The real question is ... are you quiet or loud when praying at the altar?

Pookie :rose:

ps. I think I'm gonna be sick. :eek:
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Pookie_grrl said:
The real question is ... are you quiet or loud when praying at the alter?

Pookie :rose:

ps. I think I'm gonna be sick. :eek:

Woke the neighbours up last time I did a technicolor Yawn, love to make a show of it, bastard if you get carried away and fall forward into the results though.

Mate of mine once shot his false teeth down the toilet pan while discharging a particularly spicy currey. Poor bugger had to shove his hand into it and reclaim them. Public toilets as well.
Well if we're going to share stories, I had a friend who was severly hung from the night before. He decided a bath would be just the thing to perk him up. Something came up alright, just as he sat down in the water. He said the worst was that the water was still running and the bubble bath was, well, bubbling. I'll let you fill in the blanks, I think I need to go find some Pepto Bismol.

Love & Pukie.

Yes, I found love while throwing up one night. I met one of my previous boyfriends when he found me almost passed out in his apartment bathroom after throwing up a toilet bowl full of margaritas. He sat with me on the bathroom floor for half the night, holding my head while I threw up the beers I had before the margaritas (it all looked the same to me as it was all a messy mixture of food and alcohol ... but I thought it would make the story more colorful). ;)

Pookie :rolleyes:
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I'm confused...

Originally posted by Jfinn
I had a friend who was severly hung from the night before. He decided a bath would be just the thing to perk him up. Something came up alright

I'm confused - I thought this was a vomit thread.
I once vomited up a mixture of champagne and surf'n'turf in the shower. I thought the stuff would go down the drain. It didn't. It had to be physically scooped up and disposed of later.
With respect to the original post: group vomiting ... there is something very communal about a good retch (or even a bad one). I can understand this having good evolutionary credentials ... after all, if you are all sitting around the tribal cookpot tucking in to your diplodocus dindins and someone starts throwing up, there has to be a chance that the diplodocus dinner might be a bit dodgy and one chap has eaten just a bit more or is just a bit more sensitive than the rest. A communal upchuck or a technicolour yawn chorus could make a perfectly good survival strategy.

What do other people think?

(and thanks for the welcome, pop!)
Re: Hmmm

pop_54 said:
Mate of mine once shot his false teeth down the toilet pan while discharging a particularly spicy currey. Poor bugger had to shove his hand into it and reclaim them. Public toilets as well.

Dear Pop,
That is such a heartwarming story. Thank you ever so much for sharing. Just as well it wasn't a privy.

I was reading a novel a while back, and it refered to a "technicolor yawn." I never knew what that was until now.

Ps. I wonder what 'normal' people think when they accidentally surf into this section and see what goes on here.
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Pookie_grrl said:
Love & Pukie.

Yes, I found love while throwing up one night. I met one of my previous boyfriends when he found me almost passed out in his apartment bathroom after throwing up a toilet bowl full of margaritas. He sat with me on the bathroom floor for half the night, holding my head while I threw up the beers I had before the margaritas (it all looked the same to me as it was all a messy mixture of food and alcohol ... but I thought it would make the story more colorful). ;)

Pookie :rolleyes:

Hey PG this is getting into X-files territory, not only do we share a common knowledge and expertise in the art of discharging waste products from the orifice with teeth in, but we share a common method of meeting lovers.

Truth here love, 27 yrs ago when I first met my darling wifey to be we were at a party in some unfortunate's home.
Some drunken bum decided to honk his ring up all over the sitting room, made a wonderful job of it, almost every corner covered if I remember rightly.

Lorraine, who I'd yet to be introduced to formally, was sitting, well sprawled out pissed out of her head in a chair, several large splashes of puke and a number of carrots wound up attached to her legs.

I being a gentleman also being the worse for several alcoholic beverages and wishing to find any excuse to hold her legs and fondle them, sorry I mean clean off the discharged matter, volunteered to clean up the mess and wipe Lorri's legs clean of puke.
Married 25 yrs now, how people meet, so strange isn't it?

;) ;)
Re: Heyyyy

pop_54 said:
Married 25 yrs now, how people meet, so strange isn't it?

;) ;)

Well ... it wasn't meant to be with my guy. I caught him holding another chick. And it wasn't her head in the bathroom. :rolleyes:

Pookie :spew:

ps. That's my barfing smilie after my name. Since the Critics contest couldn't get an icon for their winner, maybe Laurel could give us some new smilies???
Re: Re: Hmmm

MathGirl said:
Dear Pop,
That is such a heartwarming story. Thank you ever so much for sharing. Just as well it wasn't a privy.

I was reading a novel a while back, and it refered to a "technicolor yawn." I never knew what that was until now.

Ps. I wonder what 'normal' people think when they accidentally surf into this section and see what goes on here.

I fear not many normal folks venture here love, by accident or otherwise.
