Reverse lunch

Re: I'm confused...

HedbangerSA said:
I'm confused - I thought this was a vomit thread.

LOL, sorry, guess I should reread my posts before I send them out into the ether.

Vomit Thread

Originally posted by Jfinn
LOL, sorry, guess I should reread my posts before I send them out into the ether.

I didn't mean to pick on you, Jayne. This thread has me feeling like I've been dunked in the ether.

I was just feeling flakey when I started this stupid thread. Now we're into the 4th page.

What hath God wrought?

Re: ??

MathGirl said:
I was just feeling flakey when I started this stupid thread. Now we're into the 4th page.

What hath God wrought?


Deifying yourself missy? But I have to tell you, after four pages of this, I'm beginning to miss the good old days when we only talked about 6 foot long poops...

Jayne, the nostalgic
Re: Re: ??

jfinn said:
I'm beginning to miss the good old days when we only talked about 6 foot long poops...

Are you suggesting I resurrect an old thread, dear? Hmmmm?
Re: Vomit Thread

HedbangerSA said:
I didn't mean to pick on you, Jayne. This thread has me feeling like I've been dunked in the ether.

Nah don't worry about it. But looking back at my post, I think I must have been having an Auntie Mame moment. I always loved the scene in that movie where Coral Browne staggers down the steps and tells little Patrick that "Auntie Vera is hung."

And don't worry about that ether feeling, it's a biproduct of hanging out with the likes of us.

Dunked in the ether...

Originally posted by Jfinn
And don't worry about that ether feeling, it's a biproduct of hanging out with the likes of us.

Good God! Are the effects permanent?

BTW, you were too quick for me catching MG's god complex post. You know those short people and their delusions of omnipotence... Napoleon, MathGirl....
Re: Dunked in the ether...

HedbangerSA said:
Good God! Are the effects permanent?

BTW, you were too quick for me catching MG's god complex post. You know those short people and their delusions of omnipotence... Napoleon, MathGirl....
Shaquille O'Neal .........
Goddess Complex

You aren't fooling me, MG. You just like to see yourself in the same sentence with Shaquille O'Neal...
Re: Goddess Complex

HedbangerSA said:
You aren't fooling me, MG. You just like to see yourself in the same sentence with Shaquille O'Neal...
Okay, I'll admit it. He's one handsome man.
Re: Re: Re: ??

MathGirl said:
Are you suggesting I resurrect an old thread, dear? Hmmmm?

Oh God, I hope I haven't given you an idea. The last time you had one of those the rest of us got four pages of puke.:p


jfinn said:
Oh God, I hope I haven't given you an idea. The last time you had one of those the rest of us got four pages of puke.:p


Okay, okay, Jayne. I'll resist the temptation.
Re: Topic?

MathGirl said:
Okay, okay, Jayne. I'll resist the temptation.

Gee Diane, you're being so agreeable. Why does this scare me?

Pointing a finger at Svenska,

"Sh She was the one that said you were being ... err ... nice. I would never ... EVER say such a nasty thing to you! Honest, I wouldn't. You gotta believe me!"

Pookie the chicken shit :rose: ;)
Dangerous when nice?

Originally posted by Svenskaflicka
She's the most dangerous when she's nice.

Hmmm. Methinks I should be more careful who I poke fun at --

MG, all that stuff about Napoleon and Shaquille -- I was kidding, really!
I think it is sickening how they are treating you. Makes me want to throwup.

Pookie :rose:

Originally posted by Pookie_grrl
I think it is sickening how they are treating you. Makes me want to throwup.


Throwup? Don't you mean hurl, vomit, upchuck, blow lunch, spew, technicolor yawn..... Haven't you learned ANYTHING from this thread, Pookie?