Sappy Romantic Chain Story Idea - Medieval Theme

Darkniciad said:
Okay, I'm caught up with the released chapters, so hit me with the ones that are still in the queue :) I have some ideas floating around, but I want to make sure that I'm keeping in the weave of the story.

Drop me a PM with the chapters, or to hit me up for an email to send them that way. Time - she's a runnin' out on me, if'n I want to hit that submission date *laugh*

Slyc submitted his, but I'm sure he can launch you a copy. He made some edits, so I don't have his final one. He's editing MrsDL's but I think he's aiming to finish it tonight, so I'm sure he can fire that off to you soon also.

Thrilled to see ya in. :D :kiss: w00t!
I added one line to Eric's descriptions, more will follow as chapters come together, be sure to pop in and check periodically.


~ Red. :rose:
We're back so as soon as I get my chapter back I can submit it. Hope everyone had a great weekend.
MrsDeathlynx said:
We're back so as soon as I get my chapter back I can submit it. Hope everyone had a great weekend.

Be sure to drop me a copy too, so I can get up to speed with the upcoming chapters :)
Darkniciad said:
Be sure to drop me a copy too, so I can get up to speed with the upcoming chapters :)
Don't worry, once it's editted I'll be dropping a copy to the next couple of people on the list. :)
MrsDeathlynx said:
Don't worry, once it's editted I'll be dropping a copy to the next couple of people on the list. :)
*Wonders if that means he actually has to read something she wrote? :devil::p

And Dark, I look forward to scheming with you once more :D
me too!

Darkniciad said:
Okay, I'm caught up with the released chapters, so hit me with the ones that are still in the queue :) I have some ideas floating around, but I want to make sure that I'm keeping in the weave of the story.

Drop me a PM with the chapters, or to hit me up for an email to send them that way. Time - she's a runnin' out on me, if'n I want to hit that submission date *laugh*

Could you please me send the outstanding chapters before mine as well?

deathlynx said:
*Wonders if that means he actually has to read something she wrote? :devil::p

And Dark, I look forward to scheming with you once more :D

Hehe... the first bit of scheming has to go Slyc's way. The character I have running through my head needs a spot check with the master of villany before I run with the idea I have in my head.
Darkniciad said:
Hehe... the first bit of scheming has to go Slyc's way. The character I have running through my head needs a spot check with the master of villany before I run with the idea I have in my head.

Shoot me your ideas, but make sure Red's involved. I'm all for expanding Bags' sphere of villainy . . . .
slyc_willie said:
Shoot me your ideas, but make sure Red's involved. I'm all for expanding Bags' sphere of villainy . . . .

Sent an email a little bit ago - replied to the same addy from the story send.

I'll run everything past Red too, but I wanted to shoot it to you first for an eval and any possible suggestions to better fit him into the web if necessary.
Darkniciad said:
Sent an email a little bit ago - replied to the same addy from the story send.

I'll run everything past Red too, but I wanted to shoot it to you first for an eval and any possible suggestions to better fit him into the web if necessary.

I'm checking email now . . . .
I can work with that little modification to the original idea :)

I'm off to get this chapter running. Once I have the full storyline for the chapter fleshed out, I'll run it by Red.
Darkniciad said:
I can work with that little modification to the original idea :)

I'm off to get this chapter running. Once I have the full storyline for the chapter fleshed out, I'll run it by Red.

Sounds good, Dark. If you don't mind, I'd like an advance copy ;)
slyc_willie said:
Sounds good, Dark. If you don't mind, I'd like an advance copy ;)

Not a problem at all. I planned to put the finished rough draft out to you and Red as soon as I complete it. Once the draft has the go-ahead, I'll whip it off to the next couple of authors in line too. Y'all will just have to skim over anything that my editor will smack me for when I put it in his hands for final clean-up *laugh*
I'm in the process of trying to do some period research, but if anyone has some thoughts/information about the class/economic makeup around the castle/village, feel free to shoot with it.

Trying to pin down the sort of doves Guy might have to pluck ;)
Darkniciad said:
I'm in the process of trying to do some period research, but if anyone has some thoughts/information about the class/economic makeup around the castle/village, feel free to shoot with it.

Trying to pin down the sort of doves Guy might have to pluck ;)

Vix is wealthy... but Richard wasn't the greatest guy. The village people provided for themselves through their own harvesting of crops, etc. They weren't really given a lot from their liege lord. This is evident in Chap. 1 when Evie makes it a point to tell Cedric to go fill a basket or something like that for her foster parents, saying they wouldn't go hungry that night.

With that said, it would be safe (in my opinion) to say that over the past couple of weeks Evie has rectified the food shortage issue for her people.

Her foster parents didn't move to the castle and that's not ever been explained why not. It could be because and this is probably the way I would have seen it... Sarah and Michael were not royals and were very happy living in the village, thus if the offer to move to the castle was made they'd have refused.

Surrounding Lords, Earls, Dukes, etc... I would say they are moderately wealthy or good at making it seem they are. Meaning some could have debt that they've kept hidden, perhaps they do things for someone in order to pay off those debts - - How these neighbors take care of their own servants and such would be up to the writer.
RedHairedandFriendly said:
Vix is wealthy... but Richard wasn't the greatest guy. The village people provided for themselves through their own harvesting of crops, etc. They weren't really given a lot from their liege lord. This is evident in Chap. 1 when Evie makes it a point to tell Cedric to go fill a basket or something like that for her foster parents, saying they wouldn't go hungry that night.

With that said, it would be safe (in my opinion) to say that over the past couple of weeks Evie has rectified the food shortage issue for her people.

Her foster parents didn't move to the castle and that's not ever been explained why not. It could be because and this is probably the way I would have seen it... Sarah and Michael were not royals and were very happy living in the village, thus if the offer to move to the castle was made they'd have refused.

Surrounding Lords, Earls, Dukes, etc... I would say they are moderately wealthy or good at making it seem they are. Meaning some could have debt that they've kept hidden, perhaps they do things for someone in order to pay off those debts - - How these neighbors take care of their own servants and such would be up to the writer.

:cattail: Purrrrrfect ;)

I do believe I might just have what I'm looking for. A little more digging through period reference, and I can launch in.
Darkniciad said:
:cattail: Purrrrrfect ;)

I do believe I might just have what I'm looking for. A little more digging through period reference, and I can launch in.

I melt when you do that. ;) :p

Cool. Just remember we aren't stating an actual year, just hinting at it. :)
RedHairedandFriendly said:
I melt when you do that. ;) :p

Cool. Just remember we aren't stating an actual year, just hinting at it. :)

Not a problem. I just don't want to be too far off the mark with trade import/export, barter/coin, public services (hostels/taverns), dress, and such when I'm painting backdrop for what Guy is up to. I'm just shooting in the general date range from earlier in the thread.
Darkniciad said:
Not a problem. I just don't want to be too far off the mark with trade import/export, barter/coin, public services (hostels/taverns), dress, and such when I'm painting backdrop for what Guy is up to. I'm just shooting in the general date range from earlier in the thread.
I do the same thing. I have a big fat reference book right here on my desk just for the sake of this chain!
It simply wouldn't do to have someone dressed in Elizabethan clothes in a story set in Georgian times! ;)
Okay, I'm out of research mode and actually putting words on paper *laugh*

I'll be adding a minor intrigue to the storyline, but nothing that has any true bearing in the greater scheme of things. ( Which I'll be checking on upon completing the rough draft, because there's a point Red will need to approve )

The intrigue is more or less there to give my main character a reason to be where he is, in order to be available to Bagdemagus as a pawn as Slyc sees fit.

Maharat, be sure to send me your chapter when you finish it, so that I can read through it and see if I need to work any elements from your story into mine ( I'll be going outside my central story to show what's happening in the wider world around it, to keep the whole story connected and flowing as a uniform whole )

Pinning Guy down visually and vocally is simple: Put appropriate period hair and clothing on Julian McMahon

I'll get the rest of his backstory out after I've finished the chapter. I already have the basics, but I may yet refine it a little.