Sappy Romantic Chain Story Idea - Medieval Theme

will have to submit an edit

Dark Hi,

I am sure your chapter will come out fine eventually :)

I will have to submit an edit. Apparently, men in the Privy Council do not curtsey, they bow.

Lol :catgrin:

maharat48 said:
Dark Hi,

I am sure your chapter will come out fine eventually :)

I will have to submit an edit. Apparently, men in the Privy Council do not curtsey, they bow.

Lol :catgrin:


Ahh. . .;)
Finished the central story of my chapter and emailed it to Slyc for thoughts, suggestions, changes, etc. in order to make sure that Guy will be useful to Bagdemagus.

I'm writing the interludes that bring in the other characters from the main storyline and tie the chapter in with the continuing story now. Once I've worked on any of Slyc's suggestions and finished those, I'll get it out for final review before I edit it and pass it on to my editor.

Still haven't had any sleep, but at least my muse is working tonight :p
Darkniciad said:
Finished the central story of my chapter and emailed it to Slyc for thoughts, suggestions, changes, etc. in order to make sure that Guy will be useful to Bagdemagus.

I'm writing the interludes that bring in the other characters from the main storyline and tie the chapter in with the continuing story now. Once I've worked on any of Slyc's suggestions and finished those, I'll get it out for final review before I edit it and pass it on to my editor.

Still haven't had any sleep, but at least my muse is working tonight :p
Love it when the muse plays nice. ;) Looking forward to it.
Darkniciad said:
Finished the central story of my chapter and emailed it to Slyc for thoughts, suggestions, changes, etc. in order to make sure that Guy will be useful to Bagdemagus.

I'm writing the interludes that bring in the other characters from the main storyline and tie the chapter in with the continuing story now. Once I've worked on any of Slyc's suggestions and finished those, I'll get it out for final review before I edit it and pass it on to my editor.

Still haven't had any sleep, but at least my muse is working tonight :p

I'll give it a look tomorrow afternoon, Dark. Promise I'll get you a response by the end of the night ;)
*does a little dance* My Royal Chapter is ranked 14 in the top stories for the chain category. :nana: :D :nana:
MrsDeathlynx said:
*does a little dance* My Royal Chapter is ranked 14 in the top stories for the chain category. :nana: :D :nana:

:nana: Good for you! :D Excellent chapter that really brings the characters to life.

I'm writing my interludes right now. Just finished one, and I'm re-reading through the storyline deciding who to bring in for the next one ( John and Eric in the first interlude )

I already know that the third interlude is Evie, so just need to fill in the two before that and ( maybe ) one after it. I'm still deciding whether I need a transition there for flow, or whether I can just move from one part of Guy's story to the next in the last one.

After that, it's a matter of Slyc's thoughts on Guy, getting it out to the group for a final look-see to make sure I'm handling the characters as everyone sees them, and getting it out to my editor.
At 4:41 today, let it be known that MrsDeathlynx's story was #10!!

1 5.00 23 AH Fantasies Ch. 21 Trombonus 07/01/07
2 4.94 32 Laresa's World Ch. 22: Rutila Darkniciad 02/06/07
3 4.93 15 Laresa's World Ch. 19: Seymour deathlynx 01/08/07
4 4.93 15 Laresa's World Ch. 15: Aaron Darkniciad 12/05/06
5 4.92 24 Laresa's World Ch. 20: William Darkniciad 01/15/07
6 4.92 12 Laresa's World Ch. 21: Martin RedHairedandFriendly 01/30/07
7 4.91 34 Laresa's World Ch. 05: Clint Darkniciad 09/21/06
8 4.91 23 AH Fantasies Ch. 02 FallingToFly 01/24/07
9 4.91 11 Greek Myths: Zeus and Semele l8bloom 05/16/07
10 4.91 11 A Royal Sacrifice Ch. 07 MrsDeathlynx 07/06/07
Finished the first draft :nana: I've PMd it out to Red, Slyc, DL, and Taly to look over and critique. Those are the upcoming authors, and the characters appearing in mine were conveniantly created by them :)

That way, everyone has a preview of where I'm going, and they can point out anywhere that the characters they brought to life feel "off'
RedHairedandFriendly said:
1 5.00 23 AH Fantasies Ch. 21 Trombonus 07/01/07
2 4.94 32 Laresa's World Ch. 22: Rutila Darkniciad 02/06/07
3 4.93 15 Laresa's World Ch. 19: Seymour deathlynx 01/08/07
4 4.93 15 Laresa's World Ch. 15: Aaron Darkniciad 12/05/06
5 4.92 24 Laresa's World Ch. 20: William Darkniciad 01/15/07
6 4.92 12 Laresa's World Ch. 21: Martin RedHairedandFriendly 01/30/07
7 4.91 34 Laresa's World Ch. 05: Clint Darkniciad 09/21/06
8 4.91 23 AH Fantasies Ch. 02 FallingToFly 01/24/07
9 4.91 11 Greek Myths: Zeus and Semele l8bloom 05/16/07
10 4.91 11 A Royal Sacrifice Ch. 07 MrsDeathlynx 07/06/07
Is it just me or does anyone else notice the trend here? There's an awful lot of stories here with little or no sex in them...sexual tension sure, but a number of them don't have much if any!
RedHairedandFriendly said:
At 4:41 today, let it be known that MrsDeathlynx's story was #10!!

1 5.00 23 AH Fantasies Ch. 21 Trombonus 07/01/07
2 4.94 32 Laresa's World Ch. 22: Rutila Darkniciad 02/06/07
3 4.93 15 Laresa's World Ch. 19: Seymour deathlynx 01/08/07
4 4.93 15 Laresa's World Ch. 15: Aaron Darkniciad 12/05/06
5 4.92 24 Laresa's World Ch. 20: William Darkniciad 01/15/07
6 4.92 12 Laresa's World Ch. 21: Martin RedHairedandFriendly 01/30/07
7 4.91 34 Laresa's World Ch. 05: Clint Darkniciad 09/21/06
8 4.91 23 AH Fantasies Ch. 02 FallingToFly 01/24/07
9 4.91 11 Greek Myths: Zeus and Semele l8bloom 05/16/07
10 4.91 11 A Royal Sacrifice Ch. 07 MrsDeathlynx 07/06/07
Hehe *giggles*

And dark, if you want to send me a copy that would be cool too, or I could just read the copy you sent to DL...*smacks self in forehead*
Working on a bit of a rewrite. I was worried about it feeling too bumpy, and I'm getting agreement on that. I'm trying to balance tying in the rest of the story so this doesn't simply feel like an introduction chapter ( at this point, we should be past that ) and eliminating the lurch :(

Hard to do when Guy is an outsider. I'm puzzling through it.

Paused a bit to work on the cover, too. Still have to check it on a monitor with decent contrast ( mine is dark as hell ) so I can tweak it.


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deathlynx said:
Is it just me or does anyone else notice the trend here? There's an awful lot of stories here with little or no sex in them...sexual tension sure, but a number of them don't have much if any!
It just goes to show.... YOU don't have to have SEX in a chapter to make it GREAT! :nana: w00t! I like the looks of all those Laresa's. ;) :D
MrsDeathlynx said:
Hehe *giggles*
Congrats. ;) :kiss:
Darkniciad said:
Working on a bit of a rewrite. I was worried about it feeling too bumpy, and I'm getting agreement on that. I'm trying to balance tying in the rest of the story so this doesn't simply feel like an introduction chapter ( at this point, we should be past that ) and eliminating the lurch :(

Hard to do when Guy is an outsider. I'm puzzling through it.

Paused a bit to work on the cover, too. Still have to check it on a monitor with decent contrast ( mine is dark as hell ) so I can tweak it.
Look at all those naughty ladies. ;) I always enjoy writing with you, because you not only write a good story, but you make the coolest cover work for them. :D
RedHairedandFriendly said:
Look at all those naughty ladies. ;) I always enjoy writing with you, because you not only write a good story, but you make the coolest cover work for them. :D

Guy's hair still needs work, and there's a lot of pixel mess to clean up - I'm sure of that. I can't see spit on this monitor *laugh* I have the chapter off with my editor looking for any suggestions from him too. He often springs ideas on me that launch me in the right direction.

At least the central story is solid, it's just a matter of weaving it into the greater story the right way.
Darkniciad said:
Guy's hair still needs work, and there's a lot of pixel mess to clean up - I'm sure of that. I can't see spit on this monitor *laugh* I have the chapter off with my editor looking for any suggestions from him too. He often springs ideas on me that launch me in the right direction.

At least the central story is solid, it's just a matter of weaving it into the greater story the right way.

No matter what needs fixed on the cover-art, it is still good! :p Take a compliment. *PINCH* ;)

How luck can it get?

Darkniciad said:
Working on a bit of a rewrite. I was worried about it feeling too bumpy, and I'm getting agreement on that. I'm trying to balance tying in the rest of the story so this doesn't simply feel like an introduction chapter ( at this point, we should be past that ) and eliminating the lurch :(

Hard to do when Guy is an outsider. I'm puzzling through it.

Paused a bit to work on the cover, too. Still have to check it on a monitor with decent contrast ( mine is dark as hell ) so I can tweak it.

Not only it is a great chain story, but Prince Drest is completely my type - at least he will be, when he grows up.

Anyways, congrats on the cover, and would you please include me on the early preview list, the next time you are sending them out?



Will do Maharat.

Yes'm, Red ;) Thankye for the compliment :)

Okay, I've finished a rewrite. I've dropped all the asides and expanded some of the rides a bit to try to work in the greater story happening around him. The flow is better, but I'm concerned that it feels too much like an introduction chapter better suited to far earlier in the chain now.

I also hated losing the scenes with John, Eric, and Evie. I really loved John and Eric's scene, and that bit about Evie finding it difficult to sleep in such comfort has been in my head since the beginning.

Oh well.

PMs going out in a few minutes for look-see.
You can keep all those side things. I liked them. I just thought they needed to be done differently for the flow of the story. Perhaps adding them at the beginning or the end of what you have now? ? ? I don't know, but if you like them keep them. Both stories were good, I prefer one over the other, but I'm not God. So do what makes you feel good. You've kept to the premise of the chain, no weird fairy folks, and no more magic, and you've not tossed in a fire-breathing dragon, so what you had in the beginning is still doable.
RedHairedandFriendly said:
You can keep all those side things. I liked them. I just thought they needed to be done differently for the flow of the story. Perhaps adding them at the beginning or the end of what you have now? ? ? I don't know, but if you like them keep them. Both stories were good, I prefer one over the other, but I'm not God. So do what makes you feel good. You've kept to the premise of the chain, no weird fairy folks, and no more magic, and you've not tossed in a fire-breathing dragon, so what you had in the beginning is still doable.

I have to say I liked the new version, Dark. It kept all the elements of Guy's introduction as you originally had them, but also tied in the activities of the Queen and what has happened in earlier chapters.
I'll just post those as "Scenes from the Cutting Room Floor" on my website *laugh*

I've been ditching so many things lately that I've considered it numerous times. Comes from getting too little sleep and coming back to something to go "what the hell was I thinking?"

Many of the scenes aren't bad as they are, but they just skew things off in weird directions or paint me into corners :)

Chapter off to my editor. Should be ready to go in the queue by tomorrow. Gotta love how quick he gets back to me. He works with a lot of new people, and actually considers editing me as a break :p
Careful, you brag about him too much more and I'll be hitting you up for his name and email address. lol

I have 50,000 word novel that I need an editor for and it's sequel of 30,000. :p :D
RedHairedandFriendly said:
Careful, you brag about him too much more and I'll be hitting you up for his name and email address. lol

I have 50,000 word novel that I need an editor for and it's sequel of 30,000. :p :D

He's edited at least 700k words for me since mid April and I have about 70k more sitting ready to go. I just paused to give him a break and to make sure this one came in with nothing else of mine on his plate. Gave him time to finish up this week's chapter of his story too ( over at the other place )

Need to finish my next VR: DQ story. He gets a real kick out of those, and it's a nice change of pace from the darkness he's been dealing with in Danica for the last several months.
Darkniciad said:
He's edited at least 700k words for me since mid April and I have about 70k more sitting ready to go. I just paused to give him a break and to make sure this one came in with nothing else of mine on his plate. Gave him time to finish up this week's chapter of his story too ( over at the other place )

Need to finish my next VR: DQ story. He gets a real kick out of those, and it's a nice change of pace from the darkness he's been dealing with in Danica for the last several months.
It's good that you've found a reliable person to edit. :D

I had a great editor until he did something unethical... submitted work to a publishing company that he chopped up and called mine before I got to see it. I was very upset. The work he added was NOTHING like I would have wanted in the story and the fact that he didn't show me these changes prior to sending the company the work. . .that really pissed me off. Needless to say... great and editor no longer went together.
RedHairedandFriendly said:
It's good that you've found a reliable person to edit. :D

I had a great editor until he did something unethical... submitted work to a publishing company that he chopped up and called mine before I got to see it. I was very upset. The work he added was NOTHING like I would have wanted in the story and the fact that he didn't show me these changes prior to sending the company the work. . .that really pissed me off. Needless to say... great and editor no longer went together.

Some of them get pretty swelled heads. I don't use an editor, preferring to edit my stuff myself. I know that may be a little foolish, and I miss things now and then. But I like to think I do a good enough job.