Sappy Romantic Chain Story Idea - Medieval Theme

slyc_willie said:
Some of them get pretty swelled heads. I don't use an editor, preferring to edit my stuff myself. I know that may be a little foolish, and I miss things now and then. But I like to think I do a good enough job.

I self edit all my LST3Ks, pure stroke stories like Lynn and Lee, any M/M scenes in anything, and anything that's really way out there ( like the recent taboo story ) I could get away with it on a full time basis if I had the patience to let something stew for a week or two before coming back to edit it. I just can't seem to do that.

There are two nasty errors in this chapter that I only caught at the last second before sending it off for editing *laugh* Places where I decided to reword something and left off words or even whole thoughts. Only reason I caught them is because I made such major changes to this story that my brain isn't reading ahead of the page like it usually does.

Okay, time to take a break from the serious and get into mischief in DQVs world :)
I edit most of my own stuff now myself because I like my turnover rate. lol... I miss stuff too, it's frustrating, but it's the way it is sometimes. I have asked for edits on some stories, not all and I'm not sure what makes a story to me worth getting another's looksee or not.

I edit work for others and I enjoy it. I find things easier when it isn't my work. I hear that's the case for most folk, too.
Putting my chapter in the queue in another window now. As soon as I hit submit there, I'll send out copies to those who didn't see the final rough draft yet. There are only a few minor modifications from that to the one I'm submitting, so everyone who got the second rough pretty much has the chapter in hand.
Here's a rundown of the characters. The relevance and longevity of them in the story is pretty much up to how Slyc wants to use Guy.

Some of this is background and description not mentioned in the chapter.


Guy Dorr - bastard son of an upperclass woman's lady-in-waiting, the product of rape. Resented and barely tolerated, he is dropped on the church at a young age.

There, he is educated and groomed for the priesthood, with eyes on serving close to the nobility due to his uncanny ability to adapt in nearly any situation and his intelligence.

As he ages, the strict, structured life sets his nerves on edge - especially the chastity. Upon being caught by another young would-be priest while sporting with a town girl of widely known loose morals, he knows that he faces either expulsion - or more likely severe punishment and even more restrictions on his life.

Deciding he's had enough, he steals various religious regalia comprised of precious materials, as well as all the coin he can grab from the poor box, collection plates, etc. and dissapears into the night to make a living with his wits.

Physically and vocally, just put period hair and dress on Julian McMahon ( "Nip Tuck", Cole in "Charmed", Dr. Doom in "Fantastic Four" )


Judas - Guy's horse. Dark brown stallion


Walter Lempe - Salt and Pepper hair, closer to 50 than 40, weak from some sort of lung ailment.

Anne Lempe - Auburn hair, Curvy ( voluptuous ), Married her husband for money and influence. In love with Guy. Mid 20s. One child ( son )

The Lemepe family is indebted to the Giffords ( up next ) and pay on that debt monthly. Though the Lempe estate produces the finest wine in the region, their many debts keep them relegated to the ranks of the land-rich poor. They can afford servants ( barely ) and stay in business, but not much more.


Simon Gifford - May as well be a twin of Walter ( above ) save he's more robust. Scheming and willing to stoop low in order to attain his goal of gaining a foothold in the upper class.

Rachel Gifford - Honey-blonde hair, curvaceous ( slimmer than Anne above ). Pregnant and barely showing at the point of her introduction. One son. Lusts after Guy, but too shrewd to be in love with him. Married her husband for money and influence, just like Anne. Mid 20's

Isabelle - Maid servant in the household. Raven haired, in love with Guy. Mid 30s.

The Gifford estate produces the finest beer in the region, and supplies many of the lesser brews as well. Holds a debt over the head of the Lempes.


Earl Warren - No first name given as yet. 40s. No real description yet. Titled minor noble. Guy is blackmailing him after discovering he had an anonymous tryst between the sheets with the attractive daughter of another minor noble family. We'll call her 18 for Lit purposes, but in true period, she would be far younger. "Barely a woman". Not mentioned in the chapter, but the young woman is pregnant. He's worried enough about the reaction of his wife and the other woman's family to pay just about anything he's asked.
I'll add this to the cheat sheet - tomorrow though (I have a headache at the moment and am logging off).

Thanks :D

Darkniciad said:
I self edit all my LST3Ks, pure stroke stories like Lynn and Lee, any M/M scenes in anything, and anything that's really way out there ( like the recent taboo story ) I could get away with it on a full time basis if I had the patience to let something stew for a week or two before coming back to edit it. I just can't seem to do that.

There are two nasty errors in this chapter that I only caught at the last second before sending it off for editing *laugh* Places where I decided to reword something and left off words or even whole thoughts. Only reason I caught them is because I made such major changes to this story that my brain isn't reading ahead of the page like it usually does.

Okay, time to take a break from the serious and get into mischief in DQVs world :)

There is something pretty odd about having a proper conversation with someone, only to send him a story for editing so dirty it soils the mail servers as it travels. I am not yet all used to it.

Oh well.

Non-english speakers can't forego editors. I get public comments such as - great story, get an editor :)

Darkniciad said:
I'll just post those as "Scenes from the Cutting Room Floor" on my website *laugh*
Personally, I like that idea...
If I had a website I would do it.
I have so many fragments of stories that never quite make it...
It would be nice to give all that hard work its due.
maharat48 said:
There is something pretty odd about having a proper conversation with someone, only to send him a story for editing so dirty it soils the mail servers as it travels. I am not yet all used to it.

Oh well.

Non-english speakers can't forego editors. I get public comments such as - great story, get an editor :)

First of all, I get them all the time... you would be surprised the kind of stories I am asked to edit.

Second of all, NOONE should be without an editor. Sorry, Slyc, but there it is. Even my mom, who is a published author and has a master's in English still uses an editor on EVERY piece she puts out to the public.
I have an incredible editor who bulls the very best I can do out of me, but even if you just send it to someone who has not seen the story thirty times so they can check for stuff spell checker won't catch, it's not a reflection on you to use an editor.

I am available, and willing to put off the other people asking for my attention for you guys.
'specially you, Maharat.
What is your native language?
blushing as she is singled out

Talynnda said:
I am available, and willing to put off the other people asking for my attention for you guys.
'specially you, Maharat.
What is your native language?

My native language is Portuguese. Thanks for the offer, I might still need your help.

My editor was quite helpful with this one. He really helped me with the dialogue, and there was a roomful of men curtseying that he caught right on time.

Actually, it has been 6 days now. May the story come up!


maharat48 said:
My native language is Portuguese. Thanks for the offer, I might still need your help.

My editor was quite helpful with this one. He really helped me with the dialogue, and there was a roomful of men curtseying that he caught right on time.

Actually, it has been 6 days now. May the story come up!


Lit's been taking almost a full week or more to post new stories. All of my latest submission were up a week after I submitted them. So if not today, perhaps tomorrow yours will be gracing us with its delightful presence. :D I really, really liked your chapter. :D
RedHairedandFriendly said:
Lit's been taking almost a full week or more to post new stories. All of my latest submission were up a week after I submitted them. So if not today, perhaps tomorrow yours will be gracing us with its delightful presence. :D I really, really liked your chapter. :D

Absolutely. So did I. I would not have guessed that English is your second language, Maharat. ;)

RedHairedandFriendly said:
Lit's been taking almost a full week or more to post new stories. All of my latest submission were up a week after I submitted them. So if not today, perhaps tomorrow yours will be gracing us with its delightful presence. :D I really, really liked your chapter. :D

And I liked yours so much! I posted a first-time Queen story the same day the first royal sacrifice came out.

I was looking at the new page and voila - there was yours too.


slyc_willie said:
Absolutely. So did I. I would not have guessed that English is your second language, Maharat. ;)

Thanks. Even with an editor, the occasional odd usage tends to give me away :)

Can we have more Badgemagus please?

maharat48 said:
And I liked yours so much! I posted a first-time Queen story the same day the first royal sacrifice came out.

I was looking at the new page and voila - there was yours too.


:D I'm glad you enjoyed it and very glad you're on board with everyone here, too!
Chapter 8 has arrived. :D

And a schedule reminder post for the top of the thread:

* Darknicaid - July 13 (16th-19th)
* deathlynx - July 23 (26th)
* Taylnnda - July 30 (Aug 3)
* RedHairedandFriendly - Aug 6 (Aug 9)
* slyc_willie - Aug 13 (Aug 16)
* MrsDeathlynx - Aug 20 (Aug 23)
* maharat48 - Aug 27 (Aug 30)
* Darkniciad - Sept 3 (Sept 6)
Last edited:

Talynnda said:
Hablo un poquito en espanol.
I understand they are very close.

For some reason, it seems easier for me to understand a spanish speaker than the other way around. At least that is what they always tell me.

maharat48 said:
For some reason, it seems easier for me to understand a spanish speaker than the other way around. At least that is what they always tell me.


I work with Hispanic and Mexican people, and a man who was born and raised in Brazil (i.e. speaks Portugese). He often reminds me that there are many differences between Spanish and Portugese.

I can understand him most of the time, as I do most Spanish speakers, but now and then, he has to explain himself to me.

Nice eyes slyc!


Yup, Chapter 8 is up. Now, if I got only one more vote, it would have an H too.


maharat48 said:
Nice eyes slyc!


Yup, Chapter 8 is up. Now, if I got only one more vote, it would have an H too.



Well, I believe you just got it. I finally had time to RCV on Chapter 8 and left an honest comment. It reads even better on Lit than it does in a PM ;)

Now if I could only get one more vote for Chapter 6 . . . :D
I'll get to voting when I'm more like myself, been a little off lately but it's all good.
Schedule reminder...


* Darknicaid - July 13 (16th-19th)
* deathlynx - July 23 (26th)
* Taylnnda - July 30 (Aug 3)
* RedHairedandFriendly - Aug 6 (Aug 9)
* slyc_willie - Aug 13 (Aug 16)
* MrsDeathlynx - Aug 20 (Aug 23)
* maharat48 - Aug 27 (Aug 30)
* Darkniciad - Sept 3 (Sept 6)

RedHairedandFriendly said:

* Darknicaid - July 13 (16th-19th)
* deathlynx - July 23 (26th)
* Taylnnda - July 30 (Aug 3)
* RedHairedandFriendly - Aug 6 (Aug 9)
* slyc_willie - Aug 13 (Aug 16)
* MrsDeathlynx - Aug 20 (Aug 23)
* maharat48 - Aug 27 (Aug 30)
* Darkniciad - Sept 3 (Sept 6)


I'm not going anywhere. ;)