Sappy Romantic Chain Story Idea - Medieval Theme

slyc_willie said:
I'm not going anywhere. ;)
That's good to know. . . I have plans for you, I mean for Bags. Yeah, that's what I meant. ;)

ETA:I have updated the first post of the thread to reflect the newest cheat sheet stuff.
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Just so I get an idea for pacing for my idea thingy...(yeah I know that made no sense, lol) you think there will be at least two chapters each to go or only one?
MrsDeathlynx said:
Just so I get an idea for pacing for my idea thingy...(yeah I know that made no sense, lol) you think there will be at least two chapters each to go or only one?

I would say, at this point, there's no telling. There may only be a couple each or a handful. It all depends on what we add to the story and how it gets moved along.

Thanks for the PC, by the way. :kiss:
slyc_willie said:
I would say, at this point, there's no telling. There may only be a couple each or a handful. It all depends on what we add to the story and how it gets moved along.

Thanks for the PC, by the way. :kiss:
I commented? Sorry I'm a little forgetful right now, hehe. But I'll take your word on it. :kiss:

Well basically it's just figuring out if I have to get benedict or muriel to decide to bump uglies next chapter or if it can wait for the third. ;):p
MrsDeathlynx said:
I commented? Sorry I'm a little forgetful right now, hehe. But I'll take your word on it. :kiss:

Well basically it's just figuring out if I have to get benedict or muriel to decide to bump uglies next chapter or if it can wait for the third. ;):p

Well, that's up to you, of course.

(But Muriel's waited so long . . . . :devil: )
MrsDeathlynx said:
You just want to see me write more smut. :p


That's a given . . . .

Seriously, though, if you feel it happens, it happens. But let the characters make the decision. ;)
slyc_willie said:

That's a given . . . .

Seriously, though, if you feel it happens, it happens. But let the characters make the decision. ;)
We'll see, though I do have some funny and awkward things for Benedict to do, hehe.

Depending on the next chapters I may do something to start the spoiling of your plans with Bag. ;):p

ETA: Maybe I should in the meantime start that fanfic we were discussing in another thread at one point...
MrsDeathlynx said:
We'll see, though I do have some funny and awkward things for Benedict to do, hehe.

Depending on the next chapters I may do something to start the spoiling of your plans with Bag. ;):p

ETA: Maybe I should in the meantime start that fanfic we were discussing in another thread at one point...

There's a lot to work with Benedict, I think. He has an entire history no one has touched upon, yet.

And I looked forward to his attempts to thwart Bags. Who knows? he may just be the one to do so . . . .

;) Any time you're ready, I am.
slyc_willie said:
There's a lot to work with Benedict, I think. He has an entire history no one has touched upon, yet.

And I looked forward to his attempts to thwart Bags. Who knows? he may just be the one to do so . . . .

;) Any time you're ready, I am.
Who said it would be Benedict, maybe it's Muriel. :p
slyc_willie said:
Ah, good point. We all know how fiery those redheads can be . . . ;)
Nah, redheads are all pussy-cats who'll roll onto their tummys for ya! ;)
*scurries away before Red ties him up and hands him over to Mrs for punishment* :devil:
deathlynx said:
Nah, redheads are all pussy-cats who'll roll onto their tummys for ya! ;)
*scurries away before Red ties him up and hands him over to Mrs for punishment* :devil:

Lol . . . I'll watch that for a silver farthing! :p
deathlynx said:
That's part of what make them so :catgrin:
And to think, I gotta put new batteries in the one. :devil: That means I'll have plenty of time in which to torture you. ;)
Go to bed and y'all come out of the woodwork. ;)

Chapter talk. . .I honestly don't know when the story will end, but we'll be sure to wrap up side characters before we play out the end. Laresa's World took 25 chapters and Dry Valley took 20 (I believe - thinking off the top of my head.) I would say it is a good shot we'll each have two more chapters, if not three (with the exception of major villain Bags) - Slyc may have a few more to fit in between some of the other chapters, because it is important to place Bags throughout the story so we know what our bad guys up too.

With seven of us writing - each doing three chapters that puts us at 21 chapters, but there will be times Slyc writes an extra one, or I do, or someone else does, so I'd say.... (again thinking out loud) 25 - 30 chapters is a reasonable number to see in the future.

Redhead talk. . . Redheads do enjoy their tummy being rubbed and have been known to tie folks up. This redhead, if she gets her tummy rubbed, purrs quite a bit. ;) If she ties someone up then she'll tease and torment them herself, but she'll allow folks to watch. :devil:
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