Sappy Romantic Chain Story Idea - Medieval Theme

So, are we going to see more of Gram?
She seems to be a very wise soul, perhaps the ONLY one capable of ironing out all the wrinkles that all this intrigue in the castle is causing!
I am torn... on the one hand, I wnat the good guys to win, because the good guys are SUPPOSED to win.
On the other hand, WHY?
It could be so much more FUN if the bad guys won!
I mean, they are not all necessarily EVIL... just self centered and self serving. So the country would really not be in any different shape than it is NOW!
But it sure could be fun at the castle!
Sorry you're torn.

But the Bad guys will lose in the end, some good guys will probably lose to, but there is NO way Bags or Viv will be triumphing over the people of Vix.
Well, this is a Sappy Romantic thing...and that pretty much guarantees good guys win :)
As long as Muriel and Benedict get a chance to get their groove on we could loose one of them though it would suck, but we don't have to cause that's another sappy romantic aspect which is why I thought of it. :p
deathlynx said:
Well, this is a Sappy Romantic thing...and that pretty much guarantees good guys win :)
Exactly. ;)
MrsDeathlynx said:
As long as Muriel and Benedict get a chance to get their groove on we could loose one of them though it would suck, but we don't have to cause that's another sappy romantic aspect which is why I thought of it. :p
Right now, I don't see that happening to either of them. Granted yeah, we don't know what will happen in the future, but right now I don't see their demise in the future. I think my next chapter will aid yours along when it comes to their getting "groovy." ;)
RedHairedandFriendly said:
Exactly. ;)
Right now, I don't see that happening to either of them. Granted yeah, we don't know what will happen in the future, but right now I don't see their demise in the future. I think my next chapter will aid yours along when it comes to their getting "groovy." ;)
Hehe ;)
MrsDeathlynx said:
As long as Muriel and Benedict get a chance to get their groove on we could loose one of them though it would suck, but we don't have to cause that's another sappy romantic aspect which is why I thought of it. :p

Hmm . . . Bagdemagus hadn't really thought of messing with them . . . not until now, anyway . . . .

slyc_willie said:
Hmm . . . Bagdemagus hadn't really thought of messing with them . . . not until now, anyway . . . .

Just wait until after they have sex! Or better yet let Muriel get knocked up with his kid and then kill him off. ;):p

Just kidding but it is funny, hehe.
Hey, Y'all don't know... Viv COULD reform. I don't see it happening to Bags, but "love" does funny things...
I don't know if my editor would let me reform Viv, though...
Yup, my editor has THAT much control over content. I trust him implicitly. I would not be the writer I am without him.
MrsDeathlynx said:
Just wait until after they have sex! Or better yet let Muriel get knocked up with his kid and then kill him off. ;)
Just kidding but it is funny, hehe.

Hey, what are you counting down?
Cute ticker, but I am confused. Then again, I live in the State of Confusion.
And y'all thought I lived in Utah.
Talynnda said:
Hey, Y'all don't know... Viv COULD reform. I don't see it happening to Bags, but "love" does funny things...
I don't know if my editor would let me reform Viv, though...
Yup, my editor has THAT much control over content. I trust him implicitly. I would not be the writer I am without him.
You also have to remember that things are different in a chain story than when you are writing on your own. Things happen in chains that you don't expect and sometimes that you don't have control over.
Talynnda said:
Hey, Y'all don't know... Viv COULD reform. I don't see it happening to Bags, but "love" does funny things...
I don't know if my editor would let me reform Viv, though...
Yup, my editor has THAT much control over content. I trust him implicitly. I would not be the writer I am without him.
Love does do funny things and I have no issues with Viv changing for the better. No problem with it at all. I do know that I can guarantee you that she will not triumph over the people of Vix; if you decide later on that she's going to remain the way she is, as far as wanting to rule both lands, then that's up to you, but know in the end she'll be sent packing with no control over Vix at all. Maybe you'll use her in a series where she controls her own kingdom?

Just remember as you're writing her that she will not win as far as the crown goes.
MrsDeathlynx said:
You also have to remember that things are different in a chain story than when you are writing on your own. Things happen in chains that you don't expect and sometimes that you don't have control over.
This is very true. I've bended on some things and said no on other things. I try to use my "control" lightly because I don't want to control everything that goes into the chain. I just know that some things I won't allow to happen because it would take away from the "Happily Ever After" ending I'm looking for and warned folks that I wanted.

Right now I'm satisfied with every chapter of the chain and the way the story has played out. I'm thrilled to see three chapters in the top list and I look forward to seeing more of them appear. Everyone's done a great job so far and I am very glad folks (for the most part) are communicating to me either here or via PM.

The chapters still need to be seen by me and slyc (if you use Bags) before a person submits, but that's not to control the story, but to help me get a feel for where we're going and how long the story may take. If there are qualms with the chapter then I'll talk to the writer about it and go from there. Stating my opinion and not asking them to change it unless it is apparently not flowing well with the rest of the story.

Okay ... I've allowed my "anal retentive" self to come out long enough this morning. I'm off. :kiss:
Finally got my sig link updated. I'll RVC the newest chapter this evening. Struggling with time and motivation right now. My muse is working fine, but my brain isn't. She's getting very irritated at me *laugh*
A question to those that are good at trivia...

Cedric has blue eyes in chap. 1. His hair color though hasn't been mentioned as far as I recall. I am giving him blond hair, if anyone knows he's got a different color and I just failed to put it on the cheat sheet, or someone assigned him a hair color and didn't make note of it to me to add in the cheat sheet, please let me know ASAP.

Thanks, this goes for Rebecca too. Brown eyes we have, but brunette has been added to the cheat sheet, but if you know she's got a different color than let me know.

Thanks, bunches.

~ Red.

PS... even if you find proof of their hair color in a chapter I wrote, don't hesitate to tell me I fucked up and forgot to update the cheat sheet with my own stats.

Thanks again,

~ Me.
RedHairedandFriendly said:
I'll be submitting later on this fine day. ;)
Coolies, don't forget to send people copies. :p

What are you doing up so late anyways? Aren't you supposed to be in bed young lady? *puts hands on her hips and looks to Red sternly as she tries not to giggle*
Oh, to answer Taly's question (that seemed to get lost in the shuffle) the counter on Mrs' signature is for the birth of our first child...