September Film Challenge 🎬

Day 23: A film that means a lot to you personally
Day 23- A film that means a lot to you personally
Back in 1973 I was fascinated by the great horse Secretariat. My only sports hero. This movie brought back the memory of that summer and the day I was on the floor in front of the TV watching history unfold.

Day 23 a movie that means a lot to me personally:

It’s no secret I like the arthouse movies. This movie released shortly after my daughter had come out to us. When she heard I was driving into β€œthe city” to go see it at the Laemmle she asked to come along. I love this movie as a movie, it’s beautiful and moving and everyone should watch it. But I also love the memory of looking over and seeing her enraptured by this movie and watching in real time her realization how powerful movies that weren’t Disney or Marvel could be.

Day 23: A film that means a lot to you personally
I’d been living away from Minnesota for six years when this came out and living on the East Coast. It was like being transported home. A few of us laughed at way more jokes than the others in the theater. One thing they missed in this scene, if it was warm enough that some water was liquid…..true Minnesotans are in light jackets. The scene would be less funny though.

I missed a couple of days

Day 18: A film you couldn't stop thinking about:
Deckard IS a replicant

Day 19: A film set in the future

Day 20: A film that scared you
I found it horrifying that someone PAID for this to be made :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Day 21: A film that made you want to fall in love

Day 22: Your favourite film set in a fantasy world
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

Day 23: A film that means a lot to you personally
I saw this for the first time as a youngster. In the first ten minutes of the movie Buckaroo is seen performing brain surgery, racing a rocket car through the desert, and then making it to his bar gig where his band is playing. This always made an impression on me. This is a guy that can do lots of different things. It's on the cartoonish/tongue-in-cheek sci-fi level but I still took it to heart. People are meant to do lots of different things. So this movie means a lot to me. All that plus it's fucking funny too.
Day 23: A film that means a lot to you personally
Casablanca is my favorite movie, probably, but I already used it.

I went with Trick R' Treat, 2007. It means a lot because it understands what Halloween "feels like."
