Similies - fill in the blank

It's something us posh Englishmen say. "Pip pip, what what. I say old man, that's just not cricket" :D

The Earl


Why am I suddenly thinking, "What ho, Jeeves!"

(My United States midwestern accent would sound so odd to you, I'm afraid!)

we're getting some pretty vivid pictures in my opinion. well done everyone - this is fun!

next one:

As soft as...
As soft as...

The breeze that sharpens DEATH'S scythe.


(Can't remember the particular Discworld book)
Just started a Terry Pratchett-book, Good Omens. If you haven't read it yet, do so. It's hilarious!:D
As soft as...

...Rik Waller's arse.

That's a scary thought.

The Earl

To non-English people: Rik Waller was a loser on the English Pop Idol. He released one single and is possibly the fattest person you will ever see. And ugly with it.
Re: As soft as...

TheEarl said:
...Rik Waller's arse.

That's a scary thought.

The Earl

To non-English people: Rik Waller was a loser on the English Pop Idol. He released one single and is possibly the fattest person you will ever see. And ugly with it.

I remember now why I'm actually glad I'm not still 18.

Saddened, dismayed but still

Re: Re: As soft as...

gauchecritic said:
I remember now why I'm actually glad I'm not still 18.

Saddened, dismayed but still


What's that supposed to mean?

The Earl
It means I'm world weary and far from being secure in my immortality enough to make bold, bald public statements about people who don't or can't meet popular tabloid imposed standards.

Hence the self mocking nom-de-clavier;

My newspaper of choice is the Daily Telegraph. I can tell you today's headline if you want. I hate tabloids; anything with no news in it doesn't deserve to be called a newspaper.

Rik Waller is fat. And he is ugly. The man weighs 20 stone.

I may be 18, but I am old enough in this world to know that it is asking for trouble to try and impose large sweeping stereotypes on people. Please do not insinuate again that I am someone who lives on what Big Brother is doing and has their opinions made by the editor of the Sun. I think my posts here should show you that I'm not that guy and I'm insulted that you think I am.

The Earl
I apologise if I've offended you, but you're missing my point Earl. We are all creatures of our environment.

I was going to go on and on about my life compared to yours. I can sum it up in one sentence.

I am of the sixties (no I'm not a hippy) with all that that implies and you Earl are a Thatcher's child with all that that implies.

Don't get me wrong, I'm NOT saying you personally follow the creed of Thatcher (whether you do or not is no concern of mine and is irrelevant anyway) but you were born in the Thatcher years and are a product of the same. (Even after she was deposed and decadence brought the downfall of the Tories they were still the Thatcher years)

This could be a long and convoluted arguement (I'm willing if you are) but two things to close this post.

A quotation (Mark Twain) "When I was 17 my father was stupid and when I was 25 I was surprised at how much he had learned"

Personally I have never in my life publically brought attention to anyones shortcomings and I stopped reading ALL newspapers before I was thirty.

As soft as

As soft as:

the touch of a shadow

an infant's dream

snow on a river






As soft as the inside of your girlfriend's nose.

But hey: I came up with a good one the other day:

"Slower than a pyramid race."

Good, huh? No?

Apology accepted. I just dislike the way that some people judge me by my age. Me stating that I was 18 brings a hell of a lot of baggage with it, most of it completely inappropriate to me.

You seem to be extrapolating a lot about me from one jokey comment. I try never to let my judgements be clouded by one remark and I definitely try never to pigeonhole people. And everyone who does is an idiot :)D).

Rik Waller is a celebrity (ish). What's more, he's a reality television celebrity and therefore has actually aimed to be in the public eye.

I'm surprised at the 'never brought to attention anyone else's shortcomings.' Perfection is a brave thing to boast.

The Earl
An aside to TheEarl and gauchecritic...

Thank you both for being respectful whilst discussing your differences. I appreciate seeing that, perhaps others will learn from it.
i don't know about anybody else, but these Similies are really starting to evolve (i'm still thinking about the pyramid race dr. ;) )

and i'm interested to see what WH comes up with for As soft as...
TheEarl said:
I just dislike the way that some people judge me by my age. Me stating that I was 18 brings a hell of a lot of baggage with it, most of it completely inappropriate to me.

The Earl

Don't worry, dear. It will pass when you get older.;)
TheEarl said:
I just dislike the way that some people judge me by my age.

Dear Earl,
Don't despair, dear. You will mature a great deal in the next two years.
MathGirl said:
You will mature a great deal in the next two years.

You might even find that there are better ways of getting free beer than Morris Dancing. Get a hat to get ahead.
