Ted Cruz Gets the Last Laugh

The more time that passes without a natural vector being found the higher the probability. The longer the CCP blocks any meaningful investigation, the higher the probability. The CCP has actually floated the idea that the virus was created at Ft. Deatrick and released in Wuhan by Special Forces operatives. As preposterous as that assertion is there is one interesting component to it, the notion that the virus was 'created.' I read that as a preemptive strike on their part.
That's.not a correct statement, since there is little to no information coming out of the region.

The CCP can't be trusted....yes....I get that. There is no evidence that anyone created a virus here. Plenty of a lack of evidence on it's origins.
Pride has nothing to do with it. I don't rule out the ability to genetically engineer nucleic acid whether it be DNA or RNA into a synthetic mutation resulting in a completely different viral strain. IMHO
Bullshit.....this entire thread is about ego.
That's.not a correct statement, since there is little to no information coming out of the region.

The CCP can't be trusted....yes....I get that. There is no evidence that anyone created a virus here. Plenty of a lack of evidence on it's origins.
What is 'incorrect?'
What is 'incorrect?'
"The more time that passes without a natural vector being found the higher the probability."

China isn't providing proper access nor is it being transparent about their investigations. For all we know, a natural vector was.found.
That doesn't refute my statement. Had a natural vector been found it would be in China's, and everyone else's, best interest to divulge same. It would forever put this conversation to rest and absolve all parties of public interest. In other words your argument makes no sense from any perspective.
That doesn't refute my statement. Had a natural vector been found it would be in China's, and everyone else's, best interest to divulge same. It would forever put this conversation to rest and absolve all parties of public interest. In other words your argument makes no sense from any perspective.

Finding / identifying a “natural vector” is incredibly difficult / almost impossible.

See: Ebola.

Unsurprisingly, bats are thought to be the animal reservoir for Ebola, which is then passed to other animals (Chimps, Gorillas, forest antelope), and then on to humans who handle those animals.

Although,…….Now that the “Deep State” has released a low confidence assessment supporting a lab leak the RWCJ surprisingly embraces, I guess I will blindly accept that low confidence assessment as undisputed fact and praise Ted Cruz.


👉 RWCJ and Ted Cruz 🤣

The only function of the Republican propaganda tool is to naysay the Dems in every possible way. The Republicans have no legislative program of their own. It's all attack Dems and revenge based. They are seditionists and white supremists through and through.
Ebola virus has been with us and killing people for 30 + years. We still have no basis in fact to conclude any certain origin or cause of the initial spread of that virus. The only difference between the determination of the origin of Covid some 4 years ago is the political context. It was initiated in China and that fact has been turned into a political stick to beat the Chinese, and any person or party which can be associated with them - rightly or wrongly.

This thread was based on an opinion piece, which in turn was based on other opinion pieces, which qualify as standard "factual" bases for the op. The fact is that although it would be useful to know the precise origins, we probably never will have any basis in fact to jump to the wild conclusions favoured by the ignorant.
Like the DOE’s lab leak assessment, the four natural transmission assessments are with “low confidence.” The FBI lab leak assessment is with “moderate confidence.” The lab leak assessment was never “debunked” and has been deemed the most likely by two highly qualified government agencies.

What? Now they claim COVID is real and dangerous?

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Right,isn't this the guy who argued against vaccines and masks and social distancing , basically he promoted everything opposite of what the CDC was stating. But now COVID is a weapon of murder?....The guy will shill anything to make a buck,even at the expense of peoples lives....
Right,isn't this the guy who argued against vaccines and masks and social distancing , basically he promoted everything opposite of what the CDC was stating. But now COVID is a weapon of murder?....The guy will shill anything to make a buck,even at the expense of peoples lives....
Not sure if you’re directing your comment at me or not. I practiced social distancing indoors most of the time in 2020-21, wore masks in public places where required and in social settings where it would make others feel more comfortable, got three vaccine shots in 2021, and got a very mild case of Covid in 2022. I have argued against lockdowns, school closures, vaccine mandates, and have shared voluminous published research and data that debunks a great deal of misinformation that has been spread by public health authorities.
Ted Cruz? The guy who's dad helped kill JFK , and who's wife is ugly, and is a liar,? The guy that still supported the guy who said all that for president?

And you're touting him as a hero now?

Well, that's Republican values on display.
Not sure if you’re directing your comment at me or not. I practiced social distancing indoors most of the time in 2020-21, wore masks in public places where required and in social settings where it would make others feel more comfortable, got three vaccine shots in 2021, and got a very mild case of Covid in 2022. I have argued against lockdowns, school closures, vaccine mandates, and have shared voluminous published research and data that debunks a great deal of misinformation that has been spread by public health authorities.
Nope, I was directing this against Tucker Carlson.

But you bought into his bullshit, nothing you have ever produced has proven the original advice of wearing masks, limiting social contact and vaccine mandates didn't help to limit the (speed at which it) spread of COVID.
The only function of the Republican propaganda tool is to naysay the Dems in every possible way. The Republicans have no legislative program of their own. It's all attack Dems and revenge based. They are seditionists and white supremists through and through.

Since this seems to be a CHINA thing, because if it is a lab leak then that's on China and if it's a natural vector transmission then it's Chinese in origin, are you saying that the D's are in league with the Chinese to harm the US (and the rest of the world) through biological means/methods?
Since this seems to be a CHINA thing, because if it is a lab leak then that's on China and if it's a natural vector transmission then it's Chinese in origin, are you saying that the D's are in league with the Chinese to harm the US (and the rest of the world) through biological means/methods?

Nope, I was directing this against Tucker Carlson.

But you bought into his bullshit, nothing you have ever produced has proven the original advice of wearing masks, limiting social contact and vaccine mandates didn't help to limit the (speed at which it) spread of COVID.
You apparently watch Tucker Carlson. I don’t. But thanks for keeping us updated on what he says, I guess. 🤷‍♂️
You apparently watch Tucker Carlson. I don’t. But thanks for keeping us updated on what he says, I guess. 🤷‍♂️
LOL, nice try, I don't watch TV, nor do I used Twitter to get my news. Which seems to be a poor platform if Tucker Carlson never gets any tweets....aren't you the one running around in that other thread saying how great twitter is btw?

*chuckles* idiots will idiot I guess, you prove the axiom.
It's a lab leak. We can expect the government to add the "low confidence" caveat to protect themselves and all of the bullshitting they've been throwing at us for the past three years. Highly respected scientists and smart people knew the truth from the beginning. They needed to protect their unconstitutional power grabs. Like every other Democrat policy failure, they've been exposed. Joe Biden had to protect his business partner, the CCP.
My sentiments exactly. The article points to the fact that the virus was leaked from a lab. The creation of the virus is another issue. To admit to the creation of the virus in a lab would certainly implicate Dr. Fauci and ** gain of function research** funded by the anointed one himself Dr. F, which would implicate him in a lie. What fucking government agency would admit to that. Without Chinese cooperation this issue is dead. We have a Chinese virologist in the states that admitted to gain of function and now she's disappeared. Fauci considered by the left as the second coming of Christ, second only to Sleepy Joe himself, is immersed in more teflon than Hillary herself.
The first two people to get the virus were from the Wuhan Lab. The studies were being done in a level two security lab instead of a level four facility. There had been SARS leaks from the same lab in the past and no animal species has been found and identified as the source.
Who was the owner of businesses in China who wrote this garbage?
"Just had a long and very good conversation by phone with President Xi of China. He is strong, sharp and powerfully focused on leading the counterattack on the Coronavirus. He feels they are doing very well, even building hospitals in a matter of only days... Great discipline is taking place in China, as President Xi strongly leads what will be a very successful operation. We are working closely with China to help!"
"On behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!"