The 2024 750 Word Story Challenge Support Thread

I've submitted two. Both of which are extremely detached from what I normally write. Expecting that one to have the lowest score out of all of my stories before long. The other is LGBTQ+, which I must admit I have no business dabbling in, but I did get the publishing seal of approval from some community members that I greatly trust. I don't think I'll write any more of these for this event, but you never know! There's still quite a few days before the event publishing period closes.
Em, if you're bored and need to fill in some time, go for it.

Or you can start thinking about the April Fool's competition. 🤔
I currently have 2 ready to drop and 2 on the drawing board, nearing completion. I'll drop them at the end of the month. Two of them are also going to the Valentine's contest because chocolate. I also have 4 full length chapters of a story to publish but Laurel has been sitting on one for four day now seeing if it will hatch.
I only have one because I'm too busy working to write more. Right now, I need to get Donnie ready for his pre-school. I so enjoyed no school yesterday.
I wrote a fifth. About a rather different Generative AI app…

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I currently have 2 ready to drop and 2 on the drawing board, nearing completion. I'll drop them at the end of the month. Two of them are also going to the Valentine's contest because chocolate. I also have 4 full length chapters of a story to publish but Laurel has been sitting on one for four day now seeing if it will hatch.
You are making me feel very tired.
I have about 18 in draft, 15 are finished. I prefer short stories, otherwise I get bored. I practise with different styles. My girlfriend even wrote two for me.
I started on a third one, the other day, went to finish it last night, and, well, it needs a tad bit more than 750 words. After cutting what I could, there was just no satisfying way to get it there and actually have the ending.
I started on a third one, the other day, went to finish it last night, and, well, it needs a tad bit more than 750 words. After cutting what I could, there was just no satisfying way to get it there and actually have the ending.
Cut til it hurts. Then cut some more.
Cut til it hurts. Then cut some more.
There's no more to cut, it doesn't lend it self to being that short, it won't make sense, the whole rhyming scheme will be fucked up and there'd be no dialog, to which there barely is already. Gonna be a nice 1400 or so word thing.