The 2024 750 Word Story Challenge Support Thread

With my two stories I figure I have spent far more time per word than with any of my previous works. Trying to make every word count can be daunting and time consuming, to say the least. It will be interesting to see if all that time and work was worth it.
My most important mainstream short story contest to enter has a maximum length of 1,000 words (write a story based on a selected art museum work of art). Winner gets $100. At 10 cents/word that's the best payback of all the contests I enter. I agonize over every word choice.
Just submitted my number six. "It's Just a Half Inch" What could possibly happen when toy shopping, especially for a larger dildo? Um it's Gay male, FYI.
Mine are still secure on the starting line, but I think I broke the series function. I just published All Aboard Andi's Dream Chapter 2 and it won't let me put Chapter 2 in series with the other four Andi's Dream stories. When I select the story to add to the series it says "Not Found"

My readers can find it quite easily.
looks like the ones that went up early have been taken down. Links above are 404 now.
I've just submitted one. It's the first in what will hopefully be a series of monologues about a director trying to get a porn shoot going. This one is the setup. The next will introduce the male "talent". I'm looking forward to the interactions between the world-weary director ("I could have worked with Olivier!") and the shallow, self-obsessed actor.

I've submitted it in Humour & Satire, which is a new category for me.
The two that were published, got pulled back to pending, and I'm still getting comments published on them. Hmm... Is there a long lag time on comments?
And the funny thing is that I don't even know how to use Grammerly or any of that spellcheck software, let alone AI stuff! Ignoring the fact that I actually take some pride in my own writing and would never even *want* to use something to write for me.
The same thing happened to me. With only 750, I thought I could skip my proofreader, and the story got flagged for AI, so now I sent it to him. Even though I only used a grammar checker, it still got flagged. I am not sure what my proofreader can do.
The two that were published, got pulled back to pending, and I'm still getting comments published on them. Hmm... Is there a long lag time on comments?

This is normal. They got pulled back to pending because they were posted too early by accident, and the reason comments are still popping up is because they wrote them before the stories got put back on the waiting list, and just now got approved by a moderator. Some people can post comments instantly because they are considered 'trusted', but the rest has to get them looked at before they appear on the website. 💙

I had the pleasure of reading both of your stories, by the way. Nice work!

I’ve launched a little 750 word-related challenge on Xitter. I’ve prompted Lit authors to write a 750 word story about an image of a woman that I generated. I’m not posting the image here as I’m clear about the guidelines.

Won’t embed the Xitter post either, for the same reason, but it’s here. It’s SFW (as is virtually all of my Xitter).

No idea if anyone will bite. But I’ll try to write a second 750 worder about her myself.

I've just submitted two 750-word stories, one of which features the Mystery Woman. I'm interested to see how they do, and as much as I've enjoyed writing these shorter vignettes, I think I do generally prefer having the room to include more sex...
It will be interesting to see how many 750-word stories post tomorrow. I have a couple I'm holding for posting after the dust settles on the first set.
It will be interesting to see how many 750-word stories post tomorrow. I have a couple I'm holding for posting after the dust settles on the first set.
Mine are scheduled over several days. I'm guessing that means there are a lot of them. I'm excited to see what others have done. They're just fun to write.
Addictive. I regularly enter a contest with a 1,000-word limit, so 750 isn't all that bad. It's a good exercise in working on cutting the least necessary words and phrases out of a story.