The 2024 750 Word Story Challenge Support Thread

Addictive. I regularly enter a contest with a 1,000-word limit, so 750 isn't all that bad. It's a good exercise in working on cutting the least necessary words and phrases out of a story.
It does. On several of mine I found myself screaming, just five more words, please, just five more... 🤣
I've just submitted two 750-word stories, one of which features the Mystery Woman. I'm interested to see how they do, and as much as I've enjoyed writing these shorter vignettes, I think I do generally prefer having the room to include more sex...
Hey, cool 😎

I look forward to reading it. Mine is scheduled for Feb 2. I have seven being published Feb 1 - 7 😊

I haven't put mine up yet. I'll try to get that done later today or in the morning. Mine isn't erotic; don't expect it to do well.
I've just submitted one. It's the first in what will hopefully be a series of monologues about a director trying to get a porn shoot going. This one is the setup. The next will introduce the male "talent". I'm looking forward to the interactions between the world-weary director ("I could have worked with Olivier!") and the shallow, self-obsessed actor.

I've submitted it in Humour & Satire, which is a new category for me.
I've decided to pull this entry. I just wasn't feeling it.
I'm ready for mine to post. My entry for last year has done pretty well at 4.49 with 14k views, and my new one is just as sexy. I enjoy this challenge.
Addictive. I regularly enter a contest with a 1,000-word limit, so 750 isn't all that bad. It's a good exercise in working on cutting the least necessary words and phrases out of a story.
Amen! It really makes you concentrate on what you're writing. Can you get the idea across coherently? Can you make the dialog sound believable? Can you adequately describe the actions? Can you get enough exposition into the story so the readers understand the characters?

We'll know soon, we go live in 5 hours, the first stories usually hit at 2:00 AM EDT
Remember folks, this is not a contest, and as always - No Wagering.
Not going to happen.

I'm betting one of the first comments will be be along the line of "dad should have gotten into the action sooner - 1*".