The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub, All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive Bar

We've been in HD antenna for years. Use a tuner that has DVR functions to watch on any connected TV, local, not cloud.

Yes, we have a couple of streaming services, and with my work I have to have good internet. Our bill for everything is less than $120/month with synchronous gigabit fiber.
I would do unspeakable things for that kind of cable bill! 🤣🤣
We get better picture on HD antenna than many of the streaming services. They compress the signal, so OTA is better.

We have great signal, check your area using a site like the following:

Then we have HD Homerun. Antenna runs to that for tuning, Allowing DVR or pausing functions just like major providers.

They have an app for most devices, Fire Stick, Roku, Android, Xbox, Playstation that you then use to watch.

I can't watch recorded away from home, but I can watch live TV allowing me to watch broadcasted games and not deal with viewing location restrictions.
Thanks for this!
I get it my primary care doctor told me to just keep taking ibuprofen. And that I was imagining the decreased range of motion. So I called an orthopedic doctor got into see him and I had bursitis and all kinds of other stuff I couldn't lift my arm up at all. So I went to physical therapy and the first thing they did was put me flat on my back and then they leaned over me put their hands on my shoulder and pressed and it went crunch crunch crunch because they had to break up all the adhesions in the tendons and ligaments and all that other stuff and then we started physical therapy. It hurt a little bit but it didn't hurt bad. And the physical therapy did work so I can move my shoulder now
I would definitely try PT before I ever even thought about surgery of any kind. Glad you got good results, K. 🫂🫂
You do need to get to the right Dr. I had a swollen lymph node and was told by two different docs and they dismissed it. The third took a biopsy and it was cancer. Two days later I was in surgery and had 11 lymph nodes removed and a week later I had a tumor removed from the back of my throat. I did end up getting one of the best surgeons in the country for my neck surgery because of a relatives connection. I am still kicking 7 years later. I also had prostate cancer and surgery for that. My advice is to persist till you are satisfied.
On the shoulder, I have hurt mine several times. I took PT and keep exercising.
So glad you persevered!
I had a lot of lymph nodes removed from my toes to my groin because I had melanoma in the second depth on the top of my foot near my toes. They said it was so close to my bloodstream they chose to remove my nodes up my leg. They tested them to see if it had spread. They took a massive chunk out of my foot. I had to have a skin graph because of it. Now I have what looks like a sun shaped scar on my foot.
Any recurrence?