The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub, All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive Bar

Had my wrist brace appointment yesterday afternoon.
More rigid - more support, less range of motion than the other. Think cast with a zipper. :LOL:

Adjusting fairly well. Makes everything even a little bit more difficult. (Showering is gonna be next level w/ this thing)

Still trying to manage working FT w/ this - dependent on that pesky paycheck. So, less typing. Tired/sore more easily. May see reduced interaction here @ café.
Means to an end - eyes on the prize 😄

Grab your Sharpies and get in line... who wants to sign my cast custom splint? :ROFLMAO:

put in hot water then mold to fit from a stock sheet w/ zipper pre-attached that looks like this (except mine goes up the palm higher)

Had my wrist brace appointment yesterday afternoon.
More rigid - more support, less range of motion than the other. Think cast with a zipper. :LOL:

Adjusting fairly well. Makes everything even a little bit more difficult. (Showering is gonna be next level w/ this thing)

Still trying to manage working FT w/ this - dependent on that pesky paycheck. So, less typing. Tired/sore more easily. May see reduced interaction here @ café.
Means to an end - eyes on the prize 😄

Grab your Sharpies and get in line... who wants to sign my cast custom splint? :ROFLMAO:

put in hot water then mold to fit from a stock sheet w/ zipper pre-attached that looks like this (except mine goes up the palm higher)

I'll sign it and I'm very glad you are feeling progress... 🤗 (y) (y) (y) (y)
Had my wrist brace appointment yesterday afternoon.
More rigid - more support, less range of motion than the other. Think cast with a zipper. :LOL:

Adjusting fairly well. Makes everything even a little bit more difficult. (Showering is gonna be next level w/ this thing)

Still trying to manage working FT w/ this - dependent on that pesky paycheck. So, less typing. Tired/sore more easily. May see reduced interaction here @ café.
Means to an end - eyes on the prize 😄

Grab your Sharpies and get in line... who wants to sign my cast custom splint? :ROFLMAO:

put in hot water then mold to fit from a stock sheet w/ zipper pre-attached that looks like this (except mine goes up the palm higher)

Well you know if you needed time away from here we would miss you but fully understand. We could just send you dms keeping you updated. Or just wait till you get back to fill you in. But make no mistakes about it, Your health is what matters. No matter what. I and I'm sure everyone here wishes there's something that we can do. It sucks not being able to help. You tell us what we can do to help.
I had to take a class on how to massage my neck because of non lymph nodes. Do you do the same with your foot? I do not have any issues with swelling but I think the foot is probably different.
I have to feel up my leg for hardened lymph nodes. From how they explained it to me there are a bunch of them. I wasn't left without any, they just took the main ones. They said it can cause swelling, but I haven't noticed an issue with it. I did have two small hardened ones the size of skittles on the front of my ankle. I was trying to get insurance before I have them biopsied. (I know that I need this but I really don't think they are lymph nodes)
Well you know if you needed time away from here we would miss you but fully understand. We could just send you dms keeping you updated. Or just wait till you get back to fill you in. But make no mistakes about it, Your health is what matters. No matter what. I and I'm sure everyone here wishes there's something that we can do. It sucks not being able to help. You tell us what we can do to help.
Don't any of you change!
Keep being your awesome Cafe selves!!
I had some folks asking after The Hand and wanted to update.
Looking forward to when this is all resolved!!!
Disclaimer: lack of posting does not indicate lack of Interest or love. Hugs to all 🤗
I have to feel up my leg for hardened lymph nodes. From how they explained it to me there are a bunch of them. I wasn't left without any, they just took the main ones. They said it can cause swelling, but I haven't noticed an issue with it. I did have two small hardened ones the size of skittles on the front of my ankle. I was trying to get insurance before I have them biopsied. (I know that I need this but I really don't think they are lymph nodes)
weird lumps make me nervous. keep on it - hope you get answers (and insurance) soon
Hi all... my nap was weird. I never felt like I was asleep but time passed......I have council and finance committee tonight...ugh
some of mine are like that - more "quiet time" than actual sleep. not as restorative but still restive and chillaxive.
hope it's enough for the meeting 🤗
Man- what a week.

Before I go on vacation, I gotta get everything lined up beforehand and when I come back.

Corporate life and corporate bullshit.

But i don’t ever remember having these kinds of deadlines and pressure to get shit done - I’ve been busting my ass for three weeks getting ready. I hope I don’t think about work for an minute while I’m away next week.

going to Burlington Vermont Sunday to see one of my favorite bands, Spoon. Then heading east to Ogunquit, Maine for four days there w the missus.
