The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub, All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive Bar

Good morning and happy Thursday!!! Slept okay. Was really lazy catching up here, so I'm not. Caught up. Work is work, cats are cats, and coffee is good. Time for the refill. So it goes.

There's a mistake in my payroll this morning. Like the old Monopoly Community Chest card, bank error in your favor. I'll sit on it until something becomes apparent.
Just make sure you hold it back so you're not in a deficit if/when they come to claw it back!
Best of luck with the gummint.
Thanks! It only took me 2 hours. Most of that time was spent waiting in line outside the building! They took a copy of my marriage certificate and the form they mailed me which basically asked for the same information I had already given them. 🙄 The guy who worked with me said I was all set. I'll see. I have zero expectations this is all done. 😖😤
Ditto... Mañana all

I will sign your cast!!

We can keep it over the bar in the spoon!
good thing it's wash & wear 👃
How did you get pics of my co workers?
I'll never tell 🤫 :ROFLMAO:
Hey wait I know those guys....
They sure do get around... we all know these guys!! :LOL:
Thanks! It only took me 2 hours. Most of that time was spent waiting in line outside the building! They took a copy of my marriage certificate and the form they mailed me which basically asked for the same information I had already given them. 🙄 The guy who worked with me said I was all set. I'll see. I have zero expectations this is all done. 😖😤
🤞 but I know what you mean
Night all......smooches
Nighty night... sleep tight 🤗
I also agree with second opinions and telling doctors that we are partners in my health ( nod to Lilli).

My primary misdiagnosed a parotid gland tumor as a sebaceous cyst. Only my dentist said I should get it checked by my ENT. 5 hour surgery later, it was removed and it was benign. I was lucky. Any more delay and the right side of my face would have been unable to move.
Part of the problem is that many PCPs are under a corporate structure that limits the time spent with each patient. Even if they're in solo practice, the reimbursement levels from insurance makes it impossible for them to practice the way they wish.
Good evening. A busy day but lots of fun at brunch then lunch. I saw the doctor about my low iron reserves. He is puzzled as nothing obvious and it’s not causing anemia. I am tired. Probably need to get sleep early. Maybe I wake early and catch the road runner Lilli😂..
I so,wish I could give you some of my iron reserves. I just got notice of my next hospital,appointment with Draculas daughter. They will stick me again end of November.