The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub, All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive Bar

Morning all!

Off to corporate zombieland. Felt weirdly good to get back to work and into a routine. Is that wrong? 😂

Yesterday was busy. Digging out of emails. Back to the grind.

Trying to catch up here. I’ll see yaz all tonght. Make it a great day!! Whatever you do, journey greatly.
I think many of us like our familiar routines. But getting back to work after vacation. Oof! All the digging out! Why do the work fairies not do all the work while we're out? 🤣🤣🤣
Never underestimate the power of the U-Tooob. Just checking that before a major and even minor house operation has saved me time and $. Even if yer not a Wrenchy-Turny dood, you can still harvest the knowledge and power! I feel the house projects. Some have been put off for waaaaaay too long. Had to power wash the plastic fantastic abode yesterday, started in on the concrete drive (which takes forever because it’s north facing so gets grime and mold. As you said, it never ends…

Yet I’ll never complain about the work on here. There are others (almost all!) who put in more before 9 a.m. than I do all day! (Bonus points if anyone gets that reference…Wonderer is excluded from that! )

Now the Morning Z…

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YT is really great for house projects. I fixed a leaking hose bib by watching some vids! 😅😅
What? Share my ice?!? :oops:

hmm.. ok
here: 🧊

(jk - take what you like. can make more 😄 )
Our Samsung fridge's ice maker went out relatively early in his life with us. (It’s a known issue. DO NOT buy any Samsung appliances!) My husband complained endlessly about having to make (gasp!) his own ice. I finally relented and bought a new fridge near the end of last year. I got an LG with TWO icemakers. When he said that wasn't necessary, I told him I wasn't about to listen to complaining about ice. If one ice maker goes out, there's a backup.

So, I have ice for weeks, L! Feel free to come over and get some! 🧊🤣 🧊
a health flare had me behind on house chores
then this hand thing
omg - such a cluttered mess
bought some rechargeable cleaning brushes
was able to properly clean my bathroom last weekend
still hard on the hands but nothing like it would have been full manual
i long for the day my place is ship-shape again
I told my housekeeper I was going to get her some of those brushes that attach to a drill! I haven't done it yet but need to.🙄 Maybe today.
I would like to announce me being in your cirkcle of influence, but at the same time, I chosr a wring time to do it. I got an lifelike impression of an old lady honoring someone, at the grave. Was it real?
Hi, Alexander. I'm not sure if you were talking to me. My husband did recently die but there's no grave.

We welcome all here on this thread. It's a very unique one on Lit. Please read the first post then go back 10-20 pages to get a feel for how we are here. Basically its:
1. No religion
2. No politics
3. No drama
4. We don't hit on each other in the thread. Take it to the DMs.

We're a very cohesive group and protective of the vibe here. It's a fun thread. Welcome! 🥰
Good Morning/Afternoon/Goodnight Everyone! I hope you have/had a great Day!
group hug