The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub, All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive Bar

Mission this morning…

Buy grub kill. My lawn has a big ol brown spot, dead turf and lotsa holes.

Moles or voles. Kill the stuff they like and they move away.

Die voles, die!
If it's moles and from having mole crickets, dawn soap and water and pour over your lawn. It causes the mole crickets to surface and you can kill them. No mole crickets no moles. At least that's what we do here.
My girl kitteh, sat next to me on the arm of the chair and kept putting her paw over on my hand. I would move it back and after a while she looked at me for a minute and put it back on my hand and while still staring at me almost closed her eyes where they were slits like she was daring me to try it again. Purring the entire time. She's a weirdo.
My girl kitteh, sat next to me on the arm of the chair and kept putting her paw over on my hand. I would move it back and after a while she looked at me for a minute and put it back on my hand and while still staring at me almost closed her eyes where they were slits like she was daring me to try it again. Purring the entire time. She's a weirdo.

Ethyl grabs a body part - usually a finder - sometimes. With claws.

You get used to it.
My girl kitteh, sat next to me on the arm of the chair and kept putting her paw over on my hand. I would move it back and after a while she looked at me for a minute and put it back on my hand and while still staring at me almost closed her eyes where they were slits like she was daring me to try it again. Purring the entire time. She's a weirdo.
Playah... kitteh style 🤪😸