The Ability to Construct Arguements

otherdarkmeat said:

Logic, objectivity and subjectivity should temper each other, not necessarily be diametrically opposed.

I couldn't agree more. Thank you for bringing some objective subjectivity to this (or should that be subjective objectivity?).

Some issues are, by their very nature, emotive. And shouldn't be touched with a very large barge-pole. This went from an off-hand statement to a very disagreeable, not to mention upsetting, argument. We should all be mature and compassionate enough to know when to let something drop.

I made my opinions very clear on the trigger for all of this in the other thread, and I really do have nothing more to say on that matter. However, I will just say: points scoring is asinine and achieves nothing.

Right off I want to say I would not pick either side I like Raphy and Sancho. I think MlledeLaPlumeBleu is a shit stirrer!

Morals do not exist in Lit so get over it already. Only what the moderators say can exist, those are the rules here.

I wrote an incest story back in July of this year and it was rejected due to content. I never reposted a revised version after that for it just did not seem appropriate although I keep a copy on my hard drive. Does that make me a "molester"?

Almost all my stories are cheating wives, I get ferocious feed back from some "la di dah" it is not changing what I like to write. Morally it is wrong too. But I like to fuck a mind not a mindless child with a body. Some think Gay sex is ok and loving wives is wrong, all are right in own opinion.

Oh, Raphy when are you ever going two write part two of "Well, Godamn" loved part one. Trust me you need a new camera I could not see any of the pictures.

Any one ever rape some one because of a story they wrote?
Any one ever become Gay because of a story they wrote?
Any one smack and beat a wife cause of a story they wrote?
Any one dog mom because of a story they wrote?
Any one screw rover cause of a story they wrote?
Any one sell the wife cause of the story they wrote?
Most stories are just a fantasy nothing more.

And yes Raphy is right in thinking if it, it crosses the mind then you did have thoughts of it, and those thoughts can lead to more aggressive motivation. I do not think that is the case with most sane writers and certainly not Sancho.

Phildo Serious, Rahpy where is part 2?

Who else thinks Tatelou is so cute? What a looker can never read what you post busy checking you out.
Phildo, you're right. I think the original topic is more suited to be posted on the general board - that's where you expect the shit flinging.

Where the hell do those dildoes come from?
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sanchopanza said:
You misspelled argument earlier by the by.
Dear San,
Yes, I know. Also the other two words in the sentence I misspelled. Therein lies the difference: I did it on purpose.
Not as gently,
not to be nit-picky... but which one of the four was just a mistake??

Looked to me like you misspelled: successful, argument, writing and misspell

(and ignoring the grammatical mistake of "don't")

Just want to be clear what is and isn't 'on purpose'.

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I love argueing (I also love spelling argueing wrong, it looks better my way)

I have no qualms about taking up a contrary position to my own beliefs just for the sake of arguement.

One thing I cannot abide is contradiction.

Without being so presumptuous as to answer for MG herself, my understanding was this:

"When stating an arguement in writting, dont mispel words."

That sentence was intentionally misspelt, purely as satire regarding the fact that Sancho's original thread title had a spelling error in it.

gauchecritic said:
I love argueing (I also love spelling argueing wrong, it looks better my way)
I like it your way too, Gauche. ;)

That was too hilarious, love the 'getting hit on the head lesson'.

raphy said:
"When stating an arguement in writting, dont mispel words."

That sentence was intentionally misspelt, purely as satire regarding the fact that Sancho's original thread title had a spelling error in it.
Dear r,
You're right, but I did drop a ess above that. Egregious, and the chiding was witty and well deserved.
Ps. I think I like Gauchie's way of spelling "arguement" better, too. Do you think a petition to Websters would do any good? Firebomb threat, perhaps?
MathGirl said:
[. . . ]
Ps. I think I like Gauchie's way of spelling "arguement" better, too. Do you think a petition to Websters would do any good? Firebomb threat, perhaps?
Petition Webster's all you want. They've already massacred the English language by depriving the English speaking citizen of the United States of America the misspelt verb endings and superfluous U's and one mustn't forget the marvellous doubling of the L that can look so truly elegant.

P.s. Don't make me go on about hooves and rooves. . .
gauchecritic said:
I love argueing (I also love spelling argueing wrong, it looks better my way)

I have no qualms about taking up a contrary position to my own beliefs just for the sake of arguement.

One thing I cannot abide is contradiction.


Gauch, that was hysterical did you get it from a Lit. thread?

Sanch, Dildos come from a store or purchased on line. Phildos come from my sick sense of humor.
Gauche, I think that's quite possibly the funniest Python sketch ever - Rivalled only by the Parrot sketch.
It's been two pages....isn't this the part where we get to hijack the thread for other purposes?

*votes to hijack to Monty Python* And I would have to go with Cheese Shop as the best.....just my opinion though.

Whisper :rose:
Well Whisp you know what they say

"Nobody expects a spanis inquisition"

I don't suspect that they enjoy it either :)
Nooo, gotta be the Pet Shop. Or possibly Spam.
raphy said:
Pet shop? You talking about the Parrot sketch?
Yah. Though I think the "official" name is the Pet Shop...if I remember correctly from the album my sister had...
Mhari said:
Yah. Though I think the "official" name is the Pet Shop...if I remember correctly from the album my sister had...

No idea...

But I swear he's just restin' .. Beautiful plumage, beautiful..
raphy said:
Gauche, I think that's quite possibly the funniest Python sketch ever - Rivalled only by the Parrot sketch.
Dear r,
Silly walks.
Cheese shop: "Some Canadian Beaver cheese, perhaps?"
Ps. "It's merely stunned."
Pps. The organ donors.
Ppps. Isn't a phildo a vibrator with a built-in radio?
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MG.. There's just SO MANY to choose from!!!

Raph, in Python-indecision!
My personal opinion is that no one has ever won an argument. If two people feel strongly enough about their beliefs you are unlikely to change those beliefs with words alone.

I can ague rationally or sink to whatever level of sophistry is neccessary to deal with my opposite number in an argument, but no matter how throughly I refute his claim or support mine, unless I change his mind I haven't really won. Even if those scoring at home have me way ahead in the points if he/she refuses to change their mind then my time has been wasted and in the end I think thats what most arguments turn out to be, wastes of time.

Joining up with the hijack gang:

The Parrot Sketch
The cheese shop
The Crimson something somthing something (opening sketch in meaning to life)

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I'm partial to "Confuse a Cat" and the immortal "Dennis Moore" who brings only lupines in response to the needs of the suffering. Oh, and of course the Unexploded Scotsman.


Oh god, and the Foxhole Sketch.

"Dip, dip, dip. My little ship..."

Oh, and the ship going down...

"Women, children, Spacemen, Red Indians and sort of Idealized Versions of the Complete Renaissance Man first!"
My own preference is "The Philosopher's Soccer Match" pitting the Greeks against the Germans...

Then again, i'm known to enjoy 'philosophically erudite topics'.
