The Ability to Construct Arguements

There's always "The Man with Three Buttocks."
Ps. If there was ever a thread that needed hijacking, it was this one.
Pps. "Oh, shit! It's Mr Creosote."
A careful perusal of "The Department of Silly Walks" script proves that it has the best dialogue. :rolleyes:
Dear Quaz,
"I'll have the lot."
"Juszt whon more thin whaffer?"
MathGirl said:
There's always "The Man with Three Buttocks."
Ps. If there was ever a thread that needed hijacking, it was this one.
Pps. "Oh, shit! It's Mr Creosote."

My sentiments exactly, MG and I like the new content
Re: To Get Back To The Original Topic: Don't Fight!

Quasimodem said:
To refresh your memory
Dear Quaz,
Thank you for those. I was raised by a MP fanatic who has every half hour program on video. No wonder I'm ... different.

Now you've got me trying to remember the "Lumberjack" song.
"I'm a lumberjack, and I'm okaaayyyyyy"
"I sleep all night and I work all daaaayyyyy"

............"And dress up like a girly, jist like me ooolddd paaapaaa."

Good grief,
Ps. Ohmigod, I can't remember all the words of the Chaplain's prayer at the boys' school in "The Meaning of Life."
"Ohhhh Gawwwddd ...... You are soooo big,
We down here are all really impressed................."
Pps. I think I need a nap.
"Nice voice math, 'applause fills the room', you considering a career change?" Silence as the audience patiently awaits her next note.
Quasimodem said:
A careful perusal of "The Department of Silly Walks" script proves that it has the best dialogue. :rolleyes:

As much as I hate to disagree with you Quas, I think you'll find that The Australian University Department of Philosophy (including song) is much better, better still, is The Cheese Shop and above and beyond all those is The Fish Licence.

To get back to the original topic of this thread, I must argue against you, Gauche. :eek:

Obviously, you are not cognizant of my criteria. ;)
Quasimodem said: (in reply to a selfmocking arguement for arguements sake statement)

To get back to the original topic of this thread, I must argue against you, Gauche. :eek:

Obviously, you are not cognizant of my criteria. ;)

We can see that Quasi is obviously taking his stand without delineating his criterea and thereby voids his own arguement.

A7inchPhildo said:
"Nice voice math,
Dear Phil,
Thank you. In "The Meaning of Life," a little girl sings:

"Let the heathen spill theirs,
Oh the dusty ground.
God will make them pay for,
Each sperm that can't be found."

When I was about twelve, I could sing that verse EXACTLY like the girl in the movie. Too bad I couldn't use it for the St Catherine's talent night.

I've passed the URL for the MP site onto my father. He will be forever in your debt. Maybe he'll give you a free nasal polyp job.

Dad is the ultimate MP fan. He sings MP songs while he does surgery. He and the nurse he works with all time can do the Pet Shop and the Cheese shop perfectly. A big hit at the Xmas party.

Well I think this thread is silly, it's going nowhere, and I personally never argue, I also never spell argue wrongly, and I certainly don't argue about spelling argue wrongly. Not even in a 10 minute argument would I ever dream of arguing about the spelling of argue. or any of it's derivatives, plurals etc.

All this business about Monty Python is also silly and distracting, and it's also making my brain hurt, it is just a vicious rumour that I was once involved in Monty Python and failed to shoot myself at the end of the upper class twit's Olympics.

Yours: Tarquin - olle - fertang - fertang - simlim bimlim pimlim - walrus titty - mouse grinder - old fart - deringer - hey-ho - biscuit barrel - Smith. (Ret'd)
gauchecritic said:
We can see that Quasi is obviously taking his stand without delineating his criterea and thereby (a)voids (the need to justify) his own arguement.

With only slight modification, that is my position, 'Zactly! :D
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Re: Hmmmmmmmmm

pop_54 said:
Well I think this thread is silly, it's going nowhere
Dear Tarquin,
That's the best type of thread. It enrages the more serious people here.
Ps. I don't think you have it in you to be in the upper class twit competitions.
"I paid for an argument, and you're not arguing."

"Yes I am."

"No you aren't."

"Yes I am."

"No you aren't! An argument is more than just 'yes it is' and 'no it isn't' and contradicting whatever I say."

"No it --"<<DING!>> "Sorry, time's up; if you want to continue to argue, it'll be an additional five pounds."

"That wasn't five minutes!"

"Yes it was."

from The Argument Clinic
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Bah! It's all about Pop-eye.

I need to go now and watch some very needed Monty Python.