The Greatest Living American

Justice Thomas has been a hero of mine since the day he jacked up the Senate Committee On The Judiciary. It was there that both Thomas and Thomas Sowell schooled Joe Biden and forever identified his ignorance of the law and his racial bias.
Yep. The “high tech lynching” speech. I remember that day like it was yesterday. He knocked them on their asses.
He could be brilliant, evil, stupid, or just a cranky old man muttering about kids these days.
All "rumps" exist on their own bell curve of age. There is the beginning, a long climb to the pinnacle of perfection, and a downhill run on the other side. Unfortunately, Jen's butt having passed its pinnacle is now gaining velocity in a hair-straightening slide into lipedemic hell. So no. I am in no distress. Being a happy but competent observer of exquisite butt I've come to notice with sadness the toll of time all women must pay. Fortunately for men, it comes to women at a much earlier age than it does for men, enabling us to pursue and participate in the sport much later in life than women. :D ;)

So I take it you would not be in support if the religious right wanted to make divorce illegal?
So I take it you would not be in support if the religious right wanted to make divorce illegal?
First, I don't give a shit one way or the other. Doesn't affect me. Less and less of the current generation of men is getting married anyway and I'm not aware of any mainstream Christian movement to outlaw divorce.
Oh what a samaritan you are. What an apt hero you've chosen.
What does that have to do with what I just said? The simple fact is I'm ambivalent about it, that's all. Show me a mainstream Christian organization wanting to outlaw divorce.
I asked you a question, you didn't respond.

Yeah, I'm patting you on the head and saying, "Oh how cute."

I see your "I don't give a shit...doesn't effect me" statement to be a general sentiment of yours except when it comes to things you don't like. Do you not "give a shit" about gay marriage, or is that something that "effects" you?
Yeah, I'm patting you on the head and saying, "Oh how cute."

I see your "I don't give a shit...doesn't effect me" statement to be a general sentiment of yours except when it comes to things you don't like. Do you not "give a shit" about gay marriage, or is that something that "effects" you?
I don't give a shit about that either. it's a free country. Oh, and you might have to grow a little bit to pat me on the head, sweetheart.:rolleyes:

The Greatest Living American Issues His Career-Defining Court Opinio​

On Thursday, the single greatest living American used the occasion of his 74th birthday to remind of his greatness. [...] It is unfortunate that Justice Clarence Thomas, an intellectual trailblazer [.....] of an originalist constitutional interpretive methodology ......w. Much of Thomas' most impactful, and certainly culturally salient, writings have come in dissent.
More here on the greatest living American:

Today's Americans are fortunate to have lived in his time.
your hero used to try to coerce women ( anita hill, and God knows who else)
to watch "people buttfucked by animals" porn with him
your hero used to try to coerce women ( anita hill, and God knows who else)
to watch "people buttfucked by animals" porn with him
That was a libel and slander that was never proven. No credible evidence was ever produced. It was very much like the false shit-slinging slanders that went on during the Kavanaugh hearings.
That was a libel and slander that was never proven. No credible evidence was ever produced. It was very much like the false shit-slinging slanders that went on during the Kavanaugh hearings.
oh, Kavanaugh.
how many other victims of libel did you guys put in charge?
I don't give a shit about that either. it's a free country. Oh, and you might have to grow a little bit to pat me on the head, sweetheart.:rolleyes:

Ah yes, the freedom to not give a shit. It’s such an important issue for today’s GOP, but it’s not what the founding fathers were aiming for. They included “…promote the general welfare…” in the preamble of the constitution.

That means that the operations of the government are supposed to consider (care about) the population as a whole while also making no law to recognize any religion. How do you reconcile that part of the preamble? I’m guessing you just don’t give a shit, right?

So yeah. I see why Clarence is your boo.

Oh, and I’ll retract my comment about patting you on the head. It seems that some prominent conservatives would consider it to be a dangerous assault.

But you can feel free to kiss my pretty little ass anytime you like. :kiss: ;)
Ah yes, the freedom to not give a shit. It’s such an important issue for today’s GOP, but it’s not what the founding fathers were aiming for. They included “…promote the general welfare…” in the preamble of the constitution.

That means that the operations of the government are supposed to consider (care about) the population as a whole while also making no law to recognize any religion. How do you reconcile that part of the preamble? I’m guessing you just don’t give a shit, right?

So yeah. I see why Clarence is your boo.

Oh, and I’ll retract my comment about patting you on the head. It seems that some prominent conservatives would consider it to be a dangerous assault.

But you can feel free to kiss my pretty little ass anytime you like. :kiss: ;)
Fuck off dipshit. Promoting the general welfare clause has nothing to do with giving taxpayer money to lazy people. Look up the story of Davey Crockett when he was a congressman on the matter of appropriating federal money for the support of a revolutionary war widow, read the speech and learn how that turned out. Report back when done.
Fuck off dipshit. Promoting the general welfare clause has nothing to do with giving taxpayer money to lazy people. Look up the story of Davey Crockett when he was a congressman on the matter of appropriating federal money for the support of a revolutionary war widow, read the speech and learn how that turned out. Report back when done.

Hey babe, good morning. Have your coffee and find your happy -grumpy place, then we can have a conversation. :) You can be as abusive as you want. :rose:

You seem awfully caught up on "lazy people." Poor victim.

What do you think was meant by "promote the general welfare"? How does government do this? Do you believe the founding fathers wanted America to "not give a shit?" Is apathy your version of patriotism?

Look up the story of Aynn Rand in her later years. ;)

Bless your callous little heart. :heart: :kiss:
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Justice Thomas has been a hero of mine since the day he jacked up the Senate Committee On The Judiciary. It was there that both Thomas and Thomas Sowell schooled Joe Biden and forever identified his ignorance of the law and his racial bias.
Nahhh, he's been a hero of yours ever since you learned that he used Long Dong Silver as his pickup line. In the world of incels, that sure beats offering some poor Vietnamese villager canned corn in exchange for sex.
Hey babe, good morning. Have your coffee and find your happy -grumpy place, then we can have a conversation. :) You can be as abusive as you want. :rose:

You seem awfully caught up on "lazy people." Poor victim.

What do you think was meant by "promote the general welfare"? How does government do this? Do you believe the founding fathers wanted America to "not give a shit?" Is apathy your version of patriotism?

Look up the story of Aynn Rand in her later years. ;)

Bless your callous little heart. :heart: :kiss:
I'm never grumpy. I have an internationally known sense of humor and always have a smile on my face when I'm figuratively disemboweling the hapless left in the nation's political forums. I speak softly and carry the big sticks of merciless humor and superior learning all in a humanitarian attempt to snap them out of their shit before it's too late to be reversed. You're closing in on that wall as we speak.

But to your question about the Preamble and it's commitment to "promote the general welfare." An old mentor of mine, Larry P. Arnn, Ph.D. explains it best:

"The great Preamble of our Constitution states that the purpose of the document is, in part, to promote the general welfare. Contrary to the modern understanding of that term, the Founders understood welfare to mean public good or happiness. This was understood, in accordance with the principles of the Declaration of Independence. Such happiness is contingent on securing to each citizen his natural rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Because this requires the government to be limited, the powers of the federal government were enumerated and local matters were reserved to State authority. This was precisely intended to secure these inalienable rights and, in turn, promote the general welfare."

Dr. Arnn's bona fides:

"In 2000, Arnn became the 12th president of Hillsdale College, a liberal arts college founded in 1844 that accepts no federal or state taxpayer subsidies for any of its operations. In 2010, Hillsdale opened its Allan P. Kirby, Jr. Center for Constitutional Studies and Citizenship, which is dedicated to teaching the Constitution, the debate that brought it to life, and the principles that give it meaning. It is located across the street from The Heritage Foundation in Washington, DC.

Arnn studied political science and accounting at Arkansas State University and earned his MA and Ph.D. in government at the Claremont Graduate School. He studied international history at the London School of Economics and modern history at Worcester College at Oxford University and worked as director of research for Sir Martin Gilbert, the official biographer of Winston Churchill. Arnn has studied and taught Churchill without interruption for four decades. In 2012, he assumed responsibility for editing the final six document volumes of the Churchill biography.

In 1985, Arnn became president of the Claremont Institute, a think tank based in southern California. He remained at Claremont until 2000. He is Vice Chairman of the Claremont Institute’s board of directors and a member of the board of directors of the Henry Salvatori Center of Claremont McKenna College. He is also a member of the American Political Science Association, the Mont Pelerin Society, the International Churchill Society, and the Philanthropy Roundtable. He is the author of several books, including Churchill’s Trial (2015), The Founders’ Key (2013), and Liberty and Learning (2004).

Arnn is a 2015 recipient of The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation’s Bradley Prize.

In addition the Preamble was an afterthought, it was not offered or discussed during the debates in the Constitutional Convention, Gouverneur Morris of Pennsylvania, a member of the Committee of Style composed it at the last moment. He composed it as a declaratory capstone to the document and not to be read as granting or limiting power. This view was sustained by the SCOTUS in Jacobson v Massachusetts 1905.

So there you go, a quick and charitable illumination of the benefits of having stayed in school to obtain a four year plus university level education. Now, go and sin no more.:D
So saying “Fuck off, dipshit” is your way of being friendly? ;)

I'm never grumpy. I have an internationally known sense of humor and always have a smile on my face when I'm figuratively disemboweling the hapless left in the nation's political forums. I speak softly and carry the big sticks of merciless humor and superior learning all in a humanitarian attempt to snap them out of their shit before it's too late to be reversed. You're closing in on that wall as we speak.

But to your question about the Preamble and it's commitment to "promote the general welfare." An old mentor of mine, Larry P. Arnn, Ph.D. explains it best:

"The great Preamble of our Constitution states that the purpose of the document is, in part, to promote the general welfare. Contrary to the modern understanding of that term, the Founders understood welfare to mean public good or happiness. This was understood, in accordance with the principles of the Declaration of Independence. Such happiness is contingent on securing to each citizen his natural rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Because this requires the government to be limited, the powers of the federal government were enumerated and local matters were reserved to State authority. This was precisely intended to secure these inalienable rights and, in turn, promote the general welfare."

Dr. Arnn's bona fides:

"In 2000, Arnn became the 12th president of Hillsdale College, a liberal arts college founded in 1844 that accepts no federal or state taxpayer subsidies for any of its operations. In 2010, Hillsdale opened its Allan P. Kirby, Jr. Center for Constitutional Studies and Citizenship, which is dedicated to teaching the Constitution, the debate that brought it to life, and the principles that give it meaning. It is located across the street from The Heritage Foundation in Washington, DC.

Arnn studied political science and accounting at Arkansas State University and earned his MA and Ph.D. in government at the Claremont Graduate School. He studied international history at the London School of Economics and modern history at Worcester College at Oxford University and worked as director of research for Sir Martin Gilbert, the official biographer of Winston Churchill. Arnn has studied and taught Churchill without interruption for four decades. In 2012, he assumed responsibility for editing the final six document volumes of the Churchill biography.

In 1985, Arnn became president of the Claremont Institute, a think tank based in southern California. He remained at Claremont until 2000. He is Vice Chairman of the Claremont Institute’s board of directors and a member of the board of directors of the Henry Salvatori Center of Claremont McKenna College. He is also a member of the American Political Science Association, the Mont Pelerin Society, the International Churchill Society, and the Philanthropy Roundtable. He is the author of several books, including Churchill’s Trial (2015), The Founders’ Key (2013), and Liberty and Learning (2004).

Arnn is a 2015 recipient of The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation’s Bradley Prize.

In addition the Preamble was an afterthought, it was not offered or discussed during the debates in the Constitutional Convention, Gouverneur Morris of Pennsylvania, a member of the Committee of Style composed it at the last moment. He composed it as a declaratory capstone to the document and not to be read as granting or limiting power. This view was sustained by the SCOTUS in Jacobson v Massachusetts 1905.

So there you go, a quick and charitable illumination of the benefits of having stayed in school to obtain a four year plus university level education. Now, go and sin no more.:D

I take it you don’t believe in the doctrine of applied powers. Do you want your hero to overturn the social security act too?

I’m sure you have a whole diatribe ready for that argument too, don’t you?

Biden is a lame duck. He tried to do too much in too many different directions. The GOP is going to trounce the mid terms. Our next several years are going to be your wet dream and you’re going to cum all over everything. The blow back will come at a time when the economic and social divide is more extreme than it already is. As the GOP policies of not giving a shit leave more and more citizens behind their base will shrink.

Clarence is a dick and he married a dick. Genny is part of the Lamp family, another self-important think tank of dicks who don’t give a shit about people.

Including among the bonifides being a recipient of The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation’s Bradley Prize is like a receiving a medal from any extremist organization. I’m sure the proud boys would pin a medal on you for your fine work on Literotica. :LOL:
So saying “Fuck off, dipshit” is your way of being friendly? ;)

I take it you don’t believe in the doctrine of applied powers. Do you want your hero to overturn the social security act too?

I’m sure you have a whole diatribe ready for that argument too, don’t you?

Biden is a lame duck. He tried to do too much in too many different directions. The GOP is going to trounce the mid terms. Our next several years are going to be your wet dream and you’re going to cum all over everything. The blow back will come at a time when the economic and social divide is more extreme than it already is. As the GOP policies of not giving a shit leave more and more citizens behind their base will shrink.

Clarence is a dick and he married a dick. Genny is part of the Lamp family, another self-important think tank of dicks who don’t give a shit about people.

Including among the bonifides being a recipient of The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation’s Bradley Prize is like a receiving a medal from any extremist organization. I’m sure the proud boys would pin a medal on you for your fine work on Literotica. :LOL:
I think you might be referring to the Doctrine Of "Implied" Powers which in the following SCOTUS case decided on June 15th of this year had its progressive legs amputated in stirring fashion when HHS attempted to assume powers and proceed with authority not granted by the enabling legislation. As an added bonus, this decision also lays the ground work for the reversal of several federal administrative acts advanced with implied but illusive authority such as the hundreds of such findings and orders advanced by the ATF over the last few years. Read, enjoy, and become educated on the subject you bandy about with alleged familiarity:


United States Supreme Court​


No. 20-1114​

Argued: November 30, 2021Decided: June 15, 2022​
I think you might be referring to the Doctrine Of "Implied" Powers which in the following SCOTUS case decided on June 15th of this year had its progressive legs amputated in stirring fashion when HHS attempted to assume powers and proceed with authority not granted by the enabling legislation. As an added bonus, this decision also lays the ground work for the reversal of several federal administrative acts advanced with implied but illusive authority such as the hundreds of such findings and orders advanced by the ATF over the last few years. Read, enjoy, and become educated on the subject you bandy about with alleged familiarity:


United States Supreme Court​


No. 20-1114​

Argued: November 30, 2021Decided: June 15, 2022​

“Applied” was an auto correct… :rolleyes:

So yes, your SCOTUS buddies are going to overturn the Social Security Act?

What sort of political blowback do you anticipate there?
“Applied” was an auto correct… :rolleyes:

So yes, your SCOTUS buddies are going to overturn the Social Security Act?

What sort of political blowback do you anticipate there?
Who mentioned the SS Act or overturning it? Did you read the decision?
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Who mentioned the SS Act or overturning it? Did you read the decision?

I mentioned the SS Act because it was passed under the doctrine of implied powers - something your heros are against, as proven by your post about the Medicare prescription drug compensation case. Note that they did not make a solid judgement against the perceived redistribution of funds, they only said that it needed to be taken up with congress instead of being applied internally by HHS.

Your point is?

What I see by reading the tea leaves is that this conservative court made up of some of the wealthiest individuals of its country have no skin in the game except for their own self interest. They simply don't give a shit about the American people unless it's to protect interests they share. Liberals are called "bleeding hearts" for a reason. Like you, conservative dicks don't care and will interpret "promote the general welfare" by promoting self-interest of those who have been successful. They see "freedom" as opportunity to be successful and therefore want to encourage that while ignoring consequences to long term social and environmental health and those who do not have such success. "Why reward failure?" ;)

Apathy and self-interest are seen as patriotic traits for conservatives and the GOP.