The Greatest Living American

You might want to read the 2nd amendment a few more times
It says that you can keep and bear arms in the context of a well-regulated militia. It doesn’t say that you can buy or own whatever guns you like.
you're right, SugarDaddy
Kavanaugh's accuser didn't film her own rape, so it didn't happen.

How about the tapes in which Trump and Epstein were oggling underage waitresses?
No witness or friend backed her up either.
so the lack of evidence shows, in your opinion that Kavanaugh is pure as snow
The evidence shows the committee wasn't interested in the truth, so they brought in a communist party law firm to invent the truth.
It says that you can keep and bear arms in the context of a well-regulated militia. It doesn’t say that you can buy or own whatever guns you like.
No, It makes reference to the Militia, but then it states something new and not found in Article I Section 8 Clause 16, "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." Thus amending the original document.