The Greatest Living American

They did, until they didn’t. Roe divided the country for nearly 50 years. Now the people will have a voice.
That's bullshit. The nation was long divided before that. Very rarely does anything get to the Supreme Court that isn't divisive, at least not and get any press.

Either way Clarence Thomas is a piece of shit and wouldn't be in the running for Greatest Living American no matter which way you tried to slice it.
That's bullshit. The nation was long divided before that. Very rarely does anything get to the Supreme Court that isn't divisive, at least not and get any press.

Either way Clarence Thomas is a piece of shit and wouldn't be in the running for Greatest Living American no matter which way you tried to slice it.
We’re you even on this earth in 1973? Chill kid. You live in SoCal. You can get all the abortions you want.
We’re you even on this earth in 1973? Chill kid. You live in SoCal. You can get all the abortions you want.

Nope. Also being a male I cannot get abortions at all. However unlike cartoon villians that the modern Republican Party has become something doesn't need to affect me personally for it be something that concerns me. Besides we've all heard the language from multiple Republicans. The goal is take the house, the Senate and the White House in the next two and hald years and go national with the plan. Honestly there is one upcoming Supreme Court case that if Republicans win I don't see any realistic way Dems ever win another presidential election.
Under unconstitutional false pretenses, not under any legal constitutional legal authority
Just because you don't agree with it doesn't mean it was a false pretense.

And the USA has been divided on one cultural issue or another throughout its history. The only time we arguably lived up to the United in our name was the Era of Good Feelings, just after the War of 1812.
Under unconstitutional false pretenses, not under any legal constitutional legal authority
Unenumerated rights are actual rights. If the Constitution did not allow them to do things, then they couldnt do them.
Nope. Also being a male I cannot get abortions at all. However unlike cartoon villians that the modern Republican Party has become something doesn't need to affect me personally for it be something that concerns me. Besides we've all heard the language from multiple Republicans. The goal is take the house, the Senate and the White House in the next two and hald years and go national with the plan. Honestly there is one upcoming Supreme Court case that if Republicans win I don't see any realistic way Dems ever win another presidential election.
Uh oh, Butters and Alex will probably cancel you for that.:(
Either way Clarence Thomas is a piece of shit and wouldn't be in the running for Greatest Living American no matter which way you tried to slice it.
Credible evidence of your lack of education, inherent intelligence, and diminished awareness of the state of reality.
Credible evidence of your lack of education, inherent intelligence, and diminished awareness of the state of reality.
No it isn't. There is NO standard you could apply save Black Male on the Supreme Court that he would be in the running for best. Kinda like Kamala Harris wouldn't be in the running for best without similarly narrow qualifiers.

Thomas would be in the running for most damaging but that's not a competition. Being able to identify a traitorous piece of shit is not a sign of lack. Only being able to insult instead of pointing out reasons why this man should be held in high regard however speaks for itself.

Uh oh, Butters and Alex will probably cancel you for that.:(

I don't think they are women, though I guess that could be the facts of the case. Butters is an androgynous name. I assume male but that's my personal prejudice. Any time I don't know someone is female or a child (just in general, not on this board) I assume male and 18+. That is just my baseline.
Happy Fourth Of July to all who still love their country and a big FU to those who don't. Justice Thomas has given us reason to appreciate the return of our freedom after so many years of institutional erosion of our liberty by the left and its fellow conspirators in the Administrative State. God Bless the SCOTUS and the great vision of Donald Trump who promised to make America great again by appointing real Americans to the Court. Donald Trump also deserves the nation's thanks for exposing the treachery of Liz Cheney and the platoon of Rinos that support her.
Happy Fourth Of July to all who still love their country and a big FU to those who don't. Justice Thomas has given us reason to appreciate the return of our freedom after so many years of institutional erosion of our liberty by the left and its fellow conspirators in the Administrative State. God Bless the SCOTUS and the great vision of Donald Trump who promised to make America great again by appointing real Americans to the Court. Donald Trump also deserves the nation's thanks for exposing the treachery of Liz Cheney and the platoon of Rinos that support her.
Dude...your logic is fucking RETARDED. Seriously.

Thomas and the court are all about TAKING AWAY OUR FREEDOMS! Taking away women's right to control their own bodies. Taking away birth control, contraception... you need to stop with this shit because in no way are you possibly serious. IF you agree with Thomas's decisions, that's one thing- but why are you so fucking stupid as to not ADMIT that basically, the court is taking AWAY freedoms. Not restoring them.

By your own warped and incomprehensible logic, I bet you also believe the Taliban restored Afghan people's freedoms, espeically women's freedoms, from the American occupation- and that Khomeini restored the Iranian people's freedoms after the fall of the Shah.

As for me, I love my country and I love freedoms and I will fight like hell to protect these things...from people like you. My ancestors fought and laid down their lives fighting for American values- against people like you. Think about that for a second.

Go move back to Russia if you like your twisted idea of "Democracy" and "Freedom" so much.
Happy Fourth Of July to all who still love their country and a big FU to those who don't. Justice Thomas has given us reason to appreciate the return of our freedom after so many years of institutional erosion of our liberty by the left and its fellow conspirators in the Administrative State.

Isn't he the guy who was grabbing women by the pussy
and then went on to rape his co-ed?

God Bless the SCOTUS and the great vision of Donald Trump who promised to make America great again by appointing real Americans to the Court. Donald Trump also deserves the nation's thanks for exposing the treachery of Liz Cheney and the platoon of Rinos that support her.

sorry, those were Trump and Kavanaugh.
Judge Thomas was pressuring women to watch "women being fucked by animals" porn with him
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Bless the SCOTUS and the great vision of Donald Trump
yeah, you is GONE gone. :ROFLMAO:

Donald Trump was a Democrat when he was grabbing women by the pussy.
Cheeto was registered as a Republican in 1987 before flipping to the Reform Party in 1999.

so for those twelve years when he was far younger than the shambling dotard he is now he wasn't grabbing women by the pussy?

he is all yours now, Cucksy. own that mess.
yeah, you is GONE gone. :ROFLMAO:

Cheeto was registered as a Republican in 1987 before flipping to the Reform Party in 1999.

so for those twelve years when he was far younger than the shambling dotard he is now he wasn't grabbing women by the pussy?

he is all yours now, Cucksy. own that mess.
That was my concern about Trump when he entered the race in 2015. Thought he was a Dem in GOP clothing. But then he published his list of judiciary candidates, embraced 2A, deregulation, and religious organizations. As POTUS, he pushed hard on all of it as well as border control. No regrets voting for him.
That was my concern about Trump when he entered the race in 2015. Thought he was a Dem in GOP clothing. But then he published his list of judiciary candidates, embraced 2A, deregulation, and religious organizations. As POTUS, he pushed hard on all of it as well as border control. No regrets voting for him.
honestly, you need to credit McConnell and Co. for any party gains during Cheeto's one-and-done tenure. Highly certain they were the real people behind the curtain pulling the strings on the puppet and told him what papers to sign on. The fact that none of these schmucks are friendly or even cordial with each other now kinda underscores it.

You'll have no argument from me in acknowledging that Cheeto was the best patsy y'all ever had drop in your lap, though. All you needed to do was pinch your nose and look the other way as he kept fleecing the rubes while playing poor-man's Mussolini at his near-weekly rallies.
honestly, you need to credit McConnell and Co. for any party gains during Cheeto's one-and-done tenure. Highly certain they were the real people behind the curtain pulling the strings on the puppet and told him what papers to sign on. The fact that none of these schmucks are friendly or even cordial with each other now kinda underscores it.

You'll have no argument from me in acknowledging that Cheeto was the best patsy y'all ever had drop in your lap, though. All you needed to do was pinch your nose and look the other way as he kept fleecing the rubes while playing poor-man's Mussolini at his near-weekly rallies.
McConnell did a great job with the judicial confirmations and the TCJA (tax reform) bill for sure.
Happy Fourth Of July to all who still love their country and a big FU to those who don't. Justice Thomas has given us reason to appreciate the return of our freedom after so many years of institutional erosion of our liberty by the left and its fellow conspirators in the Administrative State. God Bless the SCOTUS and the great vision of Donald Trump who promised to make America great again by appointing real Americans to the Court. Donald Trump also deserves the nation's thanks for exposing the treachery of Liz Cheney and the platoon of Rinos that support her.
Was that hard to type with all of the cock in your mouth?

Isn't he the guy who was grabbing women by the pussy
and then went on to rape his co-ed?

sorry, those were Trump and Kavanaugh.
Judge Thomas was pressuring women to watch "women being fucked by animals" porn with him
Both of your claims have never been proven to be anything but bullshit from the left.
Both of your claims have never been proven to be anything but bullshit from the left.

you're right, SugarDaddy
Kavanaugh's accuser didn't film her own rape, so it didn't happen.

How about the tapes in which Trump and Epstein were oggling underage waitresses?