The Greatest Living American

I mentioned the SS Act because it was passed under the doctrine of implied powers - something your heros are against, as proven by your post about the Medicare prescription drug compensation case. Note that they did not make a solid judgement against the perceived redistribution of funds, they only said that it needed to be taken up with congress instead of being applied internally by HHS.

Your point is?

What I see by reading the tea leaves is that this conservative court made up of some of the wealthiest individuals of its country have no skin in the game except for their own self interest. They simply don't give a shit about the American people unless it's to protect interests they share. Liberals are called "bleeding hearts" for a reason. Like you, conservative dicks don't care and will interpret "promote the general welfare" by promoting self-interest of those who have been successful. They see "freedom" as opportunity to be successful and therefore want to encourage that while ignoring consequences to long term social and environmental health and those who do not have such success. "Why reward failure?" ;)

Apathy and self-interest are seen as patriotic traits for conservatives and the GOP.
That was my point, and the point of the litigation in the first place.

You need to stop reading the friggin' "tea leaves" and read the Constitution and the law instead.

You also need to stop making statements about the wealth of the Justices you cannot back up with fact. They are nowhere near the "wealthiest individuals" in the country.

It isn't about the "American people" it's about the Constitution (the fundamental law of the land) and the law as passed by Congress.

Stop with the "promote the welfare" BS I already schooled you on it having "no legal meaning," or even meaning what you think it means. "Apathy and self interest" are the guiding principles of the Democrat party, hence the world of shit we are in right now. Joe Biden is America's biggest failure and we're watching that failure play out daily.
That was my point, and the point of the litigation in the first place.

You need to stop reading the friggin' "tea leaves" and read the Constitution and the law instead.

You also need to stop making statements about the wealth of the Justices you cannot back up with fact. They are nowhere near the "wealthiest individuals" in the country.

It isn't about the "American people" it's about the Constitution (the fundamental law of the land) and the law as passed by Congress.

Stop with the "promote the welfare" BS I already schooled you on it having "no legal meaning," or even meaning what you think it means. "Apathy and self interest" are the guiding principles of the Democrat party, hence the world of shit we are in right now. Joe Biden is America's biggest failure and we're watching that failure play out daily.

You’re the idiot who says you don’t give a shit about things that don’t effect you. You also said you aren’t grumpy. :LOL:

The SSA is based on the doctrine of implied powers. Suck on that dick for a bit.

The democrats are accused regularly of caring too much, of being “bleeding hearts.” Does the meaning of that phrase completely escape you?

Do you even understand the SCOTUS decision that you linked to? It does not mean what you think it means. They did not rule against the HHC on the grounds of overturning something on the basis of the doctrine of implied powers, they ruled against the HHC having the authority to make that decision. They said it was up to congress.

Your problem is that you read bullshit sources which make statements based on biased and emotional right wing analysis, you’ve done it numerous times. Find some good sources - and by good I mean unbiased, not necessarily liberal.

I’ll provide another example of your inability to understand what you’ve quoted later if you’d like.

Your bullshit does not help your cause.
You’re the idiot who says you don’t give a shit about things that don’t effect you. You also said you aren’t grumpy. :LOL:

The SSA is based on the doctrine of implied powers. Suck on that dick for a bit.

The democrats are accused regularly of caring too much, of being “bleeding hearts.” Does the meaning of that phrase completely escape you?

Do you even understand the SCOTUS decision that you linked to? It does not mean what you think it means. They did not rule against the HHC on the grounds of overturning something on the basis of the doctrine of implied powers, they ruled against the HHC having the authority to make that decision. They said it was up to congress.

Your problem is that you read bullshit sources which make statements based on biased and emotional right wing analysis, you’ve done it numerous times. Find some good sources - and by good I mean unbiased, not necessarily liberal.

I’ll provide another example of your inability to understand what you’ve quoted later if you’d like.

Your bullshit does not help your cause.
The SSA was created by an act of congress called the Social Security Act of 1935 and was signed into law by the President. it wasn't created out of whole cloth by a bureaucracy implying it had the power to do so.

Actually you are in error. I read into the SCOTUS decision exactly what it says. I stated no different. I actually read it and understood what it said. You don't. You didn't even hear of it until I directed you to it. It's not my fault you don't read or write plain English with comprehension.

You aren't capable of producing an example of anything I don't or can't understand in the realm of legality so stop pretending you can. I am not grumpy or upset. Just stating triggering facts with a straight face and an eyeroll.
I knew about the SCOTUS decision because I heard of how it effects our local hospitals.

The Clean Air Act is full of interesting case studies about this kind of stuff. It also illustrates the level of gridlock that grips our nation's politics. Politicians across the aisle used to be interested in public health but that has been changing in recent years. On the one hand air quality is in everyone's interest, on the other hand monetary interests feed politics, so now we have GOP "I don't give a shit if it doesn't affect me" politicians only giving a shit about their donors intetests.

So yeah. Thanks for junking the preamble as an afterthought. We get to have bought and paid for corporate shills swaying their PACs to fight against interests that benefit humans. The GOP now challenges scientists anywhere they can using the same sort of subterfuge the tobacco industry used to fight regulation for so long, finding any dissenting view they could muster and litigating from there, all in the interest of short term profit over long-term health.

Make America "Grate" indeed.
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I knew about the SCOTUS decision because I heard of how it effects our local hospitals.

The Clean Air Act is full of interesting case studies about this kind of stuff. It also illustrates the level of gridlock that grips our nation's politics. On the one hand air quality is in everyone's interest, on the other hand monetary interests feed politics, so now we have GOP "I don't give a shit if it doesn't affect me" politicians onky giving a shit about their donors intetests.

So yeah. Thanks for junking the preamble as an afterthought. We get to have bought and paid for corporate shills swaying their PACs to fight against interests that benefit humans. The GOP now challenges scientists anywhere they can using technology same sort of subterfuge the tobacco industry used to fight regulation for so long, finding any dissenting view they could muster and litigating from there, all in the interest of short term profit over long-term health.

Make America "Grate" indeed.
What we have, as demonstrated by you, is a pandemic of ignorance infecting our social discourse, especially on the American limitations on governance under our Constitution. There was never a "right" to abortion contemplated by the Constitution or the Founders. It was an imagined penumbra by Harry Blackmun and an activist court. The court did not outlaw abortion, it simply said, we have no power in this matter, and remanded the issue to the state legislatures where it belongs and who do have the power to decide as informed by the people who elected them. The court has returned to an honest interpretation of the constitutional text, away from activism, as the Founders intended and their oath requires.
What we have, as demonstrated by you, is a pandemic of ignorance infecting our social discourse, especially on the American limitations on governance under our Constitution. There was never a "right" to abortion contemplated by the Constitution or the Founders. It was an imagined penumbra by Harry Blackmun and an activist court. The court did not outlaw abortion, it simply said, we have no power in this matter, and remanded the issue to the state legislatures where it belongs and who do have the power to decide as informed by the people who elected them. The court has returned to an honest interpretation of the constitutional text, away from activism, as the Founders intended and their oath requires.

You're probably right about the legality. And as these 'activist' decisions are overturned by SCOTUS decisions the American public will push back. Maybe the next pendulum swings will be lead by proper legal challenges and constitutional ammendments, much like how slavery was abolished against the will of the confederate states. But since we have such a great political divide, anything progressive enough to improve the quality of life in the US will cause some to bring out their guns and try to hang those they disagree with.

Make America Grate.
You're probably right about the legality. And as these 'activist' decisions are overturned by SCOTUS decisions the American public will push back. Maybe the next pendulum swings will be lead by proper legal challenges and constitutional ammendments, much like how slavery was abolished against the will of the confederate states. But since we have such a great political divide, anything progressive enough to improve the quality of life in the US will cause some to bring out their guns and try to hang those they disagree with.

Make America Grate.
As I stated in another thread it took a Civil War and 700,000 killed and wounded before Dred Scott could be overruled, but overruled it was and rightly so, notwithstanding the Democrat opposition to doing so. If there is sufficient support for abortion in the states there will be enough support to enact it into law through the democratic legislative process as intended.

U.S. Supreme Court orders lower courts to reconsider gun law challenges

By Andrew Chung

WASHINGTON (Reuters) -On the heels of last week's landmark ruling expanding individual gun rights, the U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday threw out several lower court rulings against gun restrictions including bans on assault-style rifles in Maryland and large-capacity ammunition magazines in New Jersey and California.

The actions by the justices sent these cases back to lower courts to reconsider in light of their June 23 ruling that declared for the first time a constitutional right to carry a handgun in public for self defense.

Last week's 6-3 ruling, with the conservative justices in the majority and liberal justices in dissent, struck down New York state's limits on carrying concealed handguns outside the home. The court found that the law, enacted in 1913, violated a person's right to "keep and bear arms" under the Second Amendment.

The ruling also clarified how courts must now assess whether regulations are valid under the U.S. Constitution's Second Amendment, requiring them to be comparable with restrictions traditionally adopted throughout U.S. history. Legal experts say - and gun control advocates fear - such a standard could lead courts to invalidate more gun restrictions nationwide.

The justices' actions on Thursday mean that lower courts that allowed gun restrictions will have to reconsider decisions including one upholding Maryland's ban on "highly dangerous, military-style assault rifles."

More here:
As I stated in another thread it took a Civil War and 700,000 killed and wounded before Dred Scott could be overruled, but overruled it was and rightly so, notwithstanding the Democrat opposition to doing so. If there is sufficient support for abortion in the states there will be enough support to enact it into law through the democratic legislative process as intended.

If there is enough support in the state...

That is the problem. That's why things need to change. At the founding of the U.S. who could have imagined things like auto safety standards, air quality standards, modern medicine for that matter. The GOP is acting as a firewall against almost any protective regulation. Congress is the body who is supposed to enact laws but they are not experts in the sciences that need to be understood to protect the interests of the citizens. Agencies like the EPA were empowered to make regulations because they had the expertise.

Imagine of OSHA was only able to enforce specific laws and rules that Congress had voted on. Every single regulation, every single aspect of jobsite safety would have to be debated by congress? Come on. Even you must understand how agencies need to have some..*******.

Clarence and Co don't care. According to them the constitution doesn't care. Should we just drop the preamble all together since you think it's legally meaningless?

And are you really equating today's Republican party with the civil war era version? Are democrats still the pro-slavery, segregationists they once were? I thought you said you were educated.
So saying “Fuck off, dipshit” is your way of being friendly? ;)

I take it you don’t believe in the doctrine of applied powers. Do you want your hero to overturn the social security act too?

I’m sure you have a whole diatribe ready for that argument too, don’t you?

Biden is a lame duck. He tried to do too much in too many different directions. The GOP is going to trounce the mid terms. Our next several years are going to be your wet dream and you’re going to cum all over everything. The blow back will come at a time when the economic and social divide is more extreme than it already is. As the GOP policies of not giving a shit leave more and more citizens behind their base will shrink.

Clarence is a dick and he married a dick. Genny is part of the Lamp family, another self-important think tank of dicks who don’t give a shit about people.

Including among the bonifides being a recipient of The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation’s Bradley Prize is like a receiving a medal from any extremist organization. I’m sure the proud boys would pin a medal on you for your fine work on Literotica. :LOL:
First of all the US Federal Government Constitutionally only has enumerated powers, any that are not are unconstitutional, over 90% of all executive departments are unconstitutional and should be abolished, Many of America's problems stem from these unelected and unaccountable administrative bureaucrats. The other major issue that all laws and rules must be passed by CONUS and signed by POTUS or CONUS overriding the POTUS Veto, they have no authority to pass the buck to an entirely unconstitutional governmental entity.

The gradual rise of this 4th branch of government – which is very much the most powerful branch – has reduced the American political process to mere theater as compared with the real activity of government, which rests with the permanent bureaucracy.


This permanent state – sometimes called the deep state – knows the ropes and the processes of government far better than any temporary political appointee, thus reducing the appointed jobs to cosmetic positions for the press to hound while the real actions of government take place behind the scenes.

From 2020 and onward, the American people got to know this administrative state well.

  • They ordered us to wear masks.
  • They deployed their influence to close small businesses and churches.
  • They limited how many people we could have in our homes.
  • They festooned our businesses with plexiglass and told everyone to stay six-feet apart.
  • They demanded two weeks of quarantine when crossing state borders.
  • They decided which medical procedures were elective and non-elective.
  • And they finally demanded compliance with vaccine mandates at the penalty of job loss.
None of this was ordered by legislation. It was all invented on the spot by the permanent staff of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We had no idea they had such power. But they do. And that same power which allowed those egregious attacks on rights and liberties also belongs to the Food and Drug Administration, the Department of Labor, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Homeland Security, and all the rest.
First of all the US Federal Government Constitutionally only has enumerated powers, any that are not are unconstitutional, over 90% of all executive departments are unconstitutional and should be abolished, Many of America's problems stem from these unelected and unaccountable administrative bureaucrats. The other major issue that all laws and rules must be passed by CONUS and signed by POTUS or CONUS overriding the POTUS Veto, they have no authority to pass the buck to an entirely unconstitutional governmental entity.

The gradual rise of this 4th branch of government – which is very much the most powerful branch – has reduced the American political process to mere theater as compared with the real activity of government, which rests with the permanent bureaucracy.

View attachment 2158971

This permanent state – sometimes called the deep state – knows the ropes and the processes of government far better than any temporary political appointee, thus reducing the appointed jobs to cosmetic positions for the press to hound while the real actions of government take place behind the scenes.

From 2020 and onward, the American people got to know this administrative state well.

  • They ordered us to wear masks.
  • They deployed their influence to close small businesses and churches.
  • They limited how many people we could have in our homes.
  • They festooned our businesses with plexiglass and told everyone to stay six-feet apart.
  • They demanded two weeks of quarantine when crossing state borders.
  • They decided which medical procedures were elective and non-elective.
  • And they finally demanded compliance with vaccine mandates at the penalty of job loss.
None of this was ordered by legislation. It was all invented on the spot by the permanent staff of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We had no idea they had such power. But they do. And that same power which allowed those egregious attacks on rights and liberties also belongs to the Food and Drug Administration, the Department of Labor, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Homeland Security, and all the rest.
Unenumerated rights are still rights.
First of all the US Federal Government Constitutionally only has enumerated powers, any that are not are unconstitutional, over 90% of all executive departments are unconstitutional and should be abolished, Many of America's problems stem from these unelected and unaccountable administrative bureaucrats. The other major issue that all laws and rules must be passed by CONUS and signed by POTUS or CONUS overriding the POTUS Veto, they have no authority to pass the buck to an entirely unconstitutional governmental entity.

The gradual rise of this 4th branch of government – which is very much the most powerful branch – has reduced the American political process to mere theater as compared with the real activity of government, which rests with the permanent bureaucracy.

View attachment 2158971

This permanent state – sometimes called the deep state – knows the ropes and the processes of government far better than any temporary political appointee, thus reducing the appointed jobs to cosmetic positions for the press to hound while the real actions of government take place behind the scenes.

From 2020 and onward, the American people got to know this administrative state well.

  • They ordered us to wear masks.
  • They deployed their influence to close small businesses and churches.
  • They limited how many people we could have in our homes.
  • They festooned our businesses with plexiglass and told everyone to stay six-feet apart.
  • They demanded two weeks of quarantine when crossing state borders.
  • They decided which medical procedures were elective and non-elective.
  • And they finally demanded compliance with vaccine mandates at the penalty of job loss.
None of this was ordered by legislation. It was all invented on the spot by the permanent staff of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We had no idea they had such power. But they do. And that same power which allowed those egregious attacks on rights and liberties also belongs to the Food and Drug Administration, the Department of Labor, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Homeland Security, and all the rest.

And thank your lucky stars COVID-19 was not more lethal than it was.

Possibly the worst thing that came out of the last few years is how the low fatality rate made it so whiny snowflakes can say “See? It wasn’t so bad.” But when did we find that out? It wasn’t until late in the game that we got to a point where we believed that a worse mutation wouldn’t come along and wipe out 30% of the population.

Now the next time a pandemic comes all the assholes who are now saying “See? I told you so.” won’t take anything seriously.

Government agencies like the EPA were empowered by congress by constitutional means. That means they are constitutional. Now the conservative court says they can only enforce laws congress has created. That means that everything will need to be debated and approved by congress.

Gridlock baby. Only apathetic dicks win.
Unenumerated rights are still rights.
however unenumerated powers are not
And thank your lucky stars COVID-19 was not more lethal than it was.

Possibly the worst thing that came out of the last few years is how the low fatality rate made it so whiny snowflakes can say “See? It wasn’t so bad.” But when did we find that out? It wasn’t until late in the game that we got to a point where we believed that a worse mutation wouldn’t come along and wipe out 30% of the population.

Now the next time a pandemic comes all the assholes who are now saying “See? I told you so.” won’t take anything seriously.

Government agencies like the EPA were empowered by congress by constitutional means. That means they are constitutional. Now the conservative court says they can only enforce laws congress has created. That means that everything will need to be debated and approved by congress.

Gridlock baby. Only apathetic dicks win.
Actually science already knew about the lethality and who was most at risk in Jan 2020 - the elderly with multiple 4+ comorbidities living in nursing homes. the same for every other coronavirus outbreak since the 1950's - nothing inherently different from this strain then from any other one. The science has literally never changed in this regard.
however unenumerated powers are not
If they are able to do things, then it's within their powers to do so until challenged by one of the other branches

Which is how the fucking system is designed
Another way to read this thread is ignore the many posts of partisan bickering and see only suggestions for people who could match the title. So far we have one name. I don't have another name, just an idea that the greatest living American could be some organic farmer or agricultural scientist testing techniques for growing food without imported fertilizer, pesticides, and fossil fuels.
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however unenumerated powers are not

Actually science already knew about the lethality and who was most at risk in Jan 2020 - the elderly with multiple 4+ comorbidities living in nursing homes. the same for every other coronavirus outbreak since the 1950's - nothing inherently different from this strain then from any other one. The science has literally never changed in this regard.
Bullshit. Find something definitive from Jan 2020 that said what the IFR for COVID-19 was. It was originally predicted to be over 2%, and even the CDC and the WHO didn't have the same figures.

Fortunately it turned out to be significantly less, but wasn't it beautiful when a large portion of the population couldn't be bothered to wear a mask even when it was thought that COVID could kill a large portion of the elderly.I

I have a client who died of COVID at fiftynine who didn't get vaccinated because he thought it was a big hoax. His widow is screwed and pissed at him.
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You also need to stop making statements about the wealth of the Justices you cannot back up with fact. They are nowhere near the "wealthiest individuals" in the country.

The annual salary of SCOTUS justices puts them all in the top 90% of American income earners just by their salary, and most of them have additional earnings. So yeah, they are among the wealthiest Americans and not subject to many of the issues most American citizens face.
If there is enough support in the state...

That is the problem. That's why things need to change. At the founding of the U.S. who could have imagined things like auto safety standards, air quality standards, modern medicine for that matter. The GOP is acting as a firewall against almost any protective regulation. Congress is the body who is supposed to enact laws but they are not experts in the sciences that need to be understood to protect the interests of the citizens. Agencies like the EPA were empowered to make regulations because they had the expertise.

Imagine of OSHA was only able to enforce specific laws and rules that Congress had voted on. Every single regulation, every single aspect of jobsite safety would have to be debated by congress? Come on. Even you must understand how agencies need to have some..*******.

Clarence and Co don't care. According to them the constitution doesn't care. Should we just drop the preamble all together since you think it's legally meaningless?

And are you really equating today's Republican party with the civil war era version? Are democrats still the pro-slavery, segregationists they once were? I thought you said you were educated.
That is not the problem, it is the solution. The federal courts have no power to enact abortion rights. That was the primary problem from the start of 50 years of strife over this subject. It was not arrived at democratically. It's Congress and the state legislatures that have the sole power to do so under the Constitution. It's always convenient for gutless elected politicians to force a hot issue into the courts for a solution they haven't the courage to enact through the democratic process but now they will be forced to do so, to one end or the other according to wishes of the people in those state jurisdictions. Moral issues are not solved in courts of law, but in the legislatures through the democratic process.

Yes, Democrats are still in favor of slavery, intellectual slavery through indoctrination. This is how the modern Democrat party keeps their slaves on the plantation of the mind. They plow the sulci and the gyri on the brains of the ignorant and plant seeds of propaganda that are carefully cultivated into fanciful illusions about reality.
Bullshit. Find something definitive from Jan 2020 that said what the IFR for COVID-19 was. It was originally predicted to be over 2%, and even the CDC and the WHO didn't have the same figures.

Fortunately it turned out to be significantly less, but wasn't it beautiful when a large portion of the population couldn't be bothered to wear a mask even when it was thought that COVID could kill a large portion of the elderly.I

I have a client who died of COVID at fiftynine who didn't get vaccinated because he thought it was a big hoax. His widow is screwed and pissed at him.
There are thousands who did get the vaccine and died from doing so.
The annual salary of SCOTUS justices puts them all in the top 90% of American income earners just by their salary, and most of them have additional earnings. So yeah, they are among the wealthiest Americans and not subject to many of the issues most American citizens face.
Even if that is true, what does it have to do with whether or not a right to abortion exists in the Constitution? Any literate person can read it and see for themselves that such a right is not enumerated in the Constitution.
Yes, Democrats are still in favor of slavery, intellectual slavery through indoctrination. This is how the modern Democrat party keeps their slaves on the plantation of the mind. They plow the sulci and the gyri on the brains of the ignorant and plant seeds of propaganda that are carefully cultivated into fanciful illusions about reality.
Say WHAT?!?

Dude, this is the most idiotic thing I have ever read, even by your abysmally low standards.