The lowest of the low

To Flyguy and to anyone else...

that think I am attempting to suppress anyone from being allowed to vote a one on anything here on the site -
This is simply about anonymous voting of ones as is termed, troll voting. I want the voting system to be evenly exercised by any and all - with a name.

{sorry if I've upset you, Fly - I tend to do that when I am passionate about something. I mean no harm} :kiss:
Wanton Vixxxen said:
that think I am attempting to suppress anyone from being allowed to vote a one on anything here on the site -
This is simply about anonymous voting of ones as is termed, troll voting. I want the voting system to be evenly exercised by any and all - with a name.

{sorry if I've upset you, Fly - I tend to do that when I am passionate about something. I mean no harm} :kiss:
you are a warrior girl. I appreciate when you did this for me on Medusa's Chant. I totally understand why you fight so hard at this problem. It is a symbol of so much wrong in our world. You have a heart bigger than life girl.

I have the same beliefs on H E and 5.0 on my novels, short stories etc. Not all will like them but if one person got something from them than I am happy and good. Do they need work of course they do. Just as our souls need work so does my writing. I just choose to see the positive in all things. It is my choice and how I handle things. I was a warrior like you and found that it is with a softer step that I gain miles. Just my way now. I thank you for being the warrior that paves ways for us soft steppers.
Wanton Vixxxen said:
Du has the perfect mind set {about writing for yourself and not for others

"writing for yourself" and then putting the writing on public display seems like a direct contradiction in terms to me. :)

if one truly write for yourself only, the poems do not appear for anyone else's eyes to see, do they? they simply travel in a notebook between your hand and the underside of your pillow.

putting them out to others conveys the clear intention that they are not for yourself. why else would they be there?

i've seen many writers, instead of accepting honest and constructive criticism from others in the spirit it was given, get defensive and use the "i only write for myself anyway" line. (and i'm not saying duLac is doing that. i don't think that's what she meant.)

but that line just doesn't wash.

None taken, Vixxie! My skin is far too scaly for that!

I'm just surprised at the presumption of any of us deciding a poem deserves a different score than it receives. How can that happen? The score always reflects the response of the readers. I can no more say that it is wrong to dislike a poem than I can to love one. Anyone who thinks 5's are awarded for merit but 1's are awarded for spite is kidding theirself.

I'm not saying it isn't unpleasant to have someone dislike our work. But there is nothing inherently unfair about it.
Wanton Vixxxen said:
that think I am attempting to suppress anyone from being allowed to vote a one on anything here on the site -
This is simply about anonymous voting of ones as is termed, troll voting. I want the voting system to be evenly exercised by any and all - with a name.

{sorry if I've upset you, Fly - I tend to do that when I am passionate about something. I mean no harm} :kiss:
PatCarrington said:
"writing for yourself" and then putting the writing on public display seems like a direct contradiction in terms to me. :)

if one truly write for yourself only, the poems do not appear for anyone else's eyes to see, do they? they simply travel in a notebook between your hand and the underside of your pillow.

putting them out to others conveys the clear intention that they are not for yourself. why else would they be there?

i've seen many writers, instead of accepting honest and constructive criticism from others in the spirit it was given, get defensive and use the "i only write for myself anyway" line. (and i'm not saying duLac is doing that. i don't think that's what she meant.)

but that line just doesn't wash.


Of course we all write for ourselves--ultimately--but if you don't care about readers, why even bother to post poems at all? That's what I've always thought. I wince when I see people say stuff like "It doesn't matter because I only write for me" or (equally wince-worthy) "That's how I define that word. Lol! When you start going by your own--rather than the dictionary's--definitions, you got trouble in River City, imho. :D
writing for myself=not trying to measure up to a specific standard, saying what i want to say in the way i want to say it, writing stuff that, quite possibly is totally meaningless to the rest of the planet. I post to share it, sure. sure, i like when others like it. who wouldn't? but i do not write it because i think you'll like it. i write it cause i like it. well, and the object of my affection that i'm generally writing it to. of course i hope he likes it as well. but i bet i read my poems more than any others, all combined. and that is what i understand the phraze 'writing for myself' to mean.
carry on. sorry to butt in.
neonurotic said:
*bites my tongue*

oh come on, why don't you ever let me do that for you!

hmm how about you bite mine, my jaws are getting tired from doing it myself so much
4degrees said:
writing for myself=not trying to measure up to a specific standard, saying what i want to say in the way i want to say it, writing stuff that, quite possibly is totally meaningless to the rest of the planet. I post to share it, sure. sure, i like when others like it. who wouldn't? but i do not write it because i think you'll like it. i write it cause i like it. well, and the object of my affection that i'm generally writing it to. of course i hope he likes it as well. but i bet i read my poems more than any others, all combined. and that is what i understand the phraze 'writing for myself' to mean.
carry on. sorry to butt in.

dude, it is a public forum, don't be sorry to butt in. dang, you were even on topic! :rolleyes:

And I like your attitude. :cool:

Writing because you enjoy it as a process is different than "writing just for myself" which is what i did for years. I have gotten better and it is a much more valuable process now that I write for eyes other than my own.
I was told by LeBroz this morning...

neonurotic said:
*bites my tongue*

that the troll had struck again; this time your submissions page, neo. We have bitten our tongues - and bitten the bullet long enough.
Perhaps someone can justify this action and try to convince Me that THIS is to be swallowed time and time and time again? For what purpose is this ever done?
It is obvious to Me that the current troll voter is following this thread. I have reasons I know this to be absolute fact.
So to our troll voter{s}~If you see this post, please send Me, from My contact page - ANONYMOUSLY - what provokes you to do this. I will not disclose any of what you divulge to Me to anyone. I am a woman of Her word. I just need to see from behind your eyes and from within your mind what purpose this serves you. But also be aware I am still going to pursue this proposal until one of three things happen: #1 -It is accepted by the webmasters and the voting system blocks out any and all anonymous votes of any of the scale of vote numbers, # 2 - The proposal is reviewed and delayed for modifications or #3 - The proposal is flat out rejected and/or I am denied continued membership as a Literotica author because of My beliefs to seek prohibiting these senseless actions from those like you.

Know this

I post to learn how to better my writing thru the constructive and unconstructive critic. What grammar I used incorrectly, what form etc because I am not good in these areas. I write from emotions and of course I enjoy when someone likes my writing. But I find it interesting when someone says I do not get anything you are trying to say here.... I makes me look at how I am trying to express myself not only in writing but in life. I write the works for my own self expression but posting them I post to learn. That is the difference. I do not write to impress others etc. I write to express myself. I have a blog that I put the writing on also. I others read YAAAY if not okay. Here I post to have others read and learn from the comments. I have the choice to learn or not. Hope this clears up the contridictions...
lol.. as usual I have to take steps to clarify my positions lol..
annaswirls said:
oh come on, why don't you ever let me do that for you!

hmm how about you bite mine, my jaws are getting tired from doing it myself so much
because i'd like it too much
I've been here for about 4 years and this topic of the "1" comes up constantly. Shut up and write poetry before I go 1 every single one of you. I swear I'll do it! My finger is on the mouse now! I actually gave myself a 1 recently. Yes, I vote on my poetry when it's not getting much attention--or lots. My kids were distracting me and I clicked on a 1. Um... I was aiming for a 3, not a 5. No way would I give myself a 5. :rolleyes: Anyway, now that I've trolled myself, I'm rethinking my whole narcissistic attitude toward voting.
WickedEve said:
I've been here for about 4 years and this topic of the "1" comes up constantly. Shut up and write poetry before I go 1 every single one of you. I swear I'll do it! My finger is on the mouse now! I actually gave myself a 1 recently. Yes, I vote on my poetry when it's not getting much attention--or lots. My kids were distracting me and I clicked on a 1. Um... I was aiming for a 3, not a 5. No way would I give myself a 5. :rolleyes: Anyway, now that I've trolled myself, I'm rethinking my whole narcissistic attitude toward voting.
It was you! I should just bend you over and spank you for it!
4degrees said:
that am oft not on topic, or that i am a ceaseless wonderment?

you never cease to be wonderful


gosh is there a reason I am kissing your ass?
hmmm.... gotta check my calendar. I think it might be kiss 4d's ass already!
flyguy69 said:
It was you! I should just bend you over and spank you for it!
Oh, but I've done worse things. Everything bad in the world of lit is my fault! One spanking won't be sufficient! It will take two. Or 67 spankings. Yeah, 67.
WickedEve said:
Oh, but I've done worse things. Everything bad in the world of lit is my fault! One spanking won't be sufficient! It will take two. Or 67 spankings. Yeah, 67.
"Beat me!" says the masochist.
"No," says the sadist.
Angeline said:
but if you don't care about readers, why even bother to post poems at all?
I write for myself is said only (in most cases) when the poet doesn't get praise. I think when a poet puts his work out there for public consumption, he really does cares--no matter what he says. You can give some of these goofball poets a dab of constructive feedback and they come back with "I write for myself" or "It's from the heart." :rolleyes: God, that bugs me. I could just write a poem about it. Of course, it will be for me only, but I will stick it out there for you people to read!
WickedEve said:
Oh, but I've done worse things. Everything bad in the world of lit is my fault! One spanking won't be sufficient! It will take two. Or 67 spankings. Yeah, 67.

I thought for sure Eve would say that she wanted 69 spankings.
annaswirls said:
you never cease to be wonderful


gosh is there a reason I am kissing your ass?
hmmm.... gotta check my calendar. I think it might be kiss 4d's ass already!
Are we celebrating people's assdays, now? When's yours?