The lowest of the low

LeBroz said:
The first work of yours I read to which I alluded earlier was
More Than I am

verse so sparse
and wielding great power;
it calls out and beckons
and greets novice readers

and, of course, I left a comment with my vote; fair's fair - it's just payback in some small measure for the work of the poet - and at least mine aren't anon.

And I can understand the power of 1201's words, underscoring how your words just keep on giving.

we are all here to learn help and inspire each other that is how things work!

Du Lac said:
we are all here to learn help and inspire each other that is how things work!

Amen to that, but it looks like someone out there didn't get the memo that outlined the ways to offer mutual support; substituting instead a spiteful personal agenda.
LeBroz said:
Amen to that, but it looks like someone out there didn't get the memo that outlined the ways to offer mutual support; substituting instead a spiteful personal agenda.

It can be seen like this... that is life there is always someone with a spiteful agenda... it can do one or two things... beat you down or....connect you with others in order to grow and change...

it is all about choice and all things have reason
The_Fool said:
Still waiting on my Ogre...... :rolleyes:



Is this about that poem? I voted (5!). Didn't I comment? I know I told you what I thought about it in pm.

You'll just have to forgive me. I've been working verrry long hours 6 days a week with unruly children for the past few months. I can't remember to do squat anymore.

Or did you mean we're supposed to write some ungodly form poem? Gosh I'm tired fooly. Can't we just have a drink instead? :D

Your loving ogre
Du Lac said:
It can be seen like this... that is life there is always someone with a spiteful agenda... it can do one or two things... beat you down or....connect you with others in order to grow and change...

it is all about choice and all things have reason

Good morning Du!
Yes, it can be seen as to connect you with others in order to grow...AND CHANGE. But it can be BOTH when the desire is to improve the person and the situation when you know both you and the situation need the improvement. And again, you are right, Du~ it IS all about choice. I choose right now to sacrifice what I had driven Myself for these last two years here at Lit. And that was to see if I could earn - fair and square - the H icons for each of My submissions. I wasn't interested in any of the contests, would druther the H icons over the E's if I could have My druthers as I saw the little green guys were only one opinion as the H's showed Me there were at least 10 readers out there that enjoyed My work. And if I was lucky, enjoyed it to the point they not only took the time to vote but maybe even was inspired enough to comment or offer feedback on said work. That's all I had expected of Myself from My submissions. I don't compete with another soul here for any position on any list and am just as thrilled; maybe MORE thrilled, to see a fellow Literotican earn something that he or she had set for themselves as a goal. I would rather chat with another poet, author or member and get into their hearts and minds and see what makes them tick than to post another story or poetry effort. I am a better person for having "met" some of these wonderful individuals on or through our site and that is My real blessing from being an author here.
Now with the choice I recently made come the reasons. I see how many of us have adapted to the anonymous troll voting problem with a number of solutions; all workable to a degree - and all done to tolerate the problem rather than address it head on. My dad has always told Me since I was a little girl that I march to the beat of a different drummer. He's right, that wise dad of Mine, but as I grew and saw injustices simply placated to because it was easier to appease than to question , I started marching to an entire percussion section of an orchestra. I may have to {because of time contraints and family matters} march sideways for a while, but know that I don't march backwards. I signed up as an author here at Literotica because I was drawn to the guidelines that made Me feel this was a place I could write and get real feedback and could ascertain from the Lit audience of readers what they liked or didn't like of My writing skills. Laurel and Manu offered some features like the voting system and icons as I assumed, were meant to be incentives. They also offered monthly awards and contests to enter, and at the time I signed up, private feedback {public commenting feature came about a few months later}. They also offered threads, help with your work through volunteer editors and so much more. I felt this was a place that could show ME whether I was a good writer, and then show Me as time went on if I became a better one. I chose to have the voting system as My guideline {and only goal} because it gave Me a starting point to determine if, by Lit standards, each submission was better or worse than the last. From there I could see what needed to be worked on and improved, or what genre` was read and/or responded to better, etc. Although I, personally, am not interested in the contests, no other poet/author should be impeded or knocked out of the running because of a few that choose not to play well with others. The anonymous troll voting, as it now runs amuck, affects each and every feature the webmasters have designed for our site, and thus, affects each and every one of us in some way.
Yes, I choose now, because of the reasons above, to see if we can correct that one problem that seems to alter so many facets of the site. Anyone can still choose to turn off the voting feature if they want, and they still may do so, but not necessarily for reasons as they are today.
We may win or we may fail, Du, but I'll feel I'm definitely a failure if I don't at least try to right the injustice of anonymous troll voting.

The warrior Wanton <wink>
Laura :D
Wanton Vixxxen said:
Good morning Du!
Yes, it can be seen as to connect you with others in order to grow...AND CHANGE. But it can be BOTH when the desire is to improve the person and the situation when you know both you and the situation need the improvement. And again, you are right, Du~ it IS all about choice. I choose right now to sacrifice what I had driven Myself for these last two years here at Lit. And that was to see if I could earn - fair and square - the H icons for each of My submissions. I wasn't interested in any of the contests, would druther the H icons over the E's if I could have My druthers as I saw the little green guys were only one opinion as the H's showed Me there were at least 10 readers out there that enjoyed My work. And if I was lucky, enjoyed it to the point they not only took the time to vote but maybe even was inspired enough to comment or offer feedback on said work. That's all I had expected of Myself from My submissions. I don't compete with another soul here for any position on any list and am just as thrilled; maybe MORE thrilled, to see a fellow Literotican earn something that he or she had set for themselves as a goal. I would rather chat with another poet, author or member and get into their hearts and minds and see what makes them tick than to post another story or poetry effort. I am a better person for having "met" some of these wonderful individuals on or through our site and that is My real blessing from being an author here.
Now with the choice I recently made come the reasons. I see how many of us have adapted to the anonymous troll voting problem with a number of solutions; all workable to a degree - and all done to tolerate the problem rather than address it head on. My dad has always told Me since I was a little girl that I march to the beat of a different drummer. He's right, that wise dad of Mine, but as I grew and saw injustices simply placated to because it was easier to appease than to question , I started marching to an entire percussion section of an orchestra. I may have to {because of time contraints and family matters} march sideways for a while, but know that I don't march backwards. I signed up as an author here at Literotica because I was drawn to the guidelines that made Me feel this was a place I could write and get real feedback and could ascertain from the Lit audience of readers what they liked or didn't like of My writing skills. Laurel and Manu offered some features like the voting system and icons as I assumed, were meant to be incentives. They also offered monthly awards and contests to enter, and at the time I signed up, private feedback {public commenting feature came about a few months later}. They also offered threads, help with your work through volunteer editors and so much more. I felt this was a place that could show ME whether I was a good writer, and then show Me as time went on if I became a better one. I chose to have the voting system as My guideline {and only goal} because it gave Me a starting point to determine if, by Lit standards, each submission was better or worse than the last. From there I could see what needed to be worked on and improved, or what genre` was read and/or responded to better, etc. Although I, personally, am not interested in the contests, no other poet/author should be impeded or knocked out of the running because of a few that choose not to play well with others. The anonymous troll voting, as it now runs amuck, affects each and every feature the webmasters have designed for our site, and thus, affects each and every one of us in some way.
Yes, I choose now, because of the reasons above, to see if we can correct that one problem that seems to alter so many facets of the site. Anyone can still choose to turn off the voting feature if they want, and they still may do so, but not necessarily for reasons as they are today.
We may win or we may fail, Du, but I'll feel I'm definitely a failure if I don't at least try to right the injustice of anonymous troll voting.

The warrior Wanton <wink>
Laura :D

Dear Laura..
As I have been told and experience we all chose our battles. This is yours and not all can lead in such a war for the greater good. You are the leader here and I honor and respect your determination. We are much alike dear one.. I have picked my own battles that I fight that in the end hold the same morales and truths of your choice. Just different events but the basic truths are the same.

We warriors are spread out in different arenas. Leading in a battle here but supporting the leader in another battle. We are all connected. This is how I see things at least. I also march to a different drummer as you know. I realized that I can not lead in all battles so now I bow and support other leaders so that I may direct my energies into the issues that I can lead in. Just how it is... and how we do not burn out. So you go girl I am proud of you... and behind you
Right On !!

Wanton Vixxxen said:
Good morning Du!
Yes, it can be seen as to connect you with others in order to grow...AND CHANGE. But it can be BOTH when the desire is to improve the person and the situation when you know both you and the situation need the improvement. And again, you are right, Du~ it IS all about choice. I choose right now to sacrifice what I had driven Myself for these last two years here at Lit. And that was to see if I could earn - fair and square - the H icons for each of My submissions. I wasn't interested in any of the contests, would druther the H icons over the E's if I could have My druthers as I saw the little green guys were only one opinion as the H's showed Me there were at least 10 readers out there that enjoyed My work. And if I was lucky, enjoyed it to the point they not only took the time to vote but maybe even was inspired enough to comment or offer feedback on said work. That's all I had expected of Myself from My submissions. I don't compete with another soul here for any position on any list and am just as thrilled; maybe MORE thrilled, to see a fellow Literotican earn something that he or she had set for themselves as a goal. I would rather chat with another poet, author or member and get into their hearts and minds and see what makes them tick than to post another story or poetry effort. I am a better person for having "met" some of these wonderful individuals on or through our site and that is My real blessing from being an author here.
Now with the choice I recently made come the reasons. I see how many of us have adapted to the anonymous troll voting problem with a number of solutions; all workable to a degree - and all done to tolerate the problem rather than address it head on. My dad has always told Me since I was a little girl that I march to the beat of a different drummer. He's right, that wise dad of Mine, but as I grew and saw injustices simply placated to because it was easier to appease than to question , I started marching to an entire percussion section of an orchestra. I may have to {because of time contraints and family matters} march sideways for a while, but know that I don't march backwards. I signed up as an author here at Literotica because I was drawn to the guidelines that made Me feel this was a place I could write and get real feedback and could ascertain from the Lit audience of readers what they liked or didn't like of My writing skills. Laurel and Manu offered some features like the voting system and icons as I assumed, were meant to be incentives. They also offered monthly awards and contests to enter, and at the time I signed up, private feedback {public commenting feature came about a few months later}. They also offered threads, help with your work through volunteer editors and so much more. I felt this was a place that could show ME whether I was a good writer, and then show Me as time went on if I became a better one. I chose to have the voting system as My guideline {and only goal} because it gave Me a starting point to determine if, by Lit standards, each submission was better or worse than the last. From there I could see what needed to be worked on and improved, or what genre` was read and/or responded to better, etc. Although I, personally, am not interested in the contests, no other poet/author should be impeded or knocked out of the running because of a few that choose not to play well with others. The anonymous troll voting, as it now runs amuck, affects each and every feature the webmasters have designed for our site, and thus, affects each and every one of us in some way.
Yes, I choose now, because of the reasons above, to see if we can correct that one problem that seems to alter so many facets of the site. Anyone can still choose to turn off the voting feature if they want, and they still may do so, but not necessarily for reasons as they are today.
We may win or we may fail, Du, but I'll feel I'm definitely a failure if I don't at least try to right the injustice of anonymous troll voting.

The warrior Wanton <wink>
Laura :D

That's the spirit!! And that's why I offered you my submission (not that kind, ;) the written one), outlining some options. I saw the many concerns expresssed, both about those small-minded, spiteful, vicious anonymous troll votes, and the desire for openness and give-and-take and learning. So with head bowed we support you, our Magnificent Warrior Queen
LeBroz said:
That's the spirit!! And that's why I offered you my submission (not that kind, ;) the written one), outlining some options. I saw the many concerns expresssed, both about those small-minded, spiteful, vicious anonymous troll votes, and the desire for openness and give-and-take and learning. So with head bowed we support you, our Magnificent Warrior Queen

I'm right behind you too Laura, no actually I'm standing right beside you on this one! You know we're on the same mission and I support you as you do me!

I got your back my friend... :rose:
Jennifer C said:
I'm right behind you too Laura, no actually I'm standing right beside you on this one! You know we're on the same mission and I support you as you do me!

I got your back my friend... :rose:
Noticing, perhaps one reason to keep anonamous voting and perhaps some of the most serious logic faults I've ever seen why one should not be concerned.
Vix, I am with you.
Du lac, thank you.

After all the title is Poetry Feedback & Discussion, what better place and time then a Discussion of Poetry Feedback :D :D :D
twelveoone said:
Noticing, perhaps one reason to keep anonamous voting and perhaps some of the most serious logic faults I've ever seen why one should not be concerned.
Vix, I am with you.
Du lac, thank you.

After all the title is Poetry Feedback & Discussion, what better place and time then a Discussion of Poetry Feedback :D :D :D

welcome 1201 ... you are much appreciated here at lit

twelveoone said:
Noticing, perhaps one reason to keep anonamous voting and perhaps some of the most serious logic faults I've ever seen why one should not be concerned.
Vix, I am with you.
Du lac, thank you.

After all the title is Poetry Feedback & Discussion, what better place and time then a Discussion of Poetry Feedback :D :D :D

As a reader it's good to see that not everyone wants to roll over and play dead. I shared, at post #242 on this thread, a suggestion I'd passed to the Vixxx about an option that might hopefully offer a refuge from troll voting.

And BTW for an eye opener do a members search and enter only the characters "troll" for the name. Someone's got a perverse sense of humor, down to identical blank web addresses on each bio's contact page - numerous, virtually identical bio pages.
Jesus Christ. I hadn't until now realised how long-winded this thread was. Seriously, are you all fucking insane? Don't you have some poems to write, or some paint you'd like to watch dry instead?
Last edited:
Lauren Hynde said:
Jesus Christ. I hadn't until now realised how long-winded this thread was. Seriously, are you all fucking insane? Don't you have some poems to write, or some paint would would like to watch dry instead?

You are definately sexy when you have your glasses on :D
Lauren Hynde said:
Jesus Christ. I hadn't until now realised how long-winded this thread was. Seriously, are you all fucking insane? Don't you have some poems to write, or some paint you'd like to watch dry instead?

Kuddo's to ya Lauren ~!!!!

* Big Ole Grins *

Gotta Love ya.~!!!

* Got Paint? *

LMAO ~!!!


sorry could NOT resist~

Lauren Hynde said:
Jesus Christ. I hadn't until now realised how long-winded this thread was. Seriously, are you all fucking insane? Don't you have some poems to write, or some paint you'd like to watch dry instead?
I think someone gave me a one. I got out my calculator and did some adding and dividing and I'm pretty sure that I got about a dozen 5's and then a 1. Or maybe got a few 5s and some 4s and 3s and no 1s were actually involved and... damn, there's a paint chip getting ready to fall. I'll get back to you on this 1 thing after it's landed.
Lauren Hynde said:
Jesus Christ. I hadn't until now realised how long-winded this thread was. Seriously, are you all fucking insane? Don't you have some poems to write, or some paint you'd like to watch dry instead?

I can only add that I have several threads a lot longer than this but then again we all know I can get long winded, but not giving out enough to call a blow job. I also notice the line in the sand isn't quite a sand castle but instead two towers of pride. Washed away in time by the tides of time. So in the words of the Eagles after linda, "get over it". <grinin>

hey Du
warrior wanton <winks> "cute name"

Dang this must be where all the cool cats hang out...
not me I'm over in the long winded thread...zmp
What provoked that?!?!?!?!

Lauren Hynde said:
Jesus Christ. I hadn't until now realised how long-winded this thread was. Seriously, are you all fucking insane? Don't you have some poems to write, or some paint you'd like to watch dry instead?

Last time I was released from the mental hospital, Lauren, the doctors all said to find a hobby. This is it. I don't know why you are getting so upset. As far as I know, no one has threatened, bribed, or begged you for any support for this proposal. If you don't like My long windedness, don't read it. As far as I know, this is an open forum thread so I won't apologize for anything I've said here or the length of My replies.
And unlike you, I am NOT a poet so I won't be spending too much time writing them anymore. My poetry efforts aren't worth the valuable troll temper tantrum time. And I prefer, after painting, to spend My time here looking to help remedy a situation that many other authors/poets also find wrong. The paint will dry, from what I understand, without My watchful eye. Either of them. Honest.
I have always admired your talent as a poet. It is obvious in every piece you have ever written and posted here. As a poet you are extraordinary as is proven by your many awards and recognitions. However, as a compassionate and understanding human being, I would have to, for once in My Literotica life, give you a one {but not anonymously}.
You can have the mike back now and carry on your insensitive remarks with another that may have more tolerance for it. This is the first and the last pissing contest I'm going to allow Myself the time to have with you or anyone else. There's more important things I feel compelled to deal with.

Lauren Hynde said:
Jesus Christ. I hadn't until now realised how long-winded this thread was. Seriously, are you all fucking insane? Don't you have some poems to write, or some paint you'd like to watch dry instead?

Why are you so against it? Isn't the title of this thread Poetry Feedback and Discussion?

and why do you think you are always right, isn't that more of a hallmark of insanity.
WickedEve said:
I think someone gave me a one. I got out my calculator and did some adding and dividing and I'm pretty sure that I got about a dozen 5's and then a 1. Or maybe got a few 5s and some 4s and 3s and no 1s were actually involved and... damn, there's a paint chip getting ready to fall. I'll get back to you on this 1 thing after it's landed.
I seem to remember some threads, started by you over less than 5.
Wanton Vixxxen said:
And unlike you, I am NOT a poet so I won't be spending too much time writing them anymore. My poetry efforts aren't worth the valuable troll temper tantrum time.
So, how do you know that some supposed trolls don't think the same way as you? How do you know they're trolls, and not simply people who have some free time and have taken on to them the task of re-ballancing the top lists by voting down poems they feel are not worthy?
Lauren Hynde said:
So, how do you know that some supposed trolls don't think the same way as you? How do you know they're trolls, and not simply people who have some free time and have taken on to them the task of re-ballancing the top lists by voting down poems they feel are not worthy?

Let the crusaders do so openly, so we will all know just how worthy.
twelveoone said:
Let the crusaders do so openly, so we will all know just how worthy.
Why should they be forced to do that? Why do you need to know who they are? All you need to know is that there is a control system in place, and if their votes are fraudulent they will be eliminated.